
Too Many Cooks

Are you all familiar with the statement — "Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth?" 

Apparently, the origin of the phrase can be traced back to medieval times, where it likely emerged from a communal kitchen. Suppose individuals are involved in preparing a dish with differing methods, preferences, and opinions. In that case, it is almost certain that a disastrous dish would be the outcome. 

That's exactly what was happening within June's team. 


A team of six where five members are within the top ten. 

And there was June — in 20th place. 

By no means was his rank low, but compared with these big dogs, he was somewhat like a chihuahua. 

Zeth's decision to join the team wasn't taken lightly, too. How could a rapper/dancer pick a ballad song with intricate vocal styles? 

Zeth cleared his throat and decided to take the lead. 

"So, umm...Why did you guys pick this song?" he asked.