

"Why is everybody talking about our rejected song?" Xion asked, entering their conference room. 

The three other members of CHAOS were already there, busily scrolling through their phones. They were gathered by their manager to talk about their upcoming tour, but it seemed like the employees of the company had something more important to talk about.

"Do you live under a rock?" Gideon asked. "Check Durian." 

Xion frowned as he sat on one of the chairs and scrolled through his phone. He smiled when he saw their song still on the third spot. However, his smile quickly dropped when he saw the song below them. 

Just one song below them, to be specific. 

"They actually managed to break through the top five?" Xion exclaimed. 

Kwon leaned against his seat and nodded. 

"A lot of new groups have achieved that, though," Xion defended.