
Futa, Fantasy, and Firearms

A gun nut gets sent to another world, another world with something a little extra.

mortem · ファンタジー
13 Chs


"My liege," the crowd spoke as they all kneeled in front of Tommy.

Tommy and the two girls were rather surprised at this, but Tommy quickly oriented himself and responded.

"Please, I'm no noble, just call me Tommy or sir if you need to be formal."

The crowd silently nodded.

"You want me to be your leader?" Tommy asked skeptically.

The lead ropeman responded to him, "This town has been rotting for the last few years thanks to that bastard," he took a brief glance of hatred towards the former noble where he hung, "But you, someone who has zero ties or obligation to us, came here and deposed him, whilst also proving the lingering suspicions about our children." the last part was spoken softly and Tommy saw a tear form at the man's eyes.

He looked out at the crowd and saw somber looks in agreeance. The branches of the hanging tree gently swung with the breeze as Tommy briefly contemplated his predicament.

Under the blue sky and gently blowing clouds he spoke his resolution to the crowd, "Alright. I must make it clear before we proceed that I've never really led anything larger than 30 or so men before," he spoke leaving out the aspect of that being in a military simulator.

Once again surveying the crowd he saw the people nod. He found it slightly odd that they'd be so willing to make him the new leader, but considering the lack of response to the crimes that had been taking place for the last few years in the town from the Shulkat Confederacy he figured they were happy to have someone making a change for the better.

He looked back to the lead ropeman and spoke to him, "May I ask your name?"

"They call me Fulker sir," he responded.

"I apologize as this may seem insensitive, but you lost a child to the bastard swaying in the tree, correct?"

The man somberly nodded, "My daughter Sari. She went missing, we looked for her everywhere but I see now we never could have found her."

"I am very sorry for your loss," Tommy paused, "but I will need the help of good men to make sure it doesn't happen again. We killed what was essentially a liaison. The lord merely let them operate in his town; it doesn't seem he had anything to do with the leadership or running of their group. It's clear that the guards were all actively working with the bandits or turning a blind eye. Luckily, I'd imagine we wiped out a large portion of them.

Here's what I need, I am going to need a small group that I can take as an elite group to mop up the remainder of the bandits and any guards that have ideas of lingering resistance. Don't worry about the skill or equipment. I'll be able to pay well, but the men need to have good character, trust me, I can tell."

Fulker nodded, "I can do that. You say you have a sort of training skill?" he asked.

"I suppose you could say that. I will be arming you and the others with an incredibly potent weapon. I can't really give you the details as I have to get everything ready first. You might want to go get some rest for today though, I can imagine this was emotionally draining." Tommy told him speaking the last bit in a softer tone.

"As for the rest of you, if you could please return to your jobs. It looks like I will be needing a carpenter and a few people to help out with cleaning since the maids at the manor all ran off. I have a few things to do today and then tomorrow I'll get started. We will return this town to its former glory, but Roma wasn't built in a day."

The townspeople gradually returned to their normal duties, given a new sense of hope at the change of leadership. A few remained to go and help Tommy clean up the manor to get it back in order.

Tommy took a moment to stare off into the sky, watching the clouds lazily blow across the sky before turning to the girls, "Alrighty, we've got some work to do."

Before Tommy got to helping with the cleaning, he needed to fulfill his promise to the three slave girls that were left behind in the house. He'd already been held up a little longer than he would've liked to, and imagined the poor girls were rather scared.

When they got back to the house he tasked Lucy with leading the cleaning effort while he went off to greet the girls. Coming to the familiar door still left slightly cracked, he gave the door a few knocks. A few seconds later the door hesitantly opened and one of the girls cautiously peeked through the gap.

"It's me, I'm here to fulfill my promise," Tommy spoke in a gentle tone.

Nodding the girl opened the door and retreated back inside to the other two. Taking a quick glance at the girls they had fair white skin with one looking a little paler than the rest. The one with the pale skin had her auburn hair cut shorter than the other two, whose dark locks went down past their shoulders. The two brunettes had deep blue eyes, while the paler girl had bright hazels.

"As I promised before, I'll be setting the three of you free. I don't believe any man has the right to own another, under any circumstances."

"What about the ownership documents," one of the two brunettes asked.

As she finished speaking Lucy came down the hallway and handed Tommy three papers. They were legal contracts with a small gem pasted to the corner. The gem was completely dull and void of luster. Taking a quick read through the small print it seemed that the gem showed whether or not the slaves had a living owner. Reading further it stated if no current owner is found, the document may be torn to disable the slave crest. Doing so, Tommy saw a faint glow disappear from the three girls' necks. Thinking about it quickly, he realized he hadn't been given a contract for Silvia, nor had he seen any markings on her body. He frowned and decided to look into it later.

"As I said, you guys are free to go. You're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like, but unfortunately, if you leave I won't be able to guarantee your safety as it appears I now have responsibilities in this town. Actually, scratch that. If you three wouldn't mind helping clean up here, I may be able to offer some help with that."

The three girls nodded at that request eager not to end up in the same situation again. They soon got to work helping Tommy's group and the few volunteers get everything cleaned up.

With their help and the volunteers, the cleanup process went by rather smoothly. The corpses were piled outside, the blood mopped up, walls patched, and doors fixed. Thanks to the hard work of everyone it only took a couple hours to return the place to pristine condition, much to Tommy's delight. He paid each of the five workers 5 silver, giving one of them an extra couple to notify the inn that they wouldn't be staying there any longer.

"If you girls could wait here for a moment I need to go grab something for you," Tommy said before heading upstairs and stepping into a random guest bedroom.


[Hello Tommy, big day huh?]

[Can say that again. I need a few things real quick, we can catch up here in a few if that's alright.]

Sensing a nod he relayed his idea to Aleina. She liked the idea and soon the items in question began to form on the floor in front of Tommy.

In front of him were three Bretta Px4 Storm semi-automatic 9mm pistols with 4 mags each. There were single-use runes on the side that would impart the proper muscle memory onto the girls so they could efficiently use them. Along with the Px4s were three small bags for the girls to carry with them.

Heading back downstairs he presented the weapons to the three girls. They were puzzled at first looking at the odd contraptions until they held the handguns activating the runes. They gasped as the knowledge and muscle memory flowed into them, in awe at what they assumed was some manner of training skill from Tommy.

With the memory came information about the firearms and their power.

"Thank you very much, sir, I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you." the two brunettes spoke, "With this, we will be able to get back to our home safely, we can't thank you enough."

"Oh, wait one second," Tommy spoke before pulling out 15 silver coins for each of the girls. The two brunettes smiled brightly and each gave him a hug, one of them even giving him a kiss on the cheek, After getting a cheeky look from Lucy and seeing a slight blush on Silvia's face, he waved them goodbye.

He then noticed the other girl standing there looking nervous.

"What's wrong?" he asked her.

"I-I don't have anywhere to go. Your generosity has been wasted on me..." she spoke with downcast eyes.

"Hey, no need to fret; like I said earlier, you are welcome to stay as long as you would like. Think of it as the lord paying you back for his sins. Besides, it'll just be us here it seems, it'd be lovely to have some company," Tommy reassured her.

She wiped a tear from her eye, "Really?"

Tommy smiled at her, "Really. But if you're going to be staying here I'll need to get you a bigger gun. Go ahead and take any of the guest rooms, and feel free to head off to the market if you need anything, just be careful alright? My name's Tommy by the way if you haven't caught it yet."

She smiled and replied, "My name is Emi."

With a curtsy, she left and went off to pick out a room upstairs. Lucy smirked at Tommy and he countered with an innocent "What?"

The trio had one more thing to do before they could relax for the night. They went out on a trek to retrieve the DPV, escorting Emi to the market on the way. After the short hike, they found where they'd left it and drove it back into town.

The sleek offroad vehicle drew a lot of attention from the townspeople. Rumors had already spread from those who'd gotten a peek at the combat of how Tommy's group operated with iron staffs that spat fire, seeing this further cemented the awe the civilians felt towards their new ruler. Tommy drove it through the gates and parked it next to the manor.

By now the sun was well below the horizon and the deep blue of the night sky soon availed itself to the world, stars shining like perfectly cut diamonds in the heavens. Tommy let out a slight whistle looking up at the scene past the swaying pines of the manor. A smile crept to his lips as he looked to his side and saw the girls admiring the scenery in kind.

Wordlessly gesturing for them to follow, he went into the manor, stopping briefly to admire the craftsmanship of the new front door. He gave it a quick knock before nodding to himself and going in.

"We're home Emi," Tommy said as he entered the hall. He realized he'd have to see about getting some lockers to put away their equipment. For now, though he settled with laying it on the floor in the entryway, along with his rifle.

"I'll be there in a moment!" was the chipper response given.

Soon Emi walked into the entryway wearing a pretty maid dress that was most likely appropriated from the deserting maids. It was rather frilly and suited her figure well. She caught him looking and lightly blushed before speaking.

"I made up dinner to thank you for freeing me and giving me a place to live," she spoke.

"Thank you Emi, you didn't have to do that," Tommy spoke as the girls, having finished taking off their battle rattle, joined him in the hallway.

"It's the least I could do, if I can't at least do that much what kind of maid would I be?"

"You don't have to be a maid Emi, you can just live here and relax if you'd like."

"Thank you, Mr. Tommy, but I feel much better about being able to stay here and receive your kindness if I helped pitch in. Besides, no offense but you don't exactly seem like the househusband type."

He chuckled at that and relented, "Oh alright. I will admit whatever it is you cooked smells pretty good."

Silvia and Lucy nodded to that statement and soon They were led to the dining room where a large pot of stew was waiting to be served.

"It's nothing too fancy, just bo-rabbit and vegetables in a creamy broth," Emi explained while serving it, and some cheap wine on the side.

Tommy took a spoonful of the meat with broth and tasted it, "Wow, this is really good! It's got a little bit of spiciness to it that really makes it pop!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, that's just a natural part of the bo-rabbit's meat. I put in a few spices I found in the pantry to bring it out a little bit."

"Huh, I've never had it before. Anyways, it's really good. And you used spices well too, are you a chef by chance?"

She smiled at the praise as she finished serving the others and herself, "No, but I really enjoy reading cookbooks."

The four of them went on to eat their meal in a happy silence, the cheapness of the wine not taking away at all from the light buzz they were getting. When Lucy finished she moved closer to Tommy and wrapped her arms around him, leaning against him. Silvia seeing this finished her meal and did the same. Poor Emi just sat blushing while watching the two outgoing girls.

Looking to get out of the awkward situation she asked, "Mr. Tommy would you like me to prepare a bath for you three?"

"That'd be wonderful, and just Tommy is ok."

She nodded and went off to draw the bath. In the 10 minutes or so it took for that to get ready the sexual tension rose and they began to find themselves unable to keep their hands off each other. Eventually, Emi came downstairs and cleared her throat letting them know she was there.

"The bath is ready, but it might be a little bit on the warm side."

Tommy nodded his thanks and got up to head upstairs, with a girl clutching each of his arms as he went.

[I've prepared a little gift in the bathroom for you Tommy, think of it as my payment.] he heard Aleina speak.

[Payment for what?]

[What, you think I'm just swimming in porn up here?]

Tommy nodded, [fair enough.]

as soon as the bathroom door was shut behind them Tommy immediately got to work stripping a startled Silvia, with Lucy lending a hand. After casting Silvia's BDU to the side Tommy buried her face in her bra-covered cleavage, taking in her womanly scent. Lucy meanwhile, nibbled on Silvia's earlobe. It didn't take more than a moment for Silvia's sizable package to strain even the specially made panties she wore.

While Tommy took off Silvia's bra, Lucy dropped her panties. As soon as the bra was unclipped it was cast across the room and Tommy's lips were locked around Silvia's stiff nipple.

"Mm, MMM" Silvia voiced as she soon found her pussy being rubbed by Lucy.

Unable to suppress the feelings Silvia moaned deep and huskily in return to the ministrations being done to her.

With one hand groping Silvia's generous bosom the other began to undress himself, as he watched Lucy do the same. Soon a pile of Multicam uniforms, lacy lingerie, and a pair of boxers littered the corner of the room.

Seeing Lucy groping Silvia's ass he couldn't help but tease her, "You can't keep your hands off her can you," he said coming behind her and pinching her nipples.

Letting out a light yelp in pleasure she responded, "But she's just so SEXY."

Tommy softly bit her neck and replied, "You don't have to tell me that."

He was curious about Aleina's "surprise". He broke off of the two flirting women and saw an object sitting on the side of the bathtub. It was a large hand pump thing of soap lotion. He smiled widely and applied a generous amount to his hands before coming up behind Silvia and massaging it into her breasts.

Silvia began to moan as the lotion gave off a very pleasant tingling sensation on her skin, that began to make her feel hotter and hotter. What Tommy hadn't read, was the back of the bottle that read in small print "aphrodisiac".

As Tommy massaged the lotion down Silvia's stomach, thighs, and legs, he couldn't keep his eyes off her throbbing she-dick. If anyone would have told him a week ago he'd be this turned on by a cock, and one larger than his own at that, he'd have laughed in their face. Now, however, he couldn't shake the urge to reach out and stroke it.

As he grabbed her steely rod the intense heat of the organ immediately greeted him as it throbbed in his hand. He looked over and saw Lucy alternating between playing with her own tits and Silvia's larger ones. Tommy squeezed another pump of the lotion out and applied it all over Silvia's cock, getting it nice slick and wet.

Silvia was moaning and thrusting up in his hand the entire time. The unknown aphrodisiac having a heavy effect on the futanari. As Lucy rubbed Silvia's previously lotioned breasts and then her own it spread the effect to her too. Soon the bathroom was filled with the sound of moaning women.

As Tommy stroked Silvia faster and faster, he felt a hand grab onto his own cock. Looking behind him he saw Lucy with a lust-filled gaze staring back at him before she kissed him hard. Her tongue snaking in his mouth, desperately trying to overwhelm his own, but underestimating the sheer horniness and prowess Tommy had. He wrestled her tongue into submission making her moan, all the while stroking Silvia's raging erection.

He began to moan back into her mouth as her stroking became faster and faster, his own dick beginning to throb with impending release. Lucy grinding herself up against him with desperate need as Silvia too moaned out in wanton lust.

Noticing how close to cumming Silvia was he broke off the kiss with Lucy to lewdly lock his lips with Silvia, who's dick began pulsing and spurting soon after. Her hot ropes of thick girl cream soon covered his own cock, the sight of it hot enough that he soon came all over her belly. Meanwhile, Lucy began licking his seed off a hypersensitive post-orgasm Silvia, making her spurt a few more times in response.

But the three were still feeling it bad from the aphrodisiac that was now consuming them all. Lucy dripped in need, having not received an orgasm herself. Lucy quickly sucked Silvia's sperm off of Tommy's cock before going up to kiss him and swap the load between them, eventually greedily swallowing it all.

Being able to take no more of the fiery lust she felt, Lucy got on her knees and spread her cheeks, speaking to Tommy, "Give it to me PLEASE!"

Tommy spanked her ass in response making her moan loudly. He got another handful of the lotion and smeared it all over his cock. He got set up to penetrate her, but she was in for a surprise.

Instead of drilling into her sopping cunt, he lined up with her asshole. Before she could utter a word of shock or refusal, he pushed in hard. Normally, losing your anal virginity in such a manner would hurt, a lot. But with the slickness and the effect of the aphrodisiac, all she felt was pure mind-melting pleasure.

She began panting and moaning, the last working pieces of her brain spotting Silvia's throbbing cock before pulling Silvia's waist towards her and engulfing the throbbing she prick in her warm embrace.

Silvia began moaning loudly, and instinctually bucking her hips into the blowjob. With her gag reflex suppressed by the aphrodisiac as well as the natural effect of futa sperm, she had zero trouble taking Silvia to the base and then licking her balls. She gagged and choked to make Silvia feel it, even more, the aphrodisiac so potent the only thing she could think of was pleasuring the two cocks.

Meanwhile, Tommy pounded into Lucy's tight asshole, the sound of skin slapping skin coupled with wet gagging filled the room as Tommy anomalistically fucked her, he too succumbing to the aphrodisiac.

Lucy cheekily slid a lotioned-up finger into Silvia's tight asshole, causing the silver-haired futa to go wide-eyed, instantly reaching her limit and pouring what seemed like gallons of hot sticky bittersweet jizz directly down Lucy's hungry maw. Lucy gulped down every last drop, not a single bit spilling. Her loud swallowing filling the room as Tommy continued to pound into her. The heavy load of futa sperm pushed Lucy over the edge and she came HARD, her ass clenching around Tommy's invading shaft driving him too over the edge of orgasm.

Pounding into her with one last hard thrust, he hilted and released deep within her ass. The three of them moaned (or in Lucy's case gargled) as they all continued through their orgasms, only starting to die down a few minutes later. Silvia eventually fell off of Lucy with her dick exiting her mouth with an audible pop, and only then did Lucy spill some of Silvia's cum.

Tommy, pulling out of Lucy pulled her up to him and kissed her hard, stealing some of Silvia's load before licking more of it off of her face. Slowly coming down he took a look at his two partners and saw looks of sheer satisfaction.

Seeing his two women happy and satisfied he laid down between the two and fell asleep in their embrace.