

As the day passed and the new day arrived, they both were tired from the last night and didn't woke up early.

But Linda had to wake up because she had to go to the hospital, so she got up and got ready as she started making breakfast.

Zen was still asleep and she didn't wake him either, as she was cooking the bell rang.

She went to the door to see who it was as she thought it might be those investigators again so she was ready to put them in their place this time.

But as she opened the door with a angry face, she the person she had not thought of seeing.

It was Shin, one of the Seven sword member and her comrade.

She looked at him with a confused look and didn't said anything.

It took a while for her to process it as Shin said

' Linda? What happened, it seems you were expecting someone and that's not me for sure.

Am i interrupting something, i will just come later if you want?'

As Linda came to her sense and said

' No, i was not waiting for anyone.

I am just shocked to see you here as all.

Come in '

As she took him to the living room and they both sat on the couch as she asked

' so what you want.

I mean for drinking. Coffee, tea, juice, soda what should i bring?

Or you will like to eat something, i was making some sandwiches would you like to have some. '

As Shin accepted her offer and asked for some juice with it.

They both went to the kitchen and Linda served the sandwich for both of them.

As Shin told Linda that the sandwiches were great and he loved the taste.

Linda accepted his praise and asked him

' so do you just came to my house to have breakfast or there is more to this. '

As Shin took a sip of the juice and as took a bite of the sandwich he said

' why you say that?

It has been so much time, since we both have met.

So i just wanted to meet you as all, there is nothing else to it.

You should relax '

As Linda looked at him with a furious look and said

' Don't try to fool me, i know what you come her for.

Its regarding Berry, isn't it ?

I told those damn investigators already that neither i nor Zen have anything to do with this.

So please leave us alone after all this time and let us live a happy life for once. '

As her words made the atmosphere in the kitchen a little heat up, Shin stopped eating as he looked at Linda and said

' Look linda, i don't know why you think that i have came here for the same reason.

Because i am not.

I just saw you two yesterday in that restaurant, i was going to come up to you and greet you.

But seeing that you were so happy and enjoying some good moments with your brother.

I restrained myself from doing so and thought it was for better good.

But as i reached home, i got a call and it was about the same investigation you are talking about.

They have found a dead body and it has been identified, they found Berry's dead body in two different pieces and one arm other then that.

See i understand that it has nothing to with you two, but i was worried about you because of them saying that your brother was seen with Berry for the last time and there was no possible contact with him after that time interval.

So if you have anything to tell me please do, you didn't trusted us that day and suffered so much already but think about it do you want your brother to suffer the same fate. '

As Linda looked down on the sandwich and was thinking about it.

As it was like the same situation as that day when she had no choice to keep her mouth shut, this time comes the same situation she can't tell them about Zen's power and letting them off the hook for now will just keep riling up more doubts on them.

Her mind was in a jumble, she couldn't come to a conclusion.

Just as she was thinking, Zen came into the kitchen as he said

' Good morning Linda!

Good morning, Shin? '

As Shin replied

' Hi Zen! Good morning.

You have grown so much.

Its been almost 5 years since i saw you.

I am impressed that you remembered me'

As Zen was thinking in his mind that he just saw him a day ago in Linda's memories.

Seeing Zen come in Shin took his leave and as he was going he said

' i guess i should leave now and thank you for the sandwich Linda.

Also think about what i said, its just for the better good.

Call me whenever you feel like its the time. '

As he left the House, Zen asked Linda what happened.

So she told him about the dead body of Berry was found and what Shin was talking to her about it.

So Zen Put his hand on Linda's hand and said

' i might not be smart like you, but i know something that telling them the whole truth might be not right.

So how about we tell them a made story which will suffice for them and us both.

This way we won't have to be hiding for them and we can just walk without caring for them anymore. '

Linda looked at him with a hope on her face and asked him

' so that means, do you have some kind of plan for it'

As Zen replied

' Not a plan in particular, just a little story that we can tell them.

Which will be more accurate because we know what happened there and how it happened so we can just shift the part where Berry even took me somewhere.

So it can be like that-

We will tell them about Berry coming to our home at night and he came there just because he loved you.

He wanted to you to accept his feelings but you refused.

So he tried to blackmail you with the taking my name, in which you came into anger and broke the wall.

That was seen by the first investigators.

After that day, i went to the market and Berry came to me.

He took me just a little far from the market in a lonely place and asked me to make Linda accept his love.

But i refused so he tried to Attack me but Linda came looking for me and she found me.

She stopped Berry before he could do anything to me, But Berry was in rage now and he attacked Linda.

Berry and you Fought for a while but you were able to somehow make us both escape.

You had been dealt with some serious blows by him, so i took you to the nearest hospital i could find.

So we ended up in shawn's hospital.

As i didn't knew he was your rival, as you never told me that.

After that you just got discharged and the investigators come looking for clue of Berry.

You were in anger at that time, because you had to go through all this due to Berry.

So you didn't accepted any allegation of meeting him.

This way they will understand the situation and i don't think so they can charge you for anything like self defence.

So what about it, is it good or not? '

Linda looked at Zen with surprise look and couldn't believe on her ears as she said

' i-i- i have no words.

This is just a damn good statement.

If they won't believe i will kill them for sure.

I mean they won't even say that i might have killed him, because he is stronger now and i have not been training for a while now.

So i wouldn't have been able to kill him, else he would have killed me.

So this way we will be out of all the accusation.

It is a great plan.

I love it, let me call Shin and then lets go to the headquarter with them and tell them this whole story. '

Linda got up and Hugged Zen, she told him that she can call Shin now so we can tell them all about it now and get free from all this accusation.

So she made the call and Shin came back to their house.

As he asked Linda that she had made the right choice.

After that they went to the headquarter and met the head investigator of the case.

They both were held in different room, but Linda could talk to Zen through Venda.

After telling the whole story they were asked some questions, but due to having no evidence or nor the fight that happened between Berry and her neither them having any proof of Zen and Linda being the culprit they come to a conclusion that they should be left alone.

By this the accusation that was hovering over their head as a burden was lift off and they both were happy to be relieved of it.

Shin thanked them both for providing the lead and telling them everything they knew.

He also tried to invite Linda to a party which was being held at his home some days after but Linda brushed it off and didn't paid much attention to it.

He dropped them both at their home and bid farewell.

Linda and Zen came inside as they both were relieved from all the tension that was put on them while the investigation.

After that Linda took her leave to go hospital and Zen went on to train and finish the home chores for today.

Though the investigators had heard their side of the story but still didn't wanted to believe it.

But they had no choice to leave them as their story had all the part which made their role in the plot visible.

So they have to stop including them as a part of the investigation anymore.

Which was a victory for both of them and they were free now.

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