
Futa Netori System

After failing to defeat her world heroine, our heroine(futa) is sent back in time but her system doesn't work properly and shows [ERROR] message. Her system buffs were reset but she got the opportunity to get 3 random gifts from it. (author note: not much idea for the synopsis)

Koronoir · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Haruhi and SOS brigade.

While walking to class Ivyna saw Issei with his friends.

'It was a dream, right? Nobody remembers Yuuma' Issei thought.

Issei's appearance looks ragged.

'Didn't he get healed after being reborn?' Ivyna thought.

["His body was healed but his mind was not"]

'Hm... That makes sense, I want to see him when he finds out that Raynare is real'


Ivyna got to class by the second class.

'Nothing much today huh...'

["Did you forget what happened just today?"]

''I know but there's no heroine in my class, am I so unlucky?" (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

"Hey, you! Come with me!" A girl shouted in front of Ivyna.

'FINALLY!' Ivyna felt happy that something interesting would happen.


Ivyna didn't notice the girl approaching so she looked in front of her.

Straight brown hair and brown eyes. Haruhi Suzumiya appeared.

"..." Ivyna looked at the girl and said, "Why should I?"

The girl mumbled: "Didn't she say that Ivyna would likely join the club?"

The girl looked annoyed.

"Don't mind that and follow me!" Haruhi pulled Ivyna's hand.

'If she lost her powers why does Yuki let her boss around? shouldn't SOS brigade existence become impossible?"

["The way to know is to follow Haruhi"]

'...' Ivyna let Haruhi pull her to a club room.

'She's really pulling me fast...' Ivyna held Haruhi's hands and stopped being pulled.

"I don't like being pulled forcefully," Ivyna said.

"?!" Haruhi was surprised by Ivyna's strength.

"Lead the way, but walking," Ivyna said and smiled.

"H-Hey leave my hand!" Haruhi was angry that someone dared to best her in something, and she found it strange that Ivyna didn't budge, which made her even more interested in Ivyna.

Ivyna didn't leave Haruhi's hand and they slowly walked to a room.

Opening the door Ivyna left Haruhi's hand and Haruhi said loudly to everyone inside the room could clearly hear.

"This is Ivyna! A transfer student with a personal shed near the school. interesting, right?"

Ivyna could see Yuki in the corner of the room reading a book.

Although Yuki appeared slightly nervous, she maintained a steady expression. However, her eyes trembled slightly as if she were avoiding looking in Ivyna's direction.

Seeing that Ivyna smiled.

In the room, there was Yuki along with a girl who had reddish-brown hair, two long bangs that reached her chest, and red-brown eyes.

"This is Mikuru Asahina, she's cute isn't she?" Said Haruhi pointing at the girl who clearly looked nervous.

"This is Yuki Nagato, you already know her because I know you two live in the same dormitory." Said Haruhi while pointing at Yuki, Yuki slightly trembled but this was so fast that nobody except Ivyna noticed.

'How does she know that? Yuki wouldn't say that to Haruhi for no reason.

"And this here is Kyonko, she's my classmate and the one that gave the idea to make this club!" Said Haruhi pointing at a girl with a long ponytail and brown yellowed eyes.

['So Kyon was the one that had genderswap?'] Ivyna thought and she transferred her thoughts to Yuki.

Yuki nodded.

Ivyna walked closer to Yuki and said to her: "Shouldn't there be one more member here?"

Yuki replied: "Itsuki was deemed unnecessary to this world setting, although he exists his existence as [Esper] is irrelevant" in her head.

"..." Ivyna understood that like she was taking [Itsuki Koizumi] place as the [Sudden mysterious transfer student].

Mikuru kept stealing glances at Ivyna and looking more and more nervous.

Ivyna noticed that and smiled at Mikuru which made her avert her gaze.


"Hey! Why did you transfer suddenly and why do you have your own personal shed to change clothes and with a bathroom in?" Asked Haruhi looking annoyed for some reason.

"?! Oh..." Ivyna smiled because she was more interested in Mikuru and Yuki which made her almost forget about Haruhi.

Haruhi got more annoyed but she didn't know why yet.

"I was promptly accepted by the academy and given a personal space due to my [Unique] trait, after recently moving here." Said Ivyna finishing with a "Is this enough?"

"Eh? What is unique about you?" Haruhi looked more excited but Kyonko said to her: "Hey, Haruhi you can't ask such things of a person, it's rude".

This made Haruhi more annoyed.

"Did you call me just to ask that? Sorry, I can't say what's [Unique] about me, but I can show you if you want later" Ivyna said that fast to get Haruhi attention.

"... Can you show it to me right now?" Said Haruhi looking very interested.

"Not now" Ivyna knew that people are only interested in things they don't know about, at least Haruhi was like that and she felt it would be too early for the girls inside the room to see it.

This made Haruhi annoyed but also more interested to know.

"Oh yeah, how did you know that Yuki and I live in the same dormitory?" asked Ivyna, she knew Yuki wouldn't say it.

["I said it to her"] Ivyna used her telepathy to hear a voice coming from outside the room.

The room door opened and a girl with long navy blue hair and blue eyes entered.

The girl was wearing a smile on her face her name is: "Ryouko Asakura" The girl didn't let Ivyna's thoughts finish and presented herself.

This made Ivyna realize Ryouko was angry for a reason unknown to her.

'She's the same as Yuki right?' Ivyna thought and smiled back at Ryouko.

Mikuru feeling the atmosphere asked: "Eh, Ryouko-san what are you doing here?"

"I'm preoccupied with Yuki due to her sudden change from to the dormitory," Said Ryouko, although she didn't show it Ivyna could notice hostility coming from her.

'Is she a mix of alternative versions of her?' Ivyna started to think about how some characters are different from their 'Original' selves.

["Why did you talk to Haruhi about me?"]

['Aren't you happy? I did what I guess was the most effective way to reach your objective.'] A glint of hostility was shown in Ryouko's voice

["You can't hide your hostility?"] Said Ivyna to Ryouko with telepathy.

['I'm not trying to hide from though?'] Ryouko answered in her mind.

["Don't you think it's dangerous to be like that to me?"]

['Why does it matter? You aren't strong, your bluffs don't work on me just because they worked on fallen angels.']

["You are a human right?"] Ivyna was curious to know that both Yuki and Ryouke were affected by the fusion of their alternative versions due to some versions not having supernatural powers.

['We are human we can only read [Data] and remember them and depending on the [System] permission change some things like transferring to the dormitory in less than a day'] said Yuki.

Ivyna looked at Yuki and petted her head.

Ryouko seeing that turned around and got out of the room showing some signs of anger with her body but her face was showing a smile.

Mikuru, Haruhi, and Kyonko didn't know what happened to Ryouko's actions.

Mikuru could slightly guess but didn't want to say it out loud.

Haruhi's head was full of thoughts to guess what happened which made her more interested in Ivyna.

Kyonko couldn't guess, so she followed Ryouko out because she was preoccupied.

"What happened?" Asked Haruhi feeling that there had happened more than she saw.

Ivyna just smiled and said "I guess I stayed too long here, bye" so she walked out of the room.

"W-Wait, can you become a member of the SOS brigade? We need someone with many secrets like you!" 

"Sorry, I don't have time for club activities, but if I can just appear someday sure"

Haruhi wanted to see Ivyna every day to satisfy her interests but eventually gave in.

"Sure, come when you can"

Ivyna waved her hand without looking back.

Haruhi got inside the room and asked Yuki "Hey, do you know Ivyna's secret? Can you say it?"

Yuki answered in a monotonous voice, "Secret" Yuki didn't want to get in the way of Ivyna's plan so she didn't dare to say more.

"What can you say about her?" Asked Haruhi in a urging voice.

"S... She's a womanizer" Yuki deemed it was safe to say because it would eventually become well-known to everyone in the academy.

"A Womanizer?" Haruhi said confused.


Ivyna started walking to a certain park...

Oh my god, I had a creative block in my ideas for the chapter, At some point I wanted to add a sex scene but damn, please no, I don't have the time for that and it would be very forced.

T-T-That's all folks.

Koronoircreators' thoughts