

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · SF
41 Chs

Monster Overflow

The next day before the clock struck 8 am Dylan, Alison, Victor, Aria and Lucas were gathered in one of the rooms on the second floor of the town hall which is used by Dylan as his office, they had met very early to being able to plan what they would do depending on the type of challenge they have to face now, the previous days they had already taken several security measures for possible situations, Dylan and Lucas had designed a defense system outside the city where several types of traps were placed which were currently inactive and would only be activated if necessary, the city gates would remain closed and everyone who lived in the city would participate in the fights if necessary, people who were not very competent in combat would be located in the upper part top of the wall equipped with arches to provide support and the military would be the main force.

You could see several groups of people gathered near the soldiers to be able to react in time if necessary, the soldiers were also on alert to be able to react in time, you could see several soldiers on the top of the wall that they served as lookouts to detect any strange movement.

When the clock struck 8 am, a very high-pitched screech was heard that made everyone cover their ears trying to reduce the noise that was causing them a severe headache and after a minute of torture the noise stopped, some of them The people were a little dizzy when they tried to get up, everyone was bewildered as they heard nothing apart from that horrendous screech, a minute later the soldiers who were on top of the wall noticed strong flashes coming from the ruins of the wall ancient city and once the flash disappeared, pillars of light of various colors rose from various points of the ruins, upon seeing this they quickly communicated with their captains and they in turn informed Victor and Alison, when they found out They told the others, when Dylan found out about this he projected an image of the map of the territory so that others could also see what was currently happening.

Dylan expanded the area of the ruins and you could notice several pillars of light in the areas where the monster nests were previously located, you could also see many red dots that were beginning to come out of those pillars and spread throughout the ruins.

Dylan knew what those red dots represented so he quickly explained to the others: those red dots represent the enemies and if I'm not mistaken these pillars are in the central part of the nests of the monsters that had settled in the ruins.

Victor: looking at how those red dots move, we have to assume that now they are no longer limited to a certain area and will begin to run everywhere.

Dylan: This reminds me of a dungeon explosion.

Victor: What is a dungeon explosion?

Dylan: Does everyone know what a dungeon is in a game?

When I see that everyone nodded, he continued: a dungeon explosion is when the monsters that were locked in that place could come out to the outside world because the seals that kept them locked in were broken, when the monsters came out of the dungeons their strength levels They were older than when they were locked up.

Victor: If what you just said is what happened, it means that the monsters will no longer be limited to a certain area and that their levels will be higher, which will represent more danger for us.

Lucas: at this moment those who are most at risk are the bases that remained in the ruins. Looking at how the red dots advance, it will take them several hours to reach our city, which gives us enough time to prepare.

Alison: from what I can see, you could say that it helped us a lot if we eliminated the nests that were closest to our city or at this moment we would not have enough time to accommodate

Aria: I will notify the members of the bases with which we have done business so that they are at least aware of what is happening and can defend themselves, even if it is a little, as for the other bases I hope that someone can inform them.

Once it was decided what they would do next everyone left Dylan's office while communicating with some people, Alison and Victor headed towards the city wall and began to organize people to take their corresponding positions, Dylan and Lucas began to activate the different trap systems that they had installed around the city and once they finished making the preparations everyone gathered at the walls.

Dylan once again projected the territory map focusing on the area close to his city and could see that some of the red dots were already close to them, from the number of enemies that were seen on the map it seemed that it was an amount that they could handle as he hoped the traps they set would weaken them or decrease their numbers at best.

Taking into account the distribution of the monsters, Dylan separated the soldiers into 10 groups of 150 people and assigned them a place to defend, he, Alison and Victor along with Silver and Nix would be a mobile group that would go to the areas that need the most support according to the situation, Aria and Lucas would be on the wall coordinating the archers, when everyone was already located in their corresponding areas, the first explosions began to be heard indicating that the enemies were arriving, causing people to turn in the direction of the explosions




When the monsters reached a distance where the crossbows that were in the defensive towers could attack, both Aria and Lucas gave the order for the people who were on the walls to start shooting their arrows, while Dylan, Alison, Victor and the soldiers stood up they were in charge of eliminating the monsters that managed to get past and get close to the city walls, just as Dylan had thought before, the level of the monsters was higher than when he faced them in the previous days, before 2 of his soldiers could easily handle them. a wolf type beast and now it was necessary for 5 soldiers to take care of one, during this time Dylan, Alison and Victor could be seen running back and forth to help the soldiers and take some of the pressure off of them to try to get the wear and tear that the soldiers had was less and they could last until the end of the battle

The first monsters that attacked the city were demonic beasts, most of them were of the wolf type since they were the ones that were wandering through the forest that was near the city, thanks to the fact that they were able to coordinate the attack ranges of all the monsters to a certain extent. who lived in the city, managed to kill all the beasts that had managed to get past the traps and have enough time to replenish arrows and rest a little before facing the approaching horde of zombies.