

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · SF
41 Chs

Old friend

After leaving the zombie room Dylan and Alison encountered traps of various types, from rolling stones, arrows shot from the walls, pits with poisonous insects, they also fought with 2 more mimics and found a real treasure chest in which They found a part of the crossbow blueprint and some gold coins, when they re-entered a room they found an 8 meter white wolf.

They took positions in which it would be easier for them to cooperate with each other, Dylan took out the bow and shot 3 arrows in a row in the time it took for the wolf to close the distance between them, with practiced movements he took out his daggers and dodged the wolf's attack at the same time. While making a cut on one of the front legs, Alison attacked the wolf from the side with quick and precise cuts, making it let out a roar of pain. When the wolf was about to bite Alison, Dylan stabbed his daggers into the side of the wolf, the wolf tried to hit them with its claws or bites but thanks to the fact that Dylan and Alison coordinated well when carrying out the attacks, they were able to confuse and gradually weaken the huge wolf, the fight lasted for 20 minutes where for every minute What happened they managed to weaken the wolf little by little and in the end with a joint attack they finished him off.

They have defeated Raging Wolf


700 exp, crossbow blueprint (1/3), 10 silver.

You have leveled up

You have obtained 1 skill point

After resting for a few minutes until they regained their stamina they walked through the door on the other side of the room. They walked for another hour until they reached a room 3 times larger than the previous one. Before entering the room they heard sounds of noise. a fight so both activated their stealth and advanced carefully, and when they entered they saw 2 groups of people fighting in the center, it seemed that one of the groups had stolen the death of the monster that the first group struggled to defeat, the fight broke out. It was escalating and there were already wounded on both sides, Dylan did not want to get into other people's fights so he was guiding Alison along the edge of the wall to avoid entering the battle when his sight fell on a person who seemed familiar.

Looking at the man more carefully, he recognized him as his old friend Luo Feng. They were both classmates when they were 13. Luo Feng was his only friend at that time. Feng always helped him when he was bullied by his other classmates. in contact when his grandparents decided to move but they could no longer talk as frequently when Feng and his parents moved to another country and when he was 17 he could no longer communicate with him.

Luo Feng and his group were fighting against a 10 meter Trent, they had been fighting for almost 30 minutes, everyone was starting to get exhausted but the good thing was that the Trent didn't have much life left, when they were preparing to give him the final blow, suddenly 3 The arrows hit the Trent, killing him, but they did not receive the notification that told them that they had defeated the monster, so they knew that the arrows were not launched by anyone in their group. At that moment, several laughs were heard behind them, as they turned around. They saw a group of 15 people, 3 of them still had their bows in their hands and looked at them with arrogance, all their companions became angry and soon began to argue with the other group, the arguments became increasingly louder until someone From the other group he took out his sword and began to attack them. He and his companions did not let each other and soon a fierce fight broke out between both groups.

There were several wounded from both groups, but no one wanted to give up. In the fight, someone managed to kick him in the back, causing him to fall face-first to the ground. The person who kicked him was about to hit him with his sword when a figure appeared out of nowhere, blocking him. the attack and kicking the man in the chest, sending him flying for at least 2 meters, then that person turned around and stretched out his hand to help him up while saying: long time no see.

Luo Feng was about to get up but he saw that someone was coming up behind Dylan trying to hit him and he quickly shouted: behind…

He didn't finish the sentence when the man's attack was blocked by a beautiful young woman, who first blocked the attack with her sword and then gave him a strong kick in the crotch, breaking the poor guy's family jewels, who screamed like a pig. In the slaughterhouse, the scream caught everyone's attention and the people who had seen how he was beaten couldn't help but squeeze their legs while thinking (that girl is fierce), the man's companions tried to attack the young woman but Dylan hit them. Everyone, with the help of Dylan, quickly subdued the other group and made them take out all the rewards they had, then tied them all to the pillars of the room.

Dylan and Alison stood in the corner, watching as they tied those people to the pillars.

Alison asked quietly: Do you know them?

Dylan nodded: one of them is an old friend.

At that moment Luo Feng approached them and said: Dylan, how long, I almost didn't recognize you.

Dylan shrugged his shoulders: a lot happened, but you haven't changed a thing.

Luo Feng: I'm glad to see you

Dylan: me too

Luo Feng: May I know what area you are in? If we are in the same situation maybe we can meet.

Dylan: I'm in 1003, and you?

Luo Feng: in 2810, what do you think…

Before he finished speaking Dylan said: It seems like your team needs you over there, we'll go first.

Luo Feng: I understand, I hope to see each other again and thank you for today

Dylan: that's what friends are for, see you another time.

After saying goodbye to Luo Feng, Dylan and Alison left through the other door of the room, they walked for a few more hours where they had to avoid several traps, when they saw another door in front of them they thought they would face another monster, but when they passed by At the door a light blinded them and they heard a mechanical voice that told them:

They have successfully passed *Kairen Labyrinth*

Time required: 10 hours 27 minutes 52 seconds

Number of group members: 2

Number of survivors in the group: 2

Group death toll: 0

Final grade: S


10,000 exp, x10 Treasure chest, 10,000 gold

You have leveled up x2

You have obtained x2 skill point