

Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com Her hips were as wide as a barrel and her buttocks were plump and round as two American apples placed side by side on the surface of a kitchen island! The tan on her skin looked exactly like warm buttery caramel, floating from a crystal jar ready to be licked away by the eyes of the man who would behold it! The back of her dress… a dark chocolate and beige attire, with dashes of green splattered all over the material which was looking exquisitely perfect and very sexy on her body complimenting her every curve that the good lord had given and her mama has molded! With its deep v-cut that travelled all the way down to her lower back, just leaving enough for one’s imagination and another’s aspiration! Like a good tailor cutting to fit, the dress was fitting her wide hips while hugging her fabulous backside like two cantaloupes placed in a pair of stockings for the yearly Christmas celebrations!

Constance C. Williams · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 1: Frontline

Her hips were as wide as a barrel and her buttocks were plump and round as two American apples placed side by side on the surface of a kitchen island!

The tan on her skin looked exactly like warm buttery caramel, floating from a crystal jar ready to be licked away by the eyes of the man who would behold it!

The back of her dress... a dark chocolate and beige attire, with dashes of green splattered all over the material which was looking exquisitely perfect and very sexy on her body complimenting her every curve that the good lord had given and her mama has molded!

With its deep v-cut that travelled all the way down to her lower back, just leaving enough for one's imagination and another's aspiration!

Like a good tailor cutting to fit, the dress was fitting her wide hips while hugging her fabulous backside like two cantaloupes placed in a pair of stockings for the yearly Christmas celebrations!

Her hair was in a long pony-tail that laid dead center in the middle of her back, and the make-up on her face was very light, but applied perfectly to enhance her already beautiful face!

Indeed she was beautiful, something to behold, and people were certainly looking!

This woman was looking red-carpet ready, but where she was going, nobody knew, just yet!

Uprightly, she was standing in the middle of the streets and all eyes were on her - both men and women, but of course, mostly men!

They were all forming circles around her with each man forming their own covert opinions about her, and what they would do or wouldn't do with her whether they were allowed to, or could physically afford to, or not!

Regardless of where people were going, they would stop to check out this exotic beauty standing in the middle of the street just before sunset hours that afternoon!

Just like a flower swaying in the breeze in the heart of spring, her shapely hips would swaggered impressively, to and fro, as she twirl, stepped, and glance in the streets while her admires looked on with dazzling eyes and watery lips!

There were no creature on earth that looked like her, and she too was very confident enough, to believe that also.

No one in town knew her by name or where she had come from, but, someone would soon find out!

There was someone whose full attention she had gotten, and as busy as he was that day, he was willing to break from his busy schedule just to meet with her!

As timid as most men were to approach her, Lorenzo, a seasoned entrepreneur was brave enough, stopping from where he was going to make that first step... even if, it was to get her number he certainly wanted to make contact with her!

He knew once he had her number in his phone then the rest would follow easily after that because, he had every intention of storing those digits and had much plan of using them very regularly, too!

The masculine tensions were raging high... Lorenzo began sweating profusely! But he had made up in his mind that this was the woman for him and he had to do whatever it took to get her attention!

"If not now then, when?"

He asked himself.

As Lorenzo built up courage to approach her; his eyes gazed onto his watch, and then back at her; and so he did repeatedly hoping to get the courage to approach her! Shy and unsure, then his eyes were on all the other persons who were eyeing this beauty as she swiftly walked down the street in the late evening hours, towards the bus park, as if to catch a bus.

He thought about whistling so as to get her attention; but he felt as though, that wouldn't work since she didn't looks that kind of a girl who would turn her head because of a whistle!

To him, she looked like someone who commanded more of a proper and respectable introduction.

"That won't do!"

He thought!

The moments he had spent pondering about introducing himself to her had allowed her to now walk away at far distance from where he had first seen her!

His only option now was to run and catch-up with her and make a quick introduction of him... time was running out, and he didn't know if someone was coming to pick her up at some specific location, or if, she would be catching a bus to her destination.

Swiftly, Lorenzo began running towards her... holding onto his pants and shirt pockets as securely as he could; trying to prevent any of the coins and papers from falling from his pocket since they were mainly papers pertaining to his business.

He was fairly young, still in shape, so his efforts weren't that tiring.

Breathing somewhat sharply, he made his way up to the beautiful lady and called out to her...

"Hello! Hello! Hello!"

"My name is Lorenzo!"

"How are you doing?"

Not even waiting for her to respond, Lorenzo held onto his chest as he asked...

"May I have your number, please?"

"I know we have just met, but I'm on the job right now and I am a bit busy; but I just needed to meet you so badly! I promise I'll make it up to you, if you would just give me your number! Please don't let me beg!"

Lorenzo pleaded.

"You are not going to even ask me for my name but, you want my number?"

Replied the beauty, he was desperately hoping to decorate his life with.

"Of course, I would like your name, but I figure once I have your number, I can easily get your name whenever I call you! Please, give me your number... okay then... give me your name... I have to catch the bank before it closes... please let me have your number!"

A more desperate request was summoned by Lorenzo.

Flipping through her purse for paper was taking too long!

So quickly, Lorenzo grabbed one of the receipts from his pants pocket and then a blue pen from his shirt pocket; and trusted them into the beautiful stranger's hands as he exclaimed...

"Here is pen and paper! Write on it quickly for me please... I need to catch the bank!"

Still a bit drawn a back by his persistent... the gorgeously dressed stranger complied; writing her number on the piece of paper Lorenzo had forced into her hands; but she didn't write her name on it.

As soon as she handed him back the pen and paper, she laughing remarked...

"Whenever you call me, you can ask me for my name, I'll then recall who is calling me and...!"

The sentence from her lips weren't yet completed before Lorenzo snatched the paper from her hands, like a thief in the night, while he hurriedly ran off and kept on shouting repeatedly...

"Thank you!!!!! Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!!"

Until, his voice was taken away by the distances between them, and also by the wind.

In a still daze, this beautiful creature stood still watching this tall man... this rough looking stranger, ran out of her presences, the same way in had run in!

However, the glares continued as this special and exotic being continued her walk on Church Streets in the town of Morel Bay.

She was heading to the bus terminal to catch a bus into the city where she had plans on meeting up with her girlfriends, and staying with them for a mid-week session that would be held a few towns over from where they were living.

It was held there every Thursday night at the intersection of the posh community of Beverly Hills.

It was the place where everyone and anyone went to hang out, listen to music, dance and party until daylight, on that night of the week!

All the beauties were usually there, and also, sponsors for this and sponsors for that were always there trying to meet the next talented or hot thing in town. All the high rankers and high rollers of the entire island were usually there; and some would even fly in on their private jets, just to be there on Thursday nights!

If anyone wanted a financial breakthrough that would be the place to go; and anyone who had any form of business or who wanted their business to be promoted were usually there also... mixing and mingling to get things done - to be seen - to get noticed and be introduce to someone so as to get themselves a spot around the table of the higher classes of society.

There were the not so poor folks, and so were to poor folks who were oftentimes there, looking for a hand's up, a step-up, or any form of an elevation!

Whether in relationship, education, business or just life in general, they were there trying to meet the right person - some top official who could help them make it out of the ghetto, or, to get their desired needs met.

Not surprisingly, some women were very lucky, and would end up finding Mr. Right, right there on the grounds of Frontline!

And with that would come having all their needs met!

Most of those women would end up being secure for life... getting all the trimmings of a home, a fat bank account, a new business venture, a vehicle, their education fees paid for, or most of the amount reduced!

There were all kinds of exchanges taking place at the grounds of Frontline, both for men and for women!

Both the young and old... but it was mainly the older men who were giving these exorbitant favors to young college students and soon to be graduates.

Even though, quite a few of the younger ones would hang out there too, at Frontline, looking for the next pretty face to come along or the next brilliant brain that would make whatever business investment they were doing work out well for them.

Possible becoming the next big business reality and big money schemes, because they had fresh brains and beauty plugging their business ventures and drawing in massive crowds!

Some persons also had an opportunity to obtain secure jobs right after graduation because many investors were there spreading their ideas and their next big business venture, so as to attract new blood!

There by, allowing graduates to travel with them to Africa, Asia, America and anywhere else on the globe where they were commencing their new business projects!

With eyes still staring at her, the gorgeous damsel got on one of the buses and seated herself in one of the front seats of the bus heading into the city!

The buses were heading into the city of Kingston where the grand session called Frontline was being held.

Settled and relaxed in her seat, the damsel thought about the stranger who had run into her life, and ran out just as fast as he had ran in!

She wondered who he was and what he wanted from her, away from the obvious... her beautiful body!

"Did he want something real with her, or did he just want a fling, a sling and a swing?"

She pondered to herself, amusingly!

Nevertheless, she knew she wouldn't find that out until he called her, as he had promised he would.

It would be a long half-hour on the bus waiting for it to be filled with passengers; the way the conductor had wanted the bus to be filled to capacity with passengers and then, there would be another hour and a half for the ride into the city. Leading up to another possible, forty-five minutes to meet up with her friends once the bus had unloaded its passengers in the city.

The giant coaster bus was on its way, and by now, the sun had found its resting place beyond the horizon.

The substitute for the sun was popping up one by one on every pole lining the streets.

So were every moving vehicle whose lights were operable; they were flooding the packed streets with lower lights like the stars of the heavens; as they busy themselves going back and forth in and out of traffic, some speeding while some crawling like snails, looking for their daily bread!

It was all magical, all melodramatic, all mesmerizing to watch and see!

Needless-to-say, the beautiful young woman who was having everyone's attention was now almost gone far away into another world! It wasn't until the bus conductor had begun shouting for bus fares that she had waken!

She was just about to put her fingers inside her purse to retrieve her bus fare when her cell phone began ringing!

A bit perplexed, she decided to ignore the call and focus on getting her bus fare to the conductor of the bus while she watched him relentlessly until he stretched his hands and handed her back her change from the thousand dollar bill she had given him!

Satisfied with her change in hand, the marvelous beauty; check her phone to see who was trying to reach her.

Scrolling and scrolling; and tapping on this button and then tapping on that button, the newest of the numbers didn't look at all familiar to her!

So she decided, as soon as the bus had stopped to let off passengers, she would find a quite spot in the busy city and return the call.

However, her plan was voided when her phone had begun ringing once more!

It was the mysterious man who she had happened to have met earlier on, and he was at the other end of the phone shouting on the top of his voice...

"It's me, Lorenzo! Remember I introduced myself to you earlier on today... I'm the person who had given you the paper and the pen to write your name on, in the Bay! I told you, I was very busy and I needed to catch the bank or else I would have had more time to talk with you, and make a proper introduction of myself!"

Not allowing her to respond, Lorenzo continued.

"I'm sorry... I didn't even get your name... I was in such a rush... my sincere apologies! I promised you, I would call as soon as I could; so now I have kept my promise, and you would have given me your name whenever I called!"

"My work for the day is over and I would really like to get to know you more!"

Lorenzo explained.

Before he could say another word, the exotic beauty stated her name without an inch of enthusiasm.

It was cold!

It was still!

It was unpredictable!

It was without any lingering tone!

"My name is Janelle!"

Lorenzo waited a few seconds to hear something else!

Some form of mutual excitement, but nothing followed!

Anyhow, with Lorenzo's deep attraction to her, and his certainty that he wanted her in his life, he looked past the fault, and proceeded to ask...

"Okay Janelle, where are you now?"

"I'm on a bus!"

Janelle replied.

"Where is the bus taking you, home or work?"

Lorenzo inquired.


Janelle replied.

"So do you have a boyfriend you're visiting?"

Lorenzo asked, nervously.

There were a few minutes of stillness on the phone - complete silence!

Lorenzo began sweating!

He then reached into his pocket to grasp his handkerchief so he could wipe away the perspiration flooding from his face!

And still after several dabbing and patting around his face, there was still no respond on the other end of the line!

He thought he had lost her, or she just didn't want to speak with him anymore!

"Hello, are you still there?"

Lorenzo shouted repeatedly into his phone!

It was almost five minutes before he heard...

"Yes, I'm still here!"

"The bus was overtaking another vehicle, causing my phone to fall from my hand; sorry about that!"

Janelle reported.

"Okay, I see! I thought I had lost you, or you didn't want to speak with me anymore! However, I understand; because I know how bumpy and choppy these roads can be, and how rough and skillful these drivers can drive on these damaged roads as if they were smoothly paved!"

"Anyway, back to my question - do you have a boyfriend?"

Lorenzo continued.

"Well, not at the moment, I don't!"

Janelle replied.

A flood of excitement had overtaken Lorenzo like a kid in a summer day parade!

He was ecstatic!

He was overjoyed!

He was shaking his fest in a celebratory gesture, thanking his lucky stars that she was indeed available, while he kept on bursting in shaky smiles!

"But was she ready to be with him or with any other man, and what was she looking forward to when being with a man, and was she ready to settle down?"

Were the questions Lorenzo began posing to himself.

Now, he was all smiles, and he now was the one, causing the stillness on the phone-line which had caused Janelle to ask, if he was still there!

"Yes, I am still here, Jay! I just had to clear my throat a little!"

Lorenzo replied with a little white lie.

He knew he had to make his move now!

He also knew if another man came along and offered her the world, she would be gone from him, probably, forever! There was no time to spear... the right questions had to be asked, and right now!

Trying forcing positivity in his mind and confidence into his heart, Lorenzo muscled up himself with all that he had and ask...

"So Jay, will you go out with me?"

"I really would like to take you out and get to know you better! Tell me which weekend you are available and I will come and pick you up! Seriously, I am interested in having you in my life... no games, I swear!"

Another long pause was on the phone!

He was waiting for an answer and she as thinking about what answer to give him!

It was a tense moment!

This request came along too quickly... without warning!

She was very much unaware of his age, his financial status, and his educational background!

However, she knew he had a job and a bank account because he had told her earlier on he was in a hurry to catch the bank when she had just met him.

The silence was deadening and she had no clues what to expect from this husky, tall, and somewhat handsome stranger, she had recently pounced upon, spontaneously!

Still, she was a young and a very appealing woman with her head on her shoulders and she thought, one date with him wouldn't kill her... after all, she was not tied to anyone just yet; she contemplated to herself, before giving him an answer.

From what she had learnt from her girlfriends a few weeks back, where they were planning on hanging out that Thursday night; it would be possible that she might find her mister right there since it had been reported that numerous young female had found their Mr. Right there, and by such, had built concrete and secure relationships just from visiting that night spot named Frontline!

Janelle had presumed, that she too, could walk into the same fate like all those other women who had found their husbands, got their college and university fees paid off and then started the better half of their life's journey because they had met someone special at Frontline.

Allowing such opportunities - such chances as getting the ring, the big wedding, travelling to many countries around the world, starting their own dynasty and families!

Carefully calculating her situation, and what she wanted for herself, Janelle told Lorenzo that she would have a date with him the following weekend and from such, they could gradually get acquainted with each other.

"I'll tell you where to come and pick me up, and we will see what happens from there!"

Janelle expressed.

She was testing just the waters - exploring and searching for the right man who she believed would make her happy... her dream man! If he didn't fit the profile, then she would just move on to the next available suitor who might fit her list of criteria's and give her what she wanted out of life and a relationship!

Lorenzo on the other hand, was dead serious about here... this is the woman he wanted and this is the woman he had to have in his life forever; it seems! And he was willing to do just about anything in his power to get her into that position!

"Make sure, you save my number into your phone, so you can call me whenever you want to!"

Lorenzo exclaimed; trying to impress upon her, that she was the only one for him!

"I'll call you in the morning to see how you are doing!

I'm sorry; we are not able to go out this weekend!

But I'm a patient man!

I promise to make next weekend very special, just for you!

Take care of yourself, we will talk tomorrow!"

Lorenzo expressed.

With those brief and friendly words spoken, Janelle and Lorenzo phone conversation ended.

Now they were on each other minds like waves on water; thinking of each other back and forth, and at every hour on the hour!

For the rest of Janelle's bus ride into the city, she thought about who Lorenzo might turn out to be in her life... would he be the one for her or not?

Or, would she find someone else at Frontline that would tickle her fancy and make her dreams come through, like the countless of other beautiful women who had found their keepsake there?

Lorenzo wasn't the eye candy type, but his presences drew attention, and she liked that about him!

Janelle was very aware that she was fabulously beautiful, and that her beauty would attract just about any man into her life who she wanted in it!

She also knew her beauty was not enough to keep anyone into her life forever, either!

Janelle understood that she wanted the passionate affair, the unforeseen connection that brought her surprises, the mist of chemistry that made love wanting more love... more laughter, more cuddles, more giggles; and the, I can't live without you sorts of feelings and giddiness which expresses love so honestly, more kisses and...

She was indeed striking hot, extremely fabulous, and she wanted that special someone with the zeal and fever in him to match that part of her... a balance!

This young woman wanted it all, and she had to find that special someone, who could give it all to her!

Although, she could only find that out later down the road when she had started dating, mixing and mingling with those whom she had chosen, and allowed to court her.

Meadowbrook, which was a quiet and somewhat peaceful community, would be Janelle's destination for that evening.

And from there, the gal-pals of four, would do dressed-up, freshen-up and then ride-up to the Frontline scene, where the big party session would be taking place, presumably until the break of dawn Friday morning!

A taxi-cab would be their mode of transportation for the night, and it was also the safest ride, for nights like this; because certainly, the ladies knew they would be having more than just two drinks for the late evening hours!

Besides, when it was time for them to return home, it would also be the most reliable form transportation for them to reach home safely with!

Furthermore, they would be preventing any unscrupulous characters or flesh seekers, to take advantage of them at those hours in the morning when roosters were crowing and every dog were one to sleep!

Make-up already applied on faces, enhancing innate beauty, and they were all looking fabulous and ready!

Girdle, corsets, suck around guts to give a slimmer waist line, and an outer-glass figure to make bodies look slim and tight and also to catch the glances and stares of the on-lookers!

Six inches stilettos heels on feet to elongate legs, firm-up claves muscles and add pizzazz to hoofs were the styles for the night!

Not to mention the gorgeous wigs, weaves, and wet-curls which were placed on heads and crowning faces to show off what was already beautiful, and bringing elegance up a notch!

When the four gal-pals were done getting dolled-up, it was a whole lot of gorgeousness, sexiness and appeal, sparks and fabulousness inside Windella's house, that was ready to hit the road and be seen on the grounds of Frontline!