
Cast Away!

In a small and cozy home in the middle of a gated village…

"Honey, please bring the soup to the table!" an old woman shouted from the kitchen. 

The young girl, with her gaze focused on the television screen, shouted back, "Just a second, Grandma! I'm waiting for the commercials to hit." 

She gazed at the television with sparkling eyes, observing the handsome faces on the screen.

She felt her heart race inside her chest as she dreamed what it would be like to live her life under the spotlight. 

The old woman made her way out of the kitchen and smiled fondly at the young girl sitting on the floor. 

When a particular idol was shown on screen, she sighed and quickly stood. 

"Alright, let's eat now," she said, turning around to greet her grandma with a wide smile. 

"I thought you wanted to wait for the commercials?" the old woman asked.