
Frozen heart.

Daphne, the first daughter and successor to the throne in the kingdom of Dnuiran, her younger sister is still at the Royal Academy while Daphne is preparing to take on her role as the Queen of Dnuiran. Things start changing and at a fast pace when she meets her mate or more like mates but the twist is that only one of the two women is her actual mate and there was some twist that went on behind the scenes to make her think the second female was her mate as well. One of the ladies happens to be a new student at the academy but seems like her mate has a lot of unresolved problems and secrets to hide and her second mate as well has some skeletons lurking in her closet from the past that she just can't seem to let go of and has come to revenge mistakes and events that happened centuries ago. She loves her mates and treats them well but the secrets they are individually hiding can't let them freely enjoy their time together until they come clean with the truth of their hidden agendas and that seems impossible until when it happens but when the truth is out there's more to loose than to gain leaving the ladies distraught in their own ways.

Mo_yong · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Can't say.

After asking the question Amidala seemed to be in thought for a moment before answering ''I can't say much as she was mostly quiet the entire ride here and seemed to be in her head the whole time while driving but she was in a bad mood if I guessed correctly, she seemed conflicted about something but I did not want to press her on it.''

''Thank you dear. you can go to rest now.'' The queen politely dismissed her daughter.

''Yes mum. Dad.''

Turning to her husband, the queen voiced out her fears. ''Do you think we are pressuring her too much?''

''We started pressuring her the moment she started her royal training so now I'd say we're way past pressuring her because now we are pushing her past her limit and I know you are worried but trust me when I say that Daphne knows what she is doing and when she reaches her breaking point she will pull back on her own just watch and see.'' The king explained to his wife.

He knew it was harsh but he had to do it for his own daughter's good.

''Let's not talk about it for now.'' The queen dismissed as she proceeded.

At The Dorms.

''Hey roomie.'' Tala greeted when Zelda opened the door to their dorm room.

''Hi Tala.'' Zelda responded not feeling small talklike. Then she went straight to her bed slumping on it and then completely passing out.

'I think we just lost her.' Tala announced in her head as she shook her head in amusement.

A few hours later.

''WAKE THE FUCK UP BITCH! Sleep's for loserssss!'' Arwen barged into the room screaming on top of her lungs and disrupting the peace of everyone there not also forgetting to destroy their eardrums altogether.

''If sleep is for losers then I agree that I am a loser, you can count me as one right now. Let me sleep in peace you hoe. UGH.'' Zelda snapped while trying to calm herself down and convince herself that Arwen isn't eligible to be killed just yet.

But it seemed like Arwen on the other hand desperately wanted to be killed.

''Oh hell naw! You are not going back to sleep you little shit! Caspian wants to see you.'' Arwen announced with a DUH face.

''Can't you tell your brother to go fuck some bitch or something every once in a while and leave me the fuck alone? He is sexually frustrated.'' Zelda pronounced with an irritated look.

''How dare you say my brother is sexually frustrated? I mean it is the truth but still doesn't make you saying it more endearing or something at least you don't get to say that before me in front of Caspian.'' Arwen said.

''You do know you are trying to bet on your brother like a child right? Go go I will pass by the pack house later.'' Zelda groaned while saying that and Arwen kicked her leg obnoxiously before scurrying off.

''Fucking bitch!'' Zelda yelled into her pillow before turning over and slipping back into dream land.

Barging into the park house just because she felt like it and wanted to be disrespectful Zelda stomped to Caspian's office.

''Caspian! Where the fuck are you and why in the world did you wanna see me?'' Zelda yelled obnoxiously.

She was tired of it all; the request, the glances yes even the little sneak peaks he would do on her every now and then drove her insanely mad to the point of no return.

The ambiguous comments and every darn fucking thing at this point.