
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter: 4


"Well, I like the welcome," she winked at me.

What the hell is happening in this damn globe?

"Leo do you know her?" Logan gave me a tight smile that says you-fucked-up-badly.

They were all stared at me expectedly. The esoteric girl raised her brows, her aquatic eyes challenged me saying I-dare-you-tell-them.

"No," I quietly muttered.

Not now. I will sort this later.

"Then I believe you owe me an apology for swearing at me," I still haven't forgotten her voice. It was Crystal clear in my mind.

"Leo, apologize to her," Logan told me.

I balled my fist and rolled my tongue in my cheek, trying not to say something I will regret.

"Leo," the alarming tone made me sigh.

"I apologize for the misunderstanding," I don't mean it.

I am sure as heck I am not misunderstanding. The atmosphere changed drastically just like yesterday, I don't know how it's not affecting anyone else.

"It's fine," her eyes pierce in mine and I don't back down. Her lips curve ever so slightly, and that chilly icy cold look made me shudder.

Who the fuck she is?

"Officer, please introduce yourself," HOD told her.

She glanced at us and carried her 5'6 feet frame forward

"I am Iclyn Frostine, the new forensic officer," she introduced, her voice as sharp as a blade.

Why her tone is so intense and cold?

"I am Captain Logan Hampton. Welcome to my team," Logan extended his hand.

"I don't shake hands," she said and smile, a chilly smile. She joined her hands and greeted the way some Asian countries do.

Logan reluctantly puts his hand on his side.

"Well...anyway welcome to my team," he said studying her with his crime observing eyes.

"I want to make one thing clear. I am working with you guys. Not working for you guys. So I am not under you and I expect you guys won't order me around like some random helper," she stated, fixing her white coat.

I scoffed.

Who the hell she thinks she is?

"Um..well...Miss Frostine, I understand what you mean. But still, once you walked in this officer you are part of my team and I expect your cooperation. I believe in our HOD's decision. There must be something extraordinary about you and that's why you are here. I promise that my team and I will treat you the way you deserve to be treated," Logan said, then she smiled.

Oh, so she can smile. But her smile seems dangerous.

"So I will leave her to your care. Miss Frostine, I will take my leave," HOD's said with a 90° bow and walked away.

Why he was being so respectful to her?

I mean yeah it's what gentlemen do but something is off.

I looked at her up and down again. She was dressed in black. Black jeans and a black shirt, with a forensic coat.

"You shouldn't openly check me out," she marked, and my eyes snap to her than at others.

They were giving me weird looks.

"What's wrong with you?" Aiden mouthed.

I shook my head.

"Sorry, but I wasn't checking you out. I just think we have met before. Haven't we?" I asked her body. I am sure she will show some sign of lying.

"Have we? Maybe we did? Who knows?" She replied cocking her head.

We stared at each other. And the starting game began.

"Ahhh," I whimper holding my chest.

Not again

"Leo, what happened?" Aiden and Owen give me worried looks.

Don't look in my eyes.

Her voice rings in my mind and I gave her a fierce look, she just glimmered. Her icy smile.

"I am just not feeling good," I said through my gritted teeth.

"You can go home kookie, we all will handle here," Ian said.

"It's fine," I assured them.

"Well, what we have today?" she asked looking at Logan.

"Miss Fro-

"Iclyn... Just Iclyn" she said, her submerged eyes glanced at me then back to Logan

"Er...Iclyn, as it was urgent news about your arrival your desk hasn't been set yet. I will make the arrangements meanwhile you can use my desk," Logan told her and she nods.

Logan walked her to the table and she elegantly sits on it, crossing her legs, straightening her back, and raising her chin like she owns this damn place.

Like some Queen.

"Thanks. So I believe we are working on the river Den case," she raised her brows.

The media have spread the news already.

"Before we get started let the boys introduce themselves," Logan suggests.

"Well, I already know. The one with the white coat and board shoulder is Austin, the one with the brightest smile is Jack, the one who is thinking about the bed in Austin, the one with squished cheeks is Owen, the cute boxy smile one is Ian, the smartest one is you of course and finally the kid, Leo Miles," she interlaces her fingertips, propping her elbows on the desk and smirked at me.

"I am not a kid! I am 21," I snapped.

"Ohh for me you are," she said.

"How old are you?!" I asked, glaring at her.

"Leo it's rude to ask a woman her age!" Jack said.

"I am 1456 years old," she stared and I stared at her.

Others give her an odd look then chuckles. But I didn't.

I don't think it was a joke.

"So did you test the ice? And what about the man inside the ice block," she asked and they stop smiling.

"Excuse me, how do you know about it? We strictly kept it from everyone rather than us," Austin asked her, his criminologist tone was on.

Now she is in a trap.

"As Logan said earlier, I am here because something is extraordinary about me. This is what it is. I know everything. I mean everything. You can't hide things from me and trust me you don't want to test my ability," she simply states leaning back on the chair.

I look at Austin expectedly waiting his come back. But he didn't say anything.

They seriously are not buying the crap she is saying.

"That makes sense. No wonder your IQ is over 200," Logan cocked his head studying her as she is an interesting concept.

Our jaw drops to the floor.


Even Einstein IQ wasn't that high.

"Oh my God, that's more than Logan, his IQ is 148!" Ian said.

"Are you a human?" I bluntly asked her. She gave me a look then tilts her head to her side, blinking eyes and her long eyelashes flutters so enchantingly.

"I am certainly not a human," she replied.

Everything about her reminds me of something cold, snow and ice.

"Now, if you are done with the questionnaire round, should we start working?" she asked going through Logan's computer.

"Wow...I wasn't seeing it on purpose, but it popped out of nowhere. This painting looks like a woman with a huge ass and boobs," she states.

What did she say?

"I know right! I thought the same!" Logan exclaimed proudly as if he just won Olympics.

"Great mind thinks alike!" she said and they winked at each other.

Now what?

Are they besties already?

"Aiden have you tested the ice samples yet?" She asked.

"No. Let's start working. You can work on the ice block. The other team already took the man out of the block. He is dead," Aiden told us.

"I thought only seven of you know about the man in the ice block?" She looked at Austin

"Sorry, my bad," he said, and Iclyn nods.

"Should we start working already!" I desperately said.

"Yeah sure. Let's start. Kids should leave early after work," she commented and smiles.

What's wrong with her?

I ignored her and others chuckling.

I, Owen, and Logan again visited the Han river to inspect the area.

My mind was still wandering around her.

She is not normal.

I just need to find her in her act



We didn't found any clue near the river or anywhere else. Even the CCTV footage was blank. Now, all our hopes are is in the forensic duo of Aiden and Icy.

We were patiently waiting for the results when they both finally arrives. Aiden was looking pale and Iclyn, well she was looking like Iceberg

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"The ice melted away. It suddenly started to melt and...We..I...oh God...it was melting so...fast," he stammered running his hand through his hair.

"The ice melted away, we could find nothing about it," Icy calmly asserted before sitting on the chair.

"Turn the news channel on," I said. Owen turns on the TV and flips through the channels before settling on the news channel.

" - and miraculously the ice started to melt, it was not showing any sign of melting before. The weather has been showing weird signs and scientists were already working on the ice. But the samples seem to vanished aways, said the Senior Scientist," the reporter reports. Owen turns the volume off.

"What about the man? His cause of death?" Austin asked.

"Ice," her chilly voice rings.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"He died because he was frozen that's what I mean," she rolled her eyes.

"To be honest I don't know why we are wasting our time on this case. Is it something we should be handling? The river has frozen, what it has to do with us," I spat in frustration.

"I know Leo. We are involved because death took place. Also, the way the man's body was found was very unusual. For a reason, we are called a special task force," Logan said.

"So basically we are wrapping this case up. We just have to find what the hell that man was doing inside the ice block?" Owen asked looking at Aiden and Icy.

"Yes." he nods.

"I think he was sleeping and then he froze," Ian said.

"Everyone is not Austin! Why the hell anyone would sleep in the middle of the damn river!" I let out.

"Let's go home now. It's not like residing here will ensue a phenomenon and the case will be unraveled," Austin already commenced huddling his stuff.

We looked at each other and yawn. It's been so many days since we slept for more than 6 hours.

"Alright. We all are dismissed" Logan announced and Aiden and he talks quietly.

Icy stood up and takes off her white coat, my eyes pierce into her. I am not even sure what I am searching for in her.


