

Sometimes I wished I never existed and other times I wonder if I exist only for destruction. Everyday of my miserable life, I watched people look at me with their hateful and spiteful glares and it hurt more than anything I've ever known.

But that was before.

Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Hazel Rose and I might be your worst nightmare.

I live in a shit hole town called yeong and let me just say, I'm not famous for doing exactly good things. I have many nicknames which my townspeople had generously given me. Add that with a sarcastic remark.



"The devil's child"

'Yeah, keep those names coming.' Each time I heard a new nickname I would smirk at my oh so generous townsmen. These names that they have given me had made me embrace who I was.

Who I truly am.

Waking up from another blissful slumber, a yawn escaped my lips and I sighed drowsly.

Maybe I should add sleeping forever in my bucket list.

I stood up half awake and made my way to the mirror which was a big mistake on my part. Staring back at me was a skinny, brown haired girl that could probably blow away even by a subtle breeze.


Not bothering with that any longer, I proceeded towards the bathroom and had my cold morning shower. They say that a cold shower reduces the chances of me killing someone in a day.

Just by a fraction though.

I stepped out of the shower and put on a faded blouse and a flower skirt, topping it off with an oversized sweater. I braided my hair in a ponytail and put my nerdy glasses on my nose.

People that don't know me will marvel at how quiet and innocent I looked. But the ones that have seen my actions will stray clear from my path.

"Hazel!" I hear my sister scream my name from downstairs and I quickly make my way down. My sister as usual was wearing one of the latest styles only God knew where she was getting that amount of money from. Unlike me, she had black Raven hair that flowed to her waist and a beautiful face that could render men speechless but there was one thing about that totally chased them away. Her messed up attitude.

"You brat!" She glared at me and pulled the arm of my sweater.

"Ouch! what did I do!?" I asked her, faking useless tears from my eyes.

This was my luck sweater.

"I wish you could just disappear!" She shouted and threw me on the ground which hurt like hell.

'And I wish your face could disappear.'