
"Berry Beautiful"

"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other."

- Audrey Hepburn

People say that Math is not about numbers, equations and computation but it's about understanding. As I sat lifelessly listening on Algebra, I really doubted that word. My mind wandered aimlessly to him. That eyes which melts at the slightest bit of the heat from happiness but can also grow hard from the cold harsh reality, I remembered it.

I walked through the hall way towards the locker room. Having stacks of Algebra textbook in the bag and assignment in my hand, I felt like a high school kid. It felt monotonous as the cycle of school was starting again. It was until I sensed someone near me. It literally made me to quake up in my boots. I screamed aloud and ran fast.

It was the most embarrassing thing that happened to me. My not so sophisticated body tumbled down towards the exit gate. As I rolled down like a pebble, I failed to see that person. With a loud thud I fell. My assignment colored the courtyard white and my body with black bruise. I cursed myself . I indeed put my foot in my mouth. Someone called me and that voice was least thing I wanted to hear in this situation.

He came near me and held me up. I couldn't judge his reaction to my dramatic fall but I could see those pinkish lip quirking up. We found a bench nearby and sat down. It was bit of awkward conversing with someone whom you started to crush on. I just sat there and smiled like a fool.

His name was Jack and he was from a small town called Ark land. He was a fun guy and was a vivid fan of tennis. There was nothing to him that I could dislike about. We shared our thoughts on welcoming the new college life and how one should view the point on, " live to love" .He was indeed wise beyond his 23 of age. I still remember that advice he gave me when I told him how lonely I felt. He said, "When life puts you in tough situations, don't say why me, say try me." Life has always been a marathon to me. I have always kept ignoring things which I failed to do and regarded them as unfit. Never did I realize that I was fooling myself. That word touched the deepest doubt within me and made me realize my mistake.

Thanks to that dramatic encounter we became friends. I felt happy. I started to hang out with him. We shared that deep connection which was more than friends but less than being lover. People say Love is a bridge to something much brighter or something which really brings our inner self out. It has always been that tingling, odd feeling yet beautiful one. It is the oldest feeling in the world yet new to everyone. It is as fragile as tofu and requires relentless dedication and hard work. It is at once our most comforting support and the thing that makes us lose our balance. And that was the thing I felt with him.

Early in the morning, the golden sun shone with its vigor and lay his rays upon my curtains. He peeked through my curtain, disturbing my tranquility. And I swear I felt really grumpy about it. The bright looking milky clouds got up from sleep and dragged his fluffy around the sky. The atmosphere filled with freshly baked croissant and aroma of coffee.

I woke up wrapped in the bed sheets messily and stretched my legs. I hurried up and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I took of my clothes and grabbed my towel and placed it on top of the shower curtain holder. Gently, I stepped into the shower as I twisted the knob to let out the water. I tested the water with my hand then gently stepped in the shower. The water cascaded down my body and it felt refreshing. I applied my darling lavender scented body soap and turned around so that my black hair could be damped.

I stepped outside the shower and wrapped the cotton white towel around my waist. Once I dried myself, I held my hair into a turban style with the towel. Walking over to my closet I scanned what was inside to see and what I should wear today. After searching for some time I decided to a blue denim shorts and a sleeveless baby pink crop top and grabbed my black converse. I gently combed through my thick straight hair and put it to a low ponytail. And was off to a new refreshing day.

Hoping that you are enjoying it.

And sorry for all those grammar mistake as its my first time doing something that I always wanted to try.

Thank you and love you all my readers!!

Rintatocreators' thoughts