

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · SF
41 Chs

Cleaning the nest

Antony was one of the men who had agreed to join the soldiers of the newly formed city Nova Era, he was previously a member of one of the small bases that Dylan and Alison had helped, when their base was facing the second wave several times. Of his friends had died in the clutches of those beasts and he along with the other members were slowly being pressured and receiving more and more injuries, that was partly because they only had the basic weapons made of stone and wood from the system and with that type of weapons it was difficult for them to deal with the monsters, when he believed that they would soon be overcome by the monsters, suddenly he noticed that the number of monsters began to decrease and in the middle of the monsters he could see the figure of 2 people and a huge white wolf who were killing the monsters with great ease, thanks to them the pressure that he and his companions felt decreased a lot and they also began to have fewer injuries when they had finished killing the last monsters he turned around and looked around for the people that they had helped them but they were already gone and he had to prepare for the last wave.

When they had finally managed to kill the last monster and finished the waves all he wanted was to rest but there were still some things he had to take care of before he could rest, the next day he and the other members of the base realized that the area in which they were now was the property of another survivor and that person had sent a notice to the leaders of all the bases, when the leader of his base returned from that meeting and told them what the owner of the territory was planning, everyone agreed to move, so they took the few things they had and kept them in their inventories, on the way to the location where the city would be created they had to pass through a forest where they encountered some beasts which they managed to kill defeat and continued their journey to the city, when they arrived at the place the first thing they saw was a huge wall made of metal and at the top of the wall they could see many defensive towers equipped with crossbows that emitted great pressure to whoever looked at them, When he and his other companions saw that they knew that they had made the right decision by joining the Lord of this territory, when they entered the city they saw that there were already several buildings made then they were guided to the town hall where some things would be explained to them, on their way to the The town hall noticed that there were some stores and when he asked about the stores he found out that they sold snacks such as chips, cookies and bread, there were also bars and even some restaurants but what surprised him the most was that there was even a small hospital.

When they entered the town hall they explained to them that there were several jobs for which they could apply after giving their information since the jobs had some requirements depending on which one they wanted, they also explained the different advantages of each position, he became more interested in a military position and after doing some tests he was accepted, once he was accepted into the military group he was assigned a home, he was also given weapons and armor made of black iron which greatly increased his defense and damage, like the rest had on the day off he decided to go explore the city, while he was exploring he noticed that more and more people were arriving and you could also see that new buildings were being built every time. When he felt hungry he decided to go to the restaurant because although he could prepare his own food it was not Very good at cooking, he almost always ended up burning the meat or else it would be raw, so he decided to go to the restaurant and try the food they offered when he entered the building, it had two floors available, he sat in a corner near the window and ordered a steak with potatoes. and an apple juice for a price of 40 coppers, when the food arrived it also included a piece of freshly baked white bread, when he took the first bite he was surprised since the food was really delicious which was absolutely worth its price, when he finished eat, he left the restaurant and decided that he would come to this place often to eat, then he went to the town hall again since this time he wanted to see what missions were available, after reviewing the missions he accepted several that asked for materials such as wood or meat and since he had some in his inventory, in addition to giving a reasonable payment for them, he decided to deliver them, thus earning 3 silver coins.

The next day, when all those who were accepted as soldiers gathered in the military area, they were formed in front of a platform and after everyone was formed, several people went up to the platform and introduced themselves among the people who went up to the platform, he recognized two of them since they were the people who had helped them in the wave against the monsters, he was surprised when he found out that one of them was the Lord of the territory, after the speech of those who would be their leaders they were separated into groups and a Once all the groups were ready they were guided by Alison and Victor to fight against some of the monster nests that had appeared in the ruins of the ancient city, each group was assigned to different monsters depending on the level of its members, their group had an average level 12 and went to the lizardmen's nest, as all the groups that were assigned to this nest were the highest level ones, they were guided by Alison who was riding on Silver.

They spent the next few days constantly fighting the different nests trying to level up as much as they could since if they wanted to clear the homunculus nest they needed to be at a higher level, once Alison guided the higher level groups to fight against the homunculi, the average of those groups was level 15, Antony was in one of those groups, he and his companions struggled a little to kill a homunculus, seeing that the groups struggled a little to kill the homunculi, Alison decided take them to another area so they level up a little more.

Both Antony's team and others, who in total made up 500 soldiers, managed to reach level 18, tried to fight once again against the homunculi and upon noticing that they could now fight against them more easily, it was decided that an incursion would be made against their nest since the terrain through which they wandered increasingly increased, which had caused several problems for the survivors when the day of the raid arrived, the highest-level teams met and several people from other bases also joined, and this time the leader was Dylan the Lord of the territory.

When all the teams arrived near the homunculus nest, each team was assigned to a sector and once everyone was in position the Lord gave the order to begin the battle, each team advanced little by little killing the homunculi, each As they advanced, the level of the homunculi they faced also increased, thus increasing the difficulty of the battles when they reached the central area of the nest, they were very surprised since the Lord was fighting there along with generals Victor and Alison against a homunculus huge, almost 8 meters high and throughout the place where the fight took place you could see craters and cracks that demonstrated the strength they had and the intensity of the fight.

With each passing moment more teams continued to gather near the central area of the nest but even when they wanted to join the fight against the last homunculus they knew that they would only be a hindrance to their leaders since there were times when it was difficult for them to follow the movement of them, not to mention that they knew that they would not be able to give or receive a blow from that homunculus, so they all stayed at a certain distance where they would not be a hindrance during the fight but would still be able to see what was happening.

Before all of them had been surprised by the strength and speed of Alison and Víctor but today when they saw Dylan fight they were much more surprised, Dylan was able to withstand a blow from that homunculus without flying away, however he could damage it and take advantage of every moment in which he Victor or Alison distracted him to get behind the homunculus and deliver critical blows, the beasts that accompanied them also played a great role helping them in critical moments where they were almost hit by the homunculus, both the wolf and the panther had great speed and could removing Victor or Alison from the place where the homunculus would hit could even block or damage it to a large extent upon seeing the performance of their leaders, the respect they felt for them increased greatly since they witnessed the great power that each of them had especially Dylan the Lord of this territory.