
Play the Beat

"Damn flies," June said, swatting away the pesky little insects that were biting his skin. 

The afternoon had come, yet June was still waiting for Y and Magic Mama to finish their conversation. 

He could hear their happy chatter from inside the house while he was sitting on the narrow elevation of the gate. 

June yawned as he felt sleepiness get to him. He glanced at his watch and saw he had been waiting for more than four hours already. 

Thankfully, the gate finally opened half an hour later, revealing a happy Y with swollen eyes. 

"Oh, thank goodness," June said, standing from his small seat and stretching his body. 

Y was startled when he saw June waiting for him.

"What are you still doing here?" he pointed at June. 

"I was waiting for you, of course," June said, yawning once again. "I didn't know you'd take that long." 

"You could have just left," Y deadpanned.