
Fruit that grants...

Hakalaka · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 7.

After few moments, the lady stood up and asked "Who is that?" She was staring at the youthful-looking man with long brown hair, tanned skin, and golden-colored eye. The strangest thing wasn't his closed eye but his strange clothing sense.

"Ah. His name is Valentine. He saved from getting eaten by a large wolf." The girl replied with a bright smile.

"Ara, Is that so? Come in." The lady smiled and welcomed the stranger to her house.

Valentine nodded and followed the lady to the main room.


A few moments later, Valentine was sitting at the table eating normal homemade food for the first time in the last 10 years. Valentine was munching on the dried bread while drinking soup with only water and a little bit of meat. Spite that, there was satisfaction on his face.

"My name is Tamaki. Thanks for saving my daughter." The lady introduced herself while bowing.

"It's okay. Since thanks to Koneko, I was able to come here." Valentine replied after wiping his mouth.

"Can you tell me what happened in this town?" Valentine quickly went into the main question since he needed information about the pirates he was going to confront.

"Our town wasn't like this always. Though we were quite poor, we still lived happily. Until they came..."

"Who are 'they'?"

"The pirates. They arrived in our town around 10 years ago. Since that, they have been terrorizing our town, demanding taxes every month. If we don't give pay the taxes, they will destroy a few buildings as well as kill some as a lesson."

"Are they still here?" Valentine knew the pirates were here. But he decided to ask to learn the location of their headquarter.

"Yes. They live in the big mansion on the hill."

"How many pirates are there?"

"I don't know for sure. When they came here first there were around 50 of them. However, their number increased as some from our town decided to be their underlings. If I guess around 70."

"Why didn't the marine exterminated them? Did you notify the marine?"

"We did. But the pirates bribed the Vice-Admiral who came here to exterminate pirates."

"Is that so?" Valentine sighed after getting even more disappointed in those who always say they were the guardians of justice.

"What about you? Why are you here?" Tamaki asked.

"As you know my name is Valentine. I came here after the ship I was on got crushed." Valentine lied about how he came here. To be honest, he too had no idea he came here. Did the system teleport him here? This was the only explanation Valentine found very likely.

"After that, I ventured into the forest hoping to find something to eat. Unfortunately, I got lost in the forest and was forced to live there for a month. During that time I hunted beasts and made these clothes for me since I had nothing else to wear."

"Ah right, do you have something for me to wear?" Valentine scratched the back of his head while trying to maintain his smiling face.

"Ara. Maybe I can give you some clothes of my husband's." With that Tamaki went out of the room.

A few moments later, Tamaki came back with a neatly folded shirt and pants as well as worn-out wooden sandals.

"Here. I can't say for sure if they will fit."

"It's okay. Thank you for being generous." Valentine lowered his head.

"Ara. No need to thank me." Tamaki placed her right hand on her mouth, hiding it.

Suddenly Valentine and Tamaki heard a girl crying out loud.

Tamaki recognized the voice and rushed out to see what was happening outside. Valentine followed her behind.

"Do you know how much it costs, you little punk?!!!"

When they got out, they saw a bald man holding Koneko by her neck while shouting at her.

"Please let my daughter go. I will take the responsibilities for her wrongdoings." Tamaki begged the man to release her daughter while clinging to his arm.

"Do you what your daughter did? She destroyed my new log pose. Do you know how much it costs?"

Suddenly the man felt a sharp pain in his arm. The man shifted his attention to his arms to only find out his hand was separated from his arm, cut cleanly.

"Lady Tamaki get Koneko and go inside your house. I will settle this." Valentine said.

Tamaki nodded and took Koneko who was crying his eyes out at the moment.

"Do you know who I am?" The man asked while walking back.

"Let me guess. You are a pirate, right?" Valentine pointed his sword in the man's throat.

"What are you going to do? If you kill me, my boss will not let you go." Droplets of sweat were running down in his bald head.

"Go tell your boss I will kill him if he doesn't leave the town in 3 days." Valentine said the bald man.

"O-okay." The man replied and run away.


"What did you say?!!!" A man sitting on the large seat yelled after hearing the report of one of his men.

"Did he really said he will kill me if I don't leave the town in 3 days? He has some gut." The man exclaimed.

The man is wearing a black shirt under a red coat. He has baggy grey pants, black boots. He seemed to be in his late 40s.

"Captain, shall I go and kill him?" One of the men standing beside him commented.

"No need." The captain replied nonchalantly.

Suddenly, a man rushed in. The man was out of breath indicating he ran here.

"I hope you have a good explanation for your rude behavior. If not you know what will happen, right?" The captain stated.

"We *pant* are under *pant* attack." The man said while catching his breath.

"How many are there? Is it townspeople?" The man beside the captain asked.

"Single. I don't remember his face. So he cannot be." The man replied.

"One?" The captain stated.

Suddenly a large dark purple colored thing rushed from the door and went straight to the roof, destroying everything on the way.

Some pirates inside the room were confused while some were scared.

All of the pirates shifted their attention to the broken gate as they heard footsteps coming from there.

"What are you doing maggots prepare to engage." The captain roared.

Some pirates pointed their guns towards the smoke while others unsheathed their swords, ready to engage whoever comes from the gate.

At this moment, some pirates began to fall one after another, confusing others.

"What happened?" The captain exclaimed.

"They are dead!!!" One of the pirates after checking the man who fell near him. Unfortunately for him as he shouts he also fell to the ground.

Like this, almost every pirate in the room was dead except for the captain, two men beside him, and the bald man who run from Valentine.

"You are!!!" The bald man exclaimed after seeing the figure when the smoke dissipated.

"You said you will kill us if we don't leave in 3 days." The bald man said.

"Are you stupid? Why would I let have time to come up with a plan or run away?" Valentine stated and pointed his hand to the man.

The captain and his two aides were confused as Valentine just pointed his bare hands to the bald man. There was nothing in hands. But the baldy was dead not soon after.

"Who are you?" The captain asked after swallowing his saliva.

"No one." Valentine pointed his hand which he was holding Emperor and pulled the trigger, immediately killing the captain of the pirates.

When the other two noticed their leader was dead they wanted to be run away. But unfortunately for him, Valentine had other ideas.

[The host killed a pirate, earning 7500EXP]

[The host killed a pirate, earning 7500EXP]

[The host killed a pirate, earning 7500EXP]




[The host killed a pirate, earning 50000EXP]

[The host killed a pirate, earning 20000EXP]

[The host killed a pirate, earning 20000EXP]


[Quest: Kill the pirates completed]

[New skill, 'Shunpo' obtained]

[Level up]

[Level: 21->22

EXP: 408050/409600]