
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · アクション
15 Chs

Chapter 3 : The Captain

The drive from the motel to the Stellar Force outpost wouldn't take too long but the thoughts going through Sai's mind only made him take that much longer to reach the outpost.

The building was massive, looking partially like a spaceport as well as a government building simply because it had many offices within as well as meeting rooms and holding cells for criminals in the area as well as naturally the launching of space bound ships headed for the stars.

Sai arrived at the entrance, parking his bike nearby before getting his stuff out of the compartment to carry in.

Seeing as how this was a government building he had to ensure he had his forms at the ready to display to the guards out front who stood by the doors.

'' Right this way sir. '' The guards said as they opened the door for him to pass on through.

Sai remembered the first time he entered through these doors, how nervous he had been as he went through these gates.

That was a long time ago and yet it still felt like it hadn't been that long ago.

So many things raced through his mind but it was best to act as if he was oblivious to the things that only he knew as he walked through the lobby of the building.

There was nothing to be gained from making a scene and it was best to focus on the purpose of this visit.

This was the day where he met the group, the squadron that he'd be a part of.

The entrance to the building had been like what one would expect from a lobby with a reception desk, three receptionists lined up at the desk due to the heavy volume that may come through the area at times and several chairs lined up along the sides of the entrance in case there was too many people trying to contact the staff at any given time.

There were also elevators behind the receptionist that led to higher levels of the building.

Sai showed his papers to the receptionist and the female had let him on through, allowing him to enter the elevator and go up to the third floor where a long hallway with connected doors leading to other chambers awaited him.

Once he had exited the elevator, he'd notice a black haired male wearing a black academic outfit with a red tie and a darker red scarf covering his neck.

'' Hakuen. '' Sai spoke under his breath.

How could he not remember the name of the Captain of the group.

This person led the group from this day on, up until the day that Sai just lived through where he was forced to see them all..

Well he couldn't relive the memory again, instead he bit his lip and tried to focus on being happy seeing as how he could see them again.

'' You always were conscious of your role as Captain and how the pressure of not being good enough hampered your abilities but it just pushed you to be better. I have to ensure you don't feel that doubt, the others rely on you to stand at the forefront of every mission, expedition and minor tasks given to us by the Stellar Forces. If I have this chance to change things then I must make you the best version of yourself. '' Sai thought to himself as he walked towards the black haired male.

By the time he reached the person, the black haired male turned around and introduced himself.

'' Hello, I'm Hakuen nice to meet you. '' The black haired male spoke in a soft but clear voice.

'' I'm Sai, the pleasure is all mine. '' He responded quickly.

Sai went quiet for some time, his eyes staring off into space as Hakuen tried to get his attention and not before long he had caught it.

Sai shook his head as his mind went back into focus.

He wasn't sure why he lost focus just then, maybe it had something to do with being thrown back in time and his brain trying to still register everything that's happened.

'' Are you alright? Kinda seemed like you dozed off for a bit just then. '' Hakuen was curious as to if everything was alright with the male.

He didn't know Sai so he wanted to check if he was alright, Sai nodded in response.

'' I'm good, I think I just got lost in thought for a moment there. '' Sai replied, trying to dismiss the situation.

'' About what exactly if you don't mind me asking? '' Hakuen was curious and despite not knowing too much of the person, he couldn't help but ask.

'' Nothing big, just wondering what kinda folk we'll meet at the squadron gathering. '' Sai replied once more.

'' Yeah, same. '' Hakuen spoke back not long after but a pause followed.

Hakuen tilted his head lightly as he felt the urge to ask.

'' Wait, how did you know I'm also going to the squadron gathering here? I didn't mention it. '' Hakuen wondered how Sai had known.

Sai didn't realize he let it slip but he knew he needed to find a way to get around exposing his knowledge concerning the future.

He needed to play it off as being perceptive.

'' I just had a hunch you were recruited to be a part of a squadron, your clothes makes it seem like you were freshly picked from the academy and this isn't the basic soldier enlistment facility so I wouldn't expect that to be the reason why you are here. Plus, you don't seem like a run of the mill person and you seem a bit confused as to where you are going so surely this is your first time here. You must have a notice similar to the one I have regarding joining a squadron today. '' Sai tried to improvise best he could and luckily enough Hakuen nodded.

Looks like he was in the clear, hopefully this particular situation didn't happen again.

The time it took for the two to wrap up talking, an intercom announcement was given for anyone who was not in the meeting room 1A to arrive, the same room that the two of them needed to be in for their briefing regarding the assembly of the task force.

'' Anyone with instructions to go to Room 1A who has not made it to Room 1A is advised to arrive within the next five minutes for the briefing. '' The automated voice spoke, repeating the line twice.

'' Well let's not keep them waiting. '' Hakuen said to Sai before walking to the door on the right side which had a holographic 1A sign to inform them on where to go.

Sai knew that probably the entire squadron was past that door.

Part of him still couldn't believe they were alive again.