
Piano Man

- Umm, I don't know how to feel. 

- Me too. It was kind of lackluster.

- I expected more. They were all very good, though! As expected from the top ten. 

- I loved Zeth and Jisung's pair dance. 

- I like the arrangement, too. But it would have been perfect if they performed it at the right time. Performing it at the very beginning seems quite forced. 

"Well, that was ass," Nico bluntly said, making Jordan slap his hand over his teammate's mouth. 

"You really don't have a filter, do you?" Jordan sighed. "What would you have done if the camera panned to you at that very moment?" 

"But it didn't," Nico smirked. "You've got to admit, bro. It was shit. My audition was better than that." 

"You were in F-class, Nico," Moon chimed. "But I agree, it wasn't finale-worthy. I was expecting more from them because they have so many front-runners."