
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter: 5

It's been two weeks and I still find her weird. She doesn't speak to anyone while we are in the office. She is like Austin who speaks only when it's essential.

Today is another day in the office and we had no cases. Our ass is boring as animals in the zoo.

"I am so bored!" Ian whines.

"I hope you get bored of being bored because being bored is so boring," Austin told him.

Ian gave him a blank stare, not understanding a word.

We just passed out time then decided to leave. Iclyn stood and I stare at her like usual.

Something is wrong with his girl.

"Quit eyeing me kid," she glanced at me.

"For the last time, I am not a kid," I told her sternly.

"Umm Iclyn?" Logan called out for her.


"We want to invite you over to have dinner with us," Aiden calmly said.

"But why Aiden?" I didn't even try to hide my dissatisfaction.

"Leo," Logan warns me and I sighed.

"Okay," Iceberg replied smirking at me. She is enjoying my irritation a lot.

I gathered my stuff and ignore everyone, walking out alone.

"Wait Miles!"

Footsteps approached me and Ian catch up with me.

"Why are you acting weird?" He asked.

"I am not Ian," I mumbled.

"Yes, you are. Since the day she arrived, you are," he states.

What should I even say?

I am still confused about that night. One second it feels like everything was real. Then another second everything seems stupid.

Iclyn Frostine.

She is the major cause of my strings of thoughts.

I am sure it was her, who disappeared with the truck and heaps of ice.

Also the ache I feel when I look at her.

The feeling of cold I feel.

I just can't decipher things.

"Leo...lee?" Ian shoves my shoulder slightly yanking me from my thoughts.


"Why are you so Jungshook!?"

I roll my eyes and walk into the elevator, not before everyone else joining us. Except her.

"Where is Iclyn?" I asked them.

"Just a minute ago you didn't want to see her face," Owen stared at me curiously

Why did I even bother asking?

When we walked out of the elevator, she was already down going through her purse.

Now she can't reach the ground floor from the 28th floor, before us.

I look at others and they seem to have the same thoughts as me.

"W..wow..you are fast," Jack said and looked at us nervously.

"Let's go. I will ride with Leo," she announced.

"Excuse me? Why would I give you a ride?" I asked, giving her a ridiculous look.

"Because we are going to the same place?" She runs her fingers through her long chocolate curls.

"Yeah. But you can ride with some else," I said pointing at other members.

She tilted her head and walks towards me. My heart races for some weird reason as she closed the distance between us.

She stopped when our shoe tips were touching and we were just an inch or two away. I am aware of the stares my friends are giving me but her eyes are making my brain shut everything down and my heart freeze.

"Are you scared to be alone with me Leo?" her soft chilly voice asked me.

Yes. I am scared.

I felt like I was standing near huge piles of ice because her aura was cold.

"Scared?" I scoffed and walks towards my car, I held the door open for her.

"Please get in Miss Frostine," I bowed to be extra dramatic.

She climbs into the car. I waved at others who look like they are enjoying the situation.

I began to steer.

"So Leo?" I tensed up when she spoke.

"Yes?" I confidently asked.

"What if I said I am not a human being?" she asked, my head snaps to look at her.

"Eyes on the street boy, can't let you die!" She exclaimed with a smug smile.

"I will ask you for the last time, was it you that night?" I asked sternly and looked in her direction through my peripheral vision.

She didn't answer.

When I glanced at her, she was tensed, gazing around like an eagle ready to attack her prey.


"Take right!" She command.

The hell I will! She is asking me to take Black hallow street.

"Leo Miles! Turn Right If You Don't Want Your Friends To Die!" she snapped and I glare at her wide eyes.

What nonsense she is spewing!

"Fine. I will do it. Just brace yourself if you scream I will freeze you to death!"

"What are y-

She cuts me off and closed her eyes. When her eyes flutter open, they sparkle weirdly. She glares at the steering wheel and I lost control over it. The car took a sharp right turn and I was no longer having control over the vehicle.

I wanted to scream because I wasn't understanding a thing. My heart pounded in my ears. I felt the air became cooler. We were going straight down the streets, the car was moving on its own, so fast that it was making my head spin and flipping my stomach. The gush of wind hits us and I closed my eyes shut.

It's happening again.

I saw through the side mirror, my soul left my body when I saw something following us. It was black smoke, in meteorite shape, chasing the car.

"Leo close your eyes!" I forgot she was with me.

I just did.

I closed my eyes.

The coldness increased, I felt like I was freezing right from my heart than my brain, and slowly my nerves. My chest ached and I clutched my shirt. A range of dizziness hits me.

"Leo?" I heard her voice, and her cool fingertips touched my cheek.

I was frightened and pushed her hand away. My eyes flew open and I frantically looked around us.

I was in the driveway of Bangtan house.


What the hell?

My eyes met her blue eyes and I held the eye contact.

"Icyln, you better start explaining," I said, my voice wavers. I was still in panic mode because of what happened.

"Leo we need to go in! Let's check up on others. I will tell you everything!" she turns to get off the car. I grabbed her wrist.

The skinship sent snow electric waves through my body, right to my heart. I felt was heart was being clutched hard. I still didn't let her hand go.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked her breathlessly.

"Take your hand off of me. And let's get in Leo," she shrieked.

I was about to protest, but that uneasy feeling returns. The wind. It started blowing crazily.

"Fuck it!" She screamed and grabbed my hand.

"Get off right now!" She said and let go.

I climb off and ran to the house following her. When we run in boys were already fighting a creature. It was black smoke in a man's figure. Owen was on the floor clutching his stomach. Blood was oozing out, Aiden was right beside him. The other boys were with their guns ready to shoot at....whatever that thing is. I didn't waste a second and jumped in front of them.

"Leo, don't step near it!" Logan yelled. I take a step back towards my group.

The silhouette starts glowing and moves towards us.


In unison, the bullets were shot.

Nothing happened to the figure.

The worst is it started glowing in a dark red flame.

A slender figure walking towards us caught my attention. Iclyn was sauntering like she is modeling, extremely unbothered as if she deals with these things every fucking day. She calmly stands in front of us, facing the smokey...monster or whatever.

"Iclyn move right now!" I yelled, but she pretended not to hear me.

The smokey man's hand lifts, and it seems like something extremely bad is coming at us. His hands shimmer in red and the flame was coming straight to us.

We screamed.

Of course, it's a natural human instinct.

The girl in front of us, whose hands are now glowing with white flame, dramatically moves her hand and acts like she was shoot bullets with her palm.

In a blink of an eye, there were huge spikes of ice shielding us.

Sorry, WHAT?

I blink my eyes and rubbed them. I look at the spikes again.

It's real bro.

It's just like that night.

That's how she saved me from getting hit by a truck.

I still couldn't reckon what I was witnessing.

Her hands can create snow?

Her hands and snow.

That too spikes.

What the fuck my eyes are showing me?!

She gazed at our barren faces and rolls her eyes. Again she placed her hands on both her sides and slowly drags them up, around us the huge ice wall builds up.

Stop reading this, you guys will be insane like I am and start seeing things.

I spin in a circle to look around, the ice wall that was covering us from the smokey man.

"Stay here. Nobody will move or I will freeze your asses," she warns and starts walking towards the spikes

I grabbed her wrist and flinch, her body is ice cold.

"What!?" her paranormal eyes lock with mine.

"Wi-ll will yo-u be okay?" I stutter. Not that I care for her of something. But I am an officer and it's our duty.

"Leo Miles are you caring for me?" she smiles smugly.

What on earth is wrong with her brain?

I let go of her hand.

"If you touch me again without my permission I will stab you with the ice spikes!" her blue eyes darkens and she turns around walking towards the spikes. The spikes parts, making way for her as if it is following her orders.

I gulp and look at my friends. They are frozen in their places, absolutely shaken.

"Somebody is pranking us," Ian said, his voice was not at all steady.

"Wake me up. I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP!" Austin yelled.

"I am dead," Jack said and closed his eyes shut.

Others were just shaken to the core.

We heard a growling sound along with huge crashes.

She is alone.

I start to run but Logan grabs me.

"Trust her, she knows what she is doing. At least that what it seems," he said and keep his hold on my hand so I don't run.

The ice around us started fading. It was like overturning from where it is formed.

The next moment the ice completely vanishes. My eyes search for her and when it lands on her, relief rush through me. Iclyn was in the middle of a shattered room, my eyes snap to her hair. They changed.

They are now Icy blue.

What the fuck is wrong in this world?

Her eyes met mine and an uneasy feeling set in me.

Like I was worried.

But why? How I am feeling like this?

"We need to get Owen to hospital," Aiden growled.


I look at him, he was now unconsciously laying in the pool of blood.

My heart hammered in my chest as I took my phone out to call an ambulance. My hands were trembling.

Before I could unlock my phone, she snatches it from me.

"There is no need for an ambulance," she said and walk towards Owen

"Move," she commands in her icy voice.

Aiden didn't move.

"You will get up on your own or should I make you?" she asked him and I swear I saw Aiden shiver.

He slowly, very slowly stood. His clothes were drenched in blood.

Owen. My heart raced even more as she sat beside him and look at the wound.

I don't trust her.

Not with my family.

"Don't touch him Iclyn. Austin, call the ambulance. We are taking him to the hospital," I said sternly.

"Shut up Kid," she said not even looking at me.

"Now I want you guys not to freak out. Just don't scream, I hate loud species," she said looking around boys.

She closed her eyes and her blue hair starts twinkling, along with her hands.


I notice the gun on the floor and picked it up aiming straight at her. I can't trust a person who shoves ice with her hands, with the life of my friend.

"Stop. I will shoot," I warn.


"No Leo!"

I dismiss them.

Iclyn hair stops sparkling and she bestowed me a deadly stare. Her icy gaze slashes a hole through me, but I didn't flicker.

The next thing I know is, a fork was shot straight into my hands, making the gun fly and fall with a thud on the floor. I clutch my hand in pain.


There was a slight cut on the back of my hand.

"If you ever again use a weapon against me, the knife will be stabbed straight into your throat," her gravelly calm voice rings in the silent room.

She closed her eyes, and her hair sparkles again. Helpless we just watch her because Owen is in her hands.

Her glittering hands slightly roam around his abdomen, over the injury, and in a matter of seconds, the blood started to reverse in his belly.


Everything was like a slow-motion crazy movie.

The blood vanishes in a split of flashes and Owen howls loudly and coughs.

"Give him a hot water bath immediately," she said weakly clutching her chest

Aiden instantly helped Owen followed by Jack. They pick him up and went upstairs. Others dwelled in their spots.

Iclyn vigorously coughs, her body trembles and she became pale. Without realizing my feet were walking close to her.

I kneel and gripped her shoulders. The spark, I felt it.

My heart burst in numerous emotions, I don't even know.

"Hug me, please hold me," her pink lips are now slightly blue and her voice was just a whisper of frost.

What's wrong with her? She isn't dying, right?

Her skin is beyond cold. I pull her in my embrace. The icy waves hit every nerve in my body, my chest throbs and I felt myself getting warm.

Her cold hands wrap around my torso and she snuggles more in me, it was like she is absorbing the warmth of my body. I sense her doing that.

"Hold me tighter Leo please," her weak voice pleaded. And I pull her into myself tighter, not leaving space for air. Her face was buried in the crook of my neck and her chilly breath trembled me from the core.

What's this?

What's with her and me?

What is all these feelings and reaction?


