
G Examination

One day, You Huo and his family was pulled into an exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Going through exams together with other unfortunate examinees, their lives are put at stake and they can only live by passing each exam. However, something about these exams and the system ruling it didn’t seem right — It seemed to be trying to trap the examinees with ridiculous rules and strange questions… There, You Huo meets lnvigiIator 001 who seems to hoId a key to the past he no Ionger remembered and, together, they go through the exam, unravelling the mysteries behind their past and the system.

Orangess · SF
30 Chs

( 4 )

The bedrooms on the first floor were locked. The strangely designed lock hanging from it was rusty.

What was even more strange was that a rooster was hung from one door and a hen on the other.

The two chickens had their blood drained, but their feathers were neatly combed. With their heads bent in the same direction, those looking at it felt a strange sense of horror.

When Yu Wen came over, You Huo was standing in the shadows by the door.

It was scarier than the chickens.

"Brother, what do you have in your hands?" Yu Wen rubbed the goosebumps on his arms.

"Haven't you seen an axe?" You Huo lazily raised his eyes.

"I've seen it…."

Yu Wen internally wanted to say that it was because he had seen it that he asked. Why are you holding an axe out of nowhere?

Holding it was fine but You Huo was also carelessly feeling out the blade with the thumb of his other hand.

"After looking around, have you thought of anything?" He asked without looking up.

"Ah?" Yu Wen was a little confused, "What should I have thought of?"

You Huo looked at him.

With his tall height, he would lower his eyes when looking at others. His eyes were also of a clear light brown colour and his eyelids are thin. Although he is very good looking, with his expressionless face there was a sense of dissociation and distance.

It was hard to describe. In any case, you just couldn't feel any sense of familiarity.

Yu Wen couldn't handle the look: "Give me an example."

You Huo: "What questions are related to the snow mountains?"

Yu Wen: "...…Not sure."

You Huo: "You didn't go to school?"

Yu Wen: "I went...."

You Huo: "Did a dog go in your place?"

Yu Wen: "I learnt a few skills...…Selecting the shortest option if three are long and one is short, selecting the longest one if three are short and one is long, choosing B if there are two long and two short options and choosing C if they are all different. I've basically relied on this for physics."

You Huo: "...."

Yu Wen: "There's also another point."

You Huo: "....."

Yu Wen: "I learnt to give up."

You Huo: "Scram."

Yu Wen guessed that if he continued, the axe would probably be lodged into his head so he quickly shut his mouth.

His beloved cousin finally looked away and no longer paid him any attention.

After a while, Yu Wen couldn't hold back and asked another question: "Brother, why are you holding onto that?"

"Finding a pen." You Huo said that and even snorted at him with slight disappointment. He then threw the small axe into a waste bucket.

Yu Wen stared at the axe: "What are you looking for?"

You Huo: "Pen."

Yu Wen felt that either himself or You Huo must be crazy.

You Huo over no longer paid him any attention. After saying that, he climbed up the wooden ladder.

As they searched around, time went by very fast.

The red number on the wall had been changing from 6 to 5 and then to 4.

The time for their responses to be collected was getting closer and closer, and everyone became more and more tense. They had no clue and didn't know where to start. There was even a countdown resembling those in a university entrance examination before them.

Under the strong pressure, there would always be people who would panic and start guessing haphazardly.

When You Huo came back down, the pregnant woman was holding onto a small black bottle and was about to write something on the blank wall.

Rich acidic odour emanated out from the bottle. It was like ink that had been left out for too long, but its colour was a little different from ink. Perhaps it was because of the dim lighting, it appeared a little rusty brown in colour.

"I...….Is it really okay writing like this...?" Yu Yao's face was pale, and her voice revealed her inner panic. She seemed to be asking for reassurance from the others, "It doesn't have much to do with physics...…"

"We have no information about the question so who knows what can give us points!" A bald and short middle-aged man yelled out with a sullen face: "I even suspect that there's probably no such thing as a correct answer! It's blank now and 6 hours later it will continue to be blank. We can't escape from death."

He then glared at Yu Yao: "Don't have the courage to write? If you don't, I'll do it!"

Yu Yao shrank back a little. Her wet finger still landed on the wall.

She drew two strokes but saw that the water on her fingertip didn't leave any traces on the wall. The strokes that she made had already disappeared.

It was even accompanied by faint water sounds.

Like the answer wall had.....swallowed it up.

"I, I can't do it...…." Yu Yao panicked.

"How is that possible?! Not enough ink?" The bald man rushed over, stuck his finger in the ink bottle and forcefully pressed it onto the wall.

The result was the same as before.

Before he was able to finish drawing one stroke, the beginning of it had already disappeared.

The faint water sound was heard again.

The bald man was stunned for a while. His emotions suddenly went out of control: "No...…Why can't we write? It must be because there's not enough ink...…not enough ink...…yes...…"

He reached out to grab the ink bottle.

Just as the whole bottle of ink was about to be poured onto the wall, the bald man's hand was suddenly held down.

He turned out to look and saw You Huo looking down at him from above. With a cold face, he said impatiently: "Don't be crazy. The wall isn't right."

The bald man subconsciously struggled for a bit. His face was completely red but he couldn't pull back his hand.

"Yu Wen." You Huo turned his head, "Give me the rope by the wall."

The bald man struggled while his face was red and the veins on his neck bulged: "What are you doing?!"

You Huo used one hand to flexibly tie a knot. He wrapped the rope around him...….and even tied his arms together.