
Jealousy, Jealousy

The disappointment could be felt in the audience. Astras started crying because they felt like they had disappointed the boys. Fans of other groups also weren't too elated with OCTA's win. They actually thought EVE deserved it this time. 

- I can't watch this. I'm so sorry, boys. We couldn't even give you a single win. 

- Gosh, my heart is hurting looking at these boys. There are smiles on their faces, but they still look sad. 

- I watched the show for MORPH3D, but damn, do I feel sad for EVE. I watched June and Jaeyong on Quiz God because Zibo was in it, and I thought they were really charming. 

- Eyes never lie. I'm so sorry, EVE. 

- Jisung's about to cry!

June heard a sniff from beside him, so he placed his hand over Jisung's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.