
What Are you Doing Here?

The trainees anticipated the announcement of the best team that would be granted a total of 150,000 stars for the first eliminations.

"And the star team goes to—CHAOS' Daybreak! Congratulations to all of you, and congratulations to trainee Zeth for having the highest amount of star benefits among all the trainees!"

The room was filled with applause as Zeth took the mic. "Umm, I really don't know what to say except that I'm very grateful for this reward. I couldn't have done it without the starlights. I promise to work harder and show you better stages from now on," he said with determination.

June looked at the screen and shook his head.

This guy was definitely born to become an idol. He already speaks like one too.

And to add to that, he just bagged 150,000 stars under his belt. It's not like he needed it too. Zeth could probably place first even without the benefit. However, truth be told, the kid deserved it. Some are just born to be idols, that's all.