
Furry Survival

Surviving alone in the wilderness is one of the toughest and most exhausting things a person can do. Surviving in the wilderness along with a group of sexy furry waifu is just as tough, though for slightly different reasons.

MrHugs · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Lost At Sea



A cold wind blew through the air making me shiver, opening my eyes I stared blankly at the endless blue sky above me. I could vaguely feel that I was gently rocking back and forth and heard the soft splashing of waves.

"What's going on" I groaned as I struggled to force myself out of the lazy haze covering my mind.

My back cried in protest at how hard and rough the ground was, and I rolled to my side to try and get more comfortable.

'COLD' my sleep addled brain screamed, and I instantly snapped awake!

"What's going on" I repeated with far more urgency as I took in my surroundings!

I was sitting on the edge of a small wooden raft in the middle of the ocean! I could barely comprehend what was going on a dumbly stared down at my arm still dripping with sea water. I began to hyperventilate but, forced myself to calm down. I'd always been good at keeping cool under pressure and knew that I couldn't afford to panic and needed to figure out what the hell was going on.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I tried to think about the last thing I was doing before I ended up here. But, nothing the explained the current situation came to mind. I only had a normal evening at home playing games before going to bed.

So, no help there.

Regardless, I'd seen enough survival shows to know that the first thing I should do was take stock of my surroundings and any resources available to me. But, frowned when I realized how little that truly was.

Aside from my pajamas the only things I could possibly make use of was the weirdly large amount of garbage floating out in the distance but, it was all way too far out to risk swimming to.

As for the raft itself, it was nothing more than a tiny square that was barely as wide as I was tall. There was no way I'd actually be able to survive on this thing for any length of time. It was barely capable of keeping me dry as it was and would probably flip over the second it got hit by a bigger wave.

I was about to start panicking again at the hopelessness my situation was when something caught my attention.

I had absolutely no idea how I hadn't noticed it before but, there was a strange orange lump laying just across from me on the raft. And as I examined it further my jaw dropped, and I stared in absolute disbelief!

It was a person, and not just any person either! Hell, it wasn't even a human! But, the craziest part was that I actually recognized them! It was Carrot from One Piece! One of my favorite characters in the entire story!

Gulping I slowly inched closer to examine the adorable bunny girl in front of me. She was curled up in a ball sleeping peacefully completely unaware of the world around her. She was wearing a large light orange shirt with the word Rabbit written across the front and her pure white fur shown in the sunlight as her beautiful blonde hair rustled in the breeze along with a pair of large floppy ears. She was like nothing I had ever seen before and there wasn't a single doubt in my mind that she was the real deal.

My heart pounded in my chest and scooted away afraid of waking her.

I had no idea how I was supposed to deal with something like this! Aside from the fact that I barely knew how to deal with regular women let alone someone like her! Her mere presence also brought up a terrifying possibility.

Was I in One Piece?

Because if I was then the situation just went from bad to absolutely catastrophic!

The oceans in my world were one thing but, the oceans in the One Piece world were an absolute nightmare! Enormous sea monsters, blood thirsty pirates, and storms strong enough to level a country were the norm there. And if Carrot was here that would mean I was most likely in the New World which was by far the most deadly ocean of them all!

"I'm so dead" I fell flat on my back!

"Mmhm" my words seemed to disturb Carrot as she started grumbling in her sleep shifting around.

Steeling my nerves I decided to wake her up, I wasn't going to gain anything sitting here doing nothing. And besides she might know something about how we ended up here.

"Hey" I nervously whispered as I gently shook her shoulder while silently marveling at how soft and warm her fur was but, she refused to budge. "Hey" I repeated a bit louder finally getting a reaction out of her.

"Go away Wan...a" she mumbled and rolled over onto her back "Today's my day off let m... eep in!"

'Well, there goes my hope of her knowing what was going on' I sighed before blushing heavily as I noticed her massive breasts.

Even though they were always big I was 100% sure that they were never THAT big in the story! I wasn't an expert but, they were at least a solid G cup in size! Which was seriously impressive considering she was such a small and petit girl. They were like a couple massive cantaloupe ready to burst out of her shirt they so huge.

They were so incredible that instinctively I reach out to grab them but, quickly stopped myself.

I wasn't that kind of scum bag! And there were more important things to think about right now anyway! So, I slapped my cheeks and went back to trying to wake her up. Besides even though I wasn't the best with girls I still had my pride! If I was going to touch her, she was going to be awake and willing when I did!

"Hey" I shouted wanting to get this over with as soon as possible but, she just swatted me away and went back to sleep and I had the feeling that no amount of shaking and yelling would make her move.

'I should have known this wouldn't be so easy' I shook my head. One Piece characters were notorious weirdos after all, so a groggy rabbit girl wasn't too surprising.

Crossing my arms in thought I wondered "How do you wake up and sleepy anime character?... Oh, that's it" I snapped remembering a scene from Thriller Bark and a certain quirk of her personality! Taking a deep breath, I shouted "Breakfast time! Come get your Carrot Omlette before it gets cold!"

"What" the raft shook as she jumped to her feet almost throwing me overboard! "I'll be right there don't let it get cold!"

Almost as soon she finished shouting did a strange look come over the rabbit girls face, and she blinked in confusion. Her head snapped side to side taking in the endless ocean around us and briefly glanced down at me before pinching her arm.

"This isn't a dream" I shook my head guessing what was going on in her head "... At least I don't think it is" I added since hadn't completely ruled out that possibility myself all things considered.

"Who are you? W-where are we? Why did you bring me here " she blurted out and fell into a combat stance as her eyes started emitting a dangerous light!?

Cold sweat ran down my back and I shivered under the sheer weight of what I could only describe as killing intent. It was a harsh reminder that she wasn't just a fluffy bunny, she was a hardened warrior and member of one the strongest races in her world. I'd forgotten because of how cute she was but, as I sat there staring up at her I remembered that this was the girl who single handedly took out dozens of ships in an instant and helped the Strawhats raid not one but, TWO different Yonko bases! So, she could easily break me in half with a thought if she wanted too.

"M-my name is Leo" I stuttered out "A-and I didn't bring you here, I have no idea how either of us got here either since I only woke up a couple moments ago myself."

She didn't respond as her deep brown eyes bore into me.

"Okay" she said the thought that I was lying never even crossing her mind and plopped down in front of me as all her aggression and distrust evaporated in an instant and I let out a sigh of relief.

The two of us sat in silence for a moment as neither of us really knew where to go from here. But, just as I was about to say something to try and break the ice she turned her attention back to the sea and hopped over like an excited child.

"Wow, so this is the ocean" she splashed her hands in the water "I've never seen it so close before! It's so pretty and blue! :)"

I watched her continue playing without a care in the world for a few seconds before I realized 'Right' I facepalmed! She was one of the comedic relief characters, so she probably hasn't realized how much trouble we're in yet. And I had the feeling that once she did she's make that classic scared One Piece face and start screaming and panicking like a certain sniper.

"Excuse me miss" I called pretending not to know her name.

"Carrot" she finished still happily splashing around.

"Right... well, Carrot" I scratched my head "If you haven't noticed we're stranded in the middle of the ocean."

"Yep =3" she smiled "It's really amazing! I really like how the water sparkles in the light! It's so pretty X3!"

I sighed "Please take a second to think. We are trapped in a small raft in the middle of nowhere, with no land in sight, no shelter or food or water, and absolutely no idea how we got here."

"0-0" She sat there with that confused look on her face again before the horror and realization slowly dawned on her.

"AAHHH °A°! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO" she screamed flailing around in perfect One Piece fasion!

"Calm down" I tried to reason with her! "You're going to tip us over!"

"AH, YOUR RIGHT" she cried but, didn't stop panicking "I'M SO SORRY! TAT"


"Okay" she dropped back down giving me her undivided attention and I shook my head suddenly having a new appreciation for the red-headed navigator having to deal with nonsense like this 24/7.

"If we want to survive" I spoke remembering some of the survival tips I'd heard before "We need to pay attention to the Rule of 3's."

"Rule of 3's" she tilted her head?

I nodded "A person can go the 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Those are obviously exaggerations since the actual time people can live without those things can be way longer or shorter depending on the situation. But, they're a good guide that lets you know what you should be focusing on in any given situation."

"I see" she pressed a finger to her lip "In that case the first thing we need to do is figure out how to stop our raft from tipping over, so we don't drown in the ocean."

"Exactly" I nodded while trying not to blush at her cuteness.

"...So how do we do that" she asked?

"...I have absolutely no idea" I hung my head in shame "Maybe we could do something if we could get some of that debris floating around in the distance but, it's way too far away to risk swimming. Who knows what could be lurking below us."

"Yeah" Carrot agreed and crossed her arms "Plus, saltwater always makes my fur feel rough and scratchy."

I decided not to comment on that and just leaned back and sighed "You know this kind of reminds me of a game I used to play in my worl... I mean home."

"Really? What kind of game was it" she asked?

"It's kind of hard to explain" I rubbed my nose wondering how you explain the concept of a videogame to someone who has probably never even heard of a computer. "But, it was basically a situation exactly like this except you had this awesome hook you could use too..."

"...To what?"

"Hey Carrot" I asked?

"Yeah" she tilted her head?

"Was that hook always in my hand?"

"...I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention" was her answer.

"Hmm" I hummed while gazing down at the mysterious hook and bundle of rope that just appeared in my hand.

I stared dumbly down at it in astonishment trying to figure out what the hell happened when a completely absurd thought struck me.

I was basically just isekai'd right? Well, what does literally every transmigrator get in basically every single story they are in? A system! They get always get some kind of magical system that basically cheats them to the top of whatever world they are in!

Narrowing my eyes I did my best to will something to happen and to my absolute shock and delight something actually did! A mysterious green panel appeared in front of my face along with what I could only describe as a hotbar.

I started laughing uproariously making Carrot look at me as if I was a freak and slowly start to scooch away.

The panel itself had seven different sections labeled Food and Water, Tools, Weapons, Equipment, Resources, Decorations, and Other. And I instantly recognized it for what it was, it was a Crafting Menu! And was nearly identical the one from the game Raft! The only thing missing was the Navigation option but, that wasn't important! What was important was that we now had a way to survive!

"Carrot" I smiled and handed her the grappling hook "If you can use this to collect the stuff floating around us, I think I can make the raft bigger."

"Really" she brightened up! "That's great!"

"Yeah" I nodded "But, its all pretty far out there and that hook isn't the best shape for grabbing stuff, I don't think I'm skilled enough to do it. Do you think you can?"

"No problem" she thumped her chest making her breasts jiggle and I struggled not to stare "I used to use a grappling to get around the forests of Zou all the time! This'll be easy!"

Carrot's head swiveled around, and she spotted a wooden plank floating out in the distance and tossed the hook out in a single powerful throw. I stared in amazement as it sailed in a perfect arc landing right on top of the it and she began reeling it in.

"Here you go X3" Carrot handed me the sopping we piece of wood and I thanked her before reaching out to touch it.

However, the instant I touched it the plank of wood disappeared much to Carrot's shock and a small wood icon appeared in my hotbar with the number 1 next to it.

"Wow, do you have a Devil Fruit" Carrot shouted with stars in her eyes! "I've never seen one in person before!"

"I'm pretty sure it's not a Devil Fruit" I shook my head "I didn't have this power before and I definitely don't remember eating any disgusting fruit but, I think that whoever or whatever dropped us here gave me this power, so we'd have a chance to survive."

"So, what exactly can your power do" she tilted her head?

"It can store items away like I did with that plank and use them as materials to instantly build a bunch of different stuff" I replied after taking a moment to think.

"That's amazing" Carrot smiled "So, that means you can make the raft bigger if I get you enough wood! Right!"

"I think so" I smiled back at her.

"Then let's get to work" she punched the sky before throwing out the hook again catching a large barrel that floated in range!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few hours went by just like that before I was finally able to add another three more sections to our raft making it a 2x2 square. It still wasn't very big but, it was large enough that I wasn't too worried about tipping over anymore.

And just like I expected the crafting system worked exactly like in Raft.

Before I could start adding sections to our raft I actually had to make a Building Hammer first and then use that to construct them. Which wasn't hard but, took up a bit more resources than you'd expect. Another interesting thing was that whenever I was deciding where to place something I wanted to build down in the real world a translucent green hologram of the item would appear that other people could see.

It was actually pretty fun watching Carrot stare in awe and swipe at it before confirming my selection and watching it materialize into a real thing before our eyes. It was really amazing to see and I couldn't wait to find out what the limits of my new powers were.

But, things weren't all sunshine and rainbows and I noticed something that might become a serious problem down the line.

Unlike in the Raft where there was basically an infinite supply of debris floating around at all times there was definitely a finite amount in the oceans around us. Of course, there was still way more than there should have been, and I was convinced there must have been a shipwreck here at some point not long before arrived.

Still, I was worried that we might not gather enough materials to build a proper shelter before sundown. Thankfully it was still relatively early in the day so we didn't have to worry about freezing to death for now at least.

Another problem was that even though we could see plenty of things floating off in the distance, the grappling hook wasn't actually long enough to grab most of it and Carrot was forced to wait until it floated in range.

So, between the couple dozen times Carrot managed to snatch something there actually wasn't much for either of us to do, and we ended up making small talk to pass the time.

I asked her some basic questions about herself and where she was from and learned a few interesting things.

Like that she had just turned 16 a few weeks ago and officially joined Duke Inurashi's Musketeer Squad not long ago. Something that she had been training for most of her life. That was interesting because that meant this version of her hadn't met the Straw hats, and that the Beast Pirates hadn't even attacked Zou yet.

Which didn't actually affect our situation at all but, it made me slightly worried about what was going to happen. Because she was an extremely important part of the story and things could go really bad if she wasn't there to do her part. I still had absolutely no idea if we were actually in the One Piece world or not but, if she was lucky she might be able to make it in time to retake her place in the plot. Otherwise, I could only hope that whoever did this to us took care of everything in her place.

As for me I basically just told her the truth about me, though I obviously left out a few important details. Not that there was really anything interesting to tell. Since before this I was basically an ordinary high school senior who was mildly creative. Regardless she seemed interested enough about my life and especially about school.

Apparently, schools on Zou only taught kids until they turned 10 at which point, they were expected to go out and get a job or learn a trade. So, from her point of view going to school at my age was kind of silly.

Eventually though we ran out of things to talk about as the day started getting hotter and the two of us started to slow down in the heat.

Which actually kind of surprised me. I was sure that it would take a lot more than this to make someone like Carrot tired and it seemed that she noticed that too because she started looking down at her hands like something was wrong.

"Are you alright" I asked while wiping some sweat from my brow.

"I don't know" she panted "I'm really tired for some reason."

"That's weird" I frowned "If anything you should have more endurance down here at sea level since you're used to living so high up."

"I-I think I need to take a break" she sat down and started fanning herself in exhaustion.

"Alright relax" I patted her head "You've been working hard the last couple hours and should rest. We already have materials for now and can pick this up again in the evening when things start to cool down."

"K" she laid back and closed her eyes.

While she was resting, I decided was time to keep upgrading the raft. I didn't have enough wood to do too much but, there was enough to get us some shade by building a couple walls and a roof along with a few water purifiers to distill seawater for us. I wasn't sure how much time it would take them to fill up but, I didn't think it would take too long since it was already scorching, and it wasn't even noon yet.

Deciding to take a break myself I sat down against one of the walls right across from Carrot.

I started thinking about how weird all this was. I was trapped in the middle of nowhere with a fictional character, not that I was complaining. Aside from the being lost at sea part this was the coolest thing to ever happen to me. I mean who wouldn't want to be trapped alone with a sexy anime character?

Speaking of which.

I took the opportunity to sneak another peak at her massive breasts. The air was extremely humid here and her nipples were very obviously starting to peak through her damp clothes. My eyes trailed a bit further down and I flushed red as I saw something completely amazing.

Carrot was splayed out on the ground with her legs spread wide giving me a perfect view of her pink little pussy. And started breathing heavily as my eyes were glued to her tiny slit while I silently thanked which ever god was benevolent to put me in this situation with her.

'I guess she sleeps commando' I gulped as my heart pounded in my chest.

Taking a couple extra seconds to burn its sight into my memory I took a deep breath before doing the right thing.

"Hey Carrot" I coughed and looked away.

"Yeah" she lazily responded.

"You're... not wearing any panties."

There was a moment of silence before "...Eeep" she pushed her dress down between her legs obstructing my view before glaring at me with and angry pout! "You pervert" she screamed!

"Sorry" I blushed again and tried not to laugh her puffed out cheeks.

"... It's alright" she eventually sulked in embarrassment before continuing. "But, I still think you're a pervert!

I rolled my eyes "If I was really a pervert, I wouldn't have said anything and just kept looking."

"Pervert" she screamed again in embarrassment again flushing deep red under her fur, and I just started laughing at the absurdity of this situation! "You jerk" stuck her tongue out before facing away from me.

"Again, I'm sorry" I wiped a tear from my eye as she just huffed. "Though I think this brings up something important that we should probably talk about sooner rather than later."

"And what's that" she glanced at me from the corner of her eye.

"Well..." I scratched my cheek "you know how the two of us are going to be living together on this tiny raft for the foreseeable future."

"Yeah" she sounded suspiciously.

"And as unfortunate as it is stuff like that is probably going to keep happening so, I apologize in advance for the next time I see you naked or for when you accidentally see me naked."

"You really are a pervert" she glared!

"Hey" I raised my hands in defense "It's just that the two of us only have a single pair of clothes each which are probably going to start getting nasty at some point. Especially for you with all of your fur I imagine it would get extremely uncomfortable for you at some point and that's not even mentioning the bathroom situation.

"Pervert" she whispered.

"Maybe a little" I admitted. "Anyway, I just thought it was something I should bring up, so you have time to think about how you want to deal with it."

She just hmphed and turned away again!

I just smirked and shook my head before laying back on the deck.

And even though the comfortable silence from before was gone I was still in a pretty good mood all things considered. Maybe a bit hungry but, there was nothing I could do about that.

"Hey Leo" Carrot called.

"Yeah" I glanced over to see her fidgeting around nervously?

"...I have to go to the bathroom now."

"Pfft" I couldn't keep my laugh in.

The last thing I saw before blacking out was Carrot's small white fist as she screamed "Pervert" one final time.