
Full Invasion

Earth 2070, Spaceship started to enter earth's territory. They attack us Humans to conquer earth, Humanity tried to fight back but the invaders are something we can't defeat. The leader of the invader called himself Supreme Commander. After 10 years of struggle, humanity fought back against the invader and they manage to make them leave the earth. Earth 2100, academies become the most important thing for young generations. Near a tree, a young boy lazing around and seems to not care about anything, suddenly waking up by strange energy entering his body. Is he the destined one? Watch him become the supreme ruler and be the strongest. Creating chaos and killing everything in his path! ********************* Hello guys! This is my first novel. I'm writing based on my imagination and for fun. I don't own the picture if you are the owner just contact me and I will change it.

Nomage · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Test - III

[ The mission complete! Received 100 SC and Basic Sword Mastery ]

[ Received 15 INT for killing a high-level soldier ]

[ Received 100 SC for devouring a high-level soldier ]

"Uhhh, I'm so exhausted. Those guys made me spend all of my energy." I growled. The fight was very hard, especially that high-rank soldier guy. If there is a way to restore my energy instantly, I can continue and participate in the test.

Wait.. Restore energy instantly?! why didn't I think of doing it with my system?! He thinks so hard that finally, he found a solution that he forgot. 'Atla does the system sell any restoring energy potion?' I asked.

[Yes, there are a few types of potions that can instantly restore energy lost. But the difference is from their effectiveness. Here are the potions]

[ Shop:

• Energy Recovery Potion (Low): 50 SC

Description: The energy recovery potion will restore the consumer energy by 40℅. Note! Only work for Novice to Apprentice level.

• Full Recovery Potion (Low): 150 SC

Description: The potion will restore all of the consumer energy lost. Note! The potion will not work for people above Apprentice level.

•Half Restoration (Low): 100 SC

Description: The potion will restore half of all the energy in the body, be it mana or stamina. Note! The potion will not work for people above Apprentice level.

... ]

"Knew it, there are tons of these potions that will help me to restore the energy lost." I slapped my face for not realizing earlier. 'Then Atla, buy me a Full recovery potion.' I said.

[ Purchased 1x Full Recovery Potion for 150 SC, SC left: 50 ]

Without further ado, I drink the potion that just appeared in my hand after I bought it. The sound of my energy storage filled up with new energy made me feel stronger than before. Of course, I have become stronger after killing those scums. Even though my level is not increasing at a very fast pace, my power comes from my chaos element. So, the more I master the chaos element I will become stronger and can match those with high levels.

"Well, it's time to go back to the test hall right? I think they will start in a few minutes." I said. With a new burning excitement to steal another person power, I go back to the test hall while whistling. People just staring at me like I'm an idiot, but who cares though?

When I arrived at the test hall, people just kept staring at me. With a bored expression, I took a seat in the corner of the hall. Then I see the examiner walking to the arena seeming to prepare for the second round.

"Now that everyone is here. I declared that the break is over and the second round starts from now!!" Declared the examiner. I glance at the people around me and they seem to be excited. The examiner then calmed the audience, after that he announced the people that will fight in the second round. There are about 8 people left which means the next round will be the semifinal.

"First battle, Princess Alice against Floyd!" Announced the most examiner calling the name to go up to the arena. They walk to the arena and stop in the middle facing each other directly. "Battle Start!" Shouted the examiner.

After the announcement of the battle started, I see the princess use her sword without any fire magic, and that Floyd guy is using earth magic. Hehe, It's a very interesting battle indeed. A fist covered by rock suddenly stops the attack of the princess's sword. I understand now, this guy is using a skill like the Earth Fist.

They continued to attack each other directly for quite a lot of time, I feel very bored at this moment. "Second Flame Techniques: Flaming Sword!" Shouted the princess, it seems she started to get serious and use one of her strong techniques. That Floyd guy, I think he is also getting serious, he strengthens his Earth Fist to block the flaming sword.

'Flaming Sword, a good skill indeed. Maybe I will try to learn it with when I get fire affinity later.' I thought. I started to observe the fight again, it is getting interesting every second. The young generations were surely full of surprises, but what a pity some of them did not use the opportunity to make themselves stronger.

"Fire Slash!" Shouted the princess, and again she uses her skill. But I'm sure she still hides her trump card, this fire slash is a strong attack if combined with my Wind Slash. 'If this skill merges, can they become something stronger?' I asked myself.

"Princess Alice is the winner of the first battle!" Announced the examiner. So the first battle has finished and it seems my turn has come. "The Second Battles will be Jay against Ray Frost!" Shouted the examiner. Then I walk toward the arena and see him waiting for me there. He kept staring at me like a predator, it was bothering me but I don't care.

"The second battle starts!" Declared the examiner. Then I took a glance toward Ray guy, I thought this guy will just go and attack me. 'Why didn't he attack me?' I thought confused by the conditions right now. I see him starting to walk step by step towards me. Then he open his lips and said "You are an interesting person, fight me to the fullest and let me enjoy the fight without any hesitation in our attack!" he said to me.

Huh.. This is very awkward, but I just make a grin on my face then dash toward him at a fast speed. [ Wind Travel ], after using this skill in the fight against those young master syndrome guards I am faster and using it better. I appeared in front of him and sees him with a shocked face, he uses an attack at me with his Ice element. I dodged his attack and appeared behind his back kicking his abdomen area. Oh man, he flew away quite far but still in the arena, obviously it will not be interesting if I just win after the battle started.

"Ice Armor!" Ray Shouted. What a unique skill, covering the body with an ice element in the form of armor. I am now interested in this battle, without further ado, I call my sword and use [ Wind Slash ] to him. "Ohh, that's an interesting armor my skill only made a few scratches on it," I said to him. He just smiled at me and dash toward me using his fist attempting to knock me out.

[ Air Wall ] suddenly the air gathered in front of me and made a wall blocking his fist. He can't destroy my air wall but I can make a scratch at his armor. 'Maybe I should use the chaos element in my attack?' I thought. [ Wind Slash ] I infused my chaos element into the slash making it stronger. The attack hit Ray and his armor was destroyed instantly, the chaos element is powerful just like the old man said.

[ Devour ] I used devour to the ice armor pieces that were on the ground.

[ Received Basic Ice Magic: Ice Armor ]

I gained his skill, but to get the ice mastery I have to devour a person that has mastery with the ice element. I don't want to devour this Ray Frost guy because I have a plan for him. He was shocked because his armor was destroyed by my attack, but he still kept his calm face and tried to attack me again. We keep exchanging blows with each other until he is tired. I point my sword toward his neck and he surrendered. "I surrender, you are a very strong person." He said to me and the examiner while smiling.

"The Second Battles winner is Jay Khaos!" Announced the examiner. After that, I go down from the arena and walk towards my seat. The rest of the battles did not make me interested so I just sleep during all of that.


Current Status


Status Information

Name: Jay Khaos

Title: Prince of Chaos, The Chaos Successor

Age: 15

Strength: 30

Mana: ERROR!?

INT: 45

STA: 25

AGI: 38

SP: 0

SC: 200

Mastery: Basic wind magic, Basic earth mastery, Basic sword mastery


Wind Slash (Low)

Wind Travel (Mid)

Air Wall (Mid)

Wind Fist (Low)

Earth Wall (Mid)

Ice Armor (Mid)

Chaos energy: 1℅

(System note: Skill level starts from Low, Mid, High, Advanced, Expert.)

(System note: mastery is categorized from Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert.)



Hope u enjoy this chapter!

~ BaldMonk