
G Examination

One day, You Huo and his family was pulled into an exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Going through exams together with other unfortunate examinees, their lives are put at stake and they can only live by passing each exam. However, something about these exams and the system ruling it didn’t seem right — It seemed to be trying to trap the examinees with ridiculous rules and strange questions… There, You Huo meets lnvigiIator 001 who seems to hoId a key to the past he no Ionger remembered and, together, they go through the exam, unravelling the mysteries behind their past and the system.

Orangess · SF
30 Chs

( 21 )

922 pouted: "Why are you rolling your eyes at me? Why don't you go up?"

154 sat while watching the examinees sternly: "I'm invigilating."

"Did they ask you to watch over them? The one who needs to be supervised is upstairs."

"Boss alone is enough."

922: "....."

154: "....."

The two invigilators had nothing to say.

In the end, it was 922 who sighed: "I have been an invigilator for three years....No, not just invigilating. Even if I include the time when I was an examinee, I have never seen someone so lawless."

He thought that 154 would nod in agreement but the other person thought for a while and said: "You've seen one."

922 was surprised: "Ah??? Who? When?"

154 lifted his chin towards the attic.

922 then reacted....That's right. How could he forget! There was another difficult to deal with examinee, and he later became invigilator 001.

How difficult must Qin Jiu have been back then? Legend says that he almost broke the examination system.

"Speaking of which, I've always wanted to ask boss about his previous feats when I manage to muster up enough courage." 922 said, "After all, I have only seen it twice."

154 quickly stopped him: "Are you joking? Don't mess with things!"

922 was puzzled: "Why? I can't even ask? I've noticed that every time I mentioned the boss, you would interrupt me."

"I'm just afraid that you would die too fast." 154 deadpanned: "Boss doesn't remember much about the past. It was said that the examination system encountered some problems and accidentally injured him causing him to forget some things."

922 was stunned: "There was something like that? Why didn't I know?"

154 was expressionless: "Because you only know to eat."

922 sat there stunned

154 added: "Haven't you noticed that he doesn't mention the past at all? When I first became an invigilator, I almost met my death when I asked about it.....Anyway, I don't want to go through it again. You also wouldn't want to so watch yourself."

In the attic, the only light there wasn't turned on.

The space wasn't big and the light that projected over from downstairs allowed them to vaguely make out the shapes of things.

The snow outside was still heavy, and it splattered against the building as it blew past.

You Huo continued to look downstairs. He looked like he was silent from helplessness, but he also didn't appear anxious. A faint layer of clear light reflected his eyes and his earring would occasionally glimmer at certain angles.

Qin Jiu watched him for a while and then suddenly spoke up. He asked lazily: "Have I met you before?"

After a moment, You Huo turned to look at him. His light brown eyes were cold like winter nights.

"No, if we have met I'm afraid only one of us would have lived."

You Huo's silky voice carried a hint of mocking.

"Really?" Qin Jiu supported his chin and appeared to be thinking about something. He then agreed: "It's a little regrettable but that does seem to be the case."

As they spoke there were some creaking sounds coming from the wooden ladder.

154's voice travelled over: "Boss, time is almost up."

922's low voice also could be head. He seemed to be behind 154: "Is it okay up there? Why do I feel so scared?"

154 whispered: "You shut up."

"Boss." 154 poked his head out, "Are you coming down? It's time for the answer collection."

Qin Jiu asked: "How did they answer? I saw that little brat writing a novel nonstop."

922 had not yet arrived but his voice arrived first: "It's useless. I didn't look at it carefully, but I could tell at glance. If an answer like that can score points, I'll behead myself in celebration."

154: "...…."

There was an old-fashioned clock above the cabinet. Every time the minute hand moved, it would make a small sound. Usually, no one would notice it but at this moment it sounded very loud and heart-stopping.

It ticked a few times and then the rooster called out.

The three invigilators came downstairs as the terrible sound made the examinees tremble. In order to prevent another rule violation, they waited until the ninth cry before untying You Huo.

Everyone was like newly hatched chicks in a cage. They picked a corner furthest away from the door and huddled together. It was as if they wouldn't be pulled out of the examination centre if they did this.

Almost all of them had their eyes closed as they waited for the upcoming trial.

They waited and an entire minute passed.

922: "...Did the system freeze because there were too many words?"

The moment the invigilator said that, the answer wall underwent some changes. On the long and eloquent answer, two red circles appeared.

Yu Wen looked through the gap between his fingers

One of them circled something he wrote: Refractive index.

And the other one circled the last-minute diagram Yu Yao drew: An extremely simple refraction schematic diagram.

Next to the two red circles, two red numbers appeared.



The people saw the numbers and didn't react.

The answer wall then changed again and all the useless answers that didn't earn any points disappeared. Several red sentences appeared:

Bonus points: 1 of 13 people died, achieved the question requirements. 6.

Additional points: All examinees survived, 2.

Total points for this part: 11 points.

The cabin was quiet for a moment and then it was followed by Yu Wen's shout: "Fuck!!! 11 points! I thought we were a goner but we got 11 points instead!"

"Brother!!! Did you see that?! I got a point!!!"

Amongst the deafening voices of the examinees, 922 looked at 154 with surprise: "The system must be crazy! They killed the subject and they still fucking get additional points?!"

154 who saw this was also dumbfounded. He turned to look at You Huo.

This great master who had been tied up for the past 20 minutes had managed to earn 8 points using just his foot.