

"Where am I? The black swamp is consuming me at this time. I'm sure it's not Garganta, because I don't feel Reishi. "

Garganta is a faceless black void that connects Hueco Mundo with Arrancar and voids to move between Hueco Mundo, the Human world and Soul Society.

"Now, when I looked at myself carefully, I realized that I was naked and wounded. Benehime's stitches literally spread over me, but I don't feel anything, I can't contact Benehime myself and I don't feel my Reyryoku. Wait, Is This ... Hogyoku? "

At the center of my body is a crystal that gives off a faint shimmering bluish-violet light.

The Hogyoku is an invention that Aizen and I undertook in an attempt to blur or dissolve the line between Shinigami and Hollows, allowing one race to gain the strength of another. However, even we creators did not know that his true strength lies in his ability to capture and realize the most sincere desires of those who are nearby.

I had a bad feeling when I was confronted with some clues and evidence of Kuynsy's movements within Soul Society, which is not possible, so I decided to make a plan for the worst. One of them is using Hogyoku.

However, it is almost impossible to extract it from Aizen. I tried to create another Hogyoku from mine and Aizen's data, which will be identical, but to no avail. It sounds ironic, since I tried to destroy or seal it, but at the moment I cannot be picky in making my own decisions.

True, I don't remember ever embedding Hogyoku in myself.

"I wonder how it happened? The last thing I remembered was that I passed out while inside the Dar Askin ball. Am I dead? Looks like my backup plan has failed! I wonder if they will be able to defeat Yahweh? And if they fail, I wonder what the world will look like? "

A very large stream of thoughts, from this, some changes have occurred inside the blackest space. Small cracks began to appear everywhere, letting in a white, radiant light.

"What will happen to me now? Will I die forever when this space collapses? Or will there be an afterlife? Afterlife after afterlife, how funny. "

Cracks are everywhere now, and some of them have appeared on his body, while Hogyoku continued to shine more and more dazzling. A sudden pain shot through his mind, and space began to collapse, suddenly he began to faint ...

• Kisuke, wake up now, it's too late! - the woman's voice rang out throughout the house.

• God, my head hurts! - groaning, he said.

And completely different memories appeared in our young Urahara Kisuka and his first thought was:

"I am a handsome and sexy candy store owner!"

Thus began his new adventure in this strange new world.