
" Am I invisible?"

" I hear the beat of my heart getting louder whenever I'm near you"

- One Direction


The night sky was impenetrable with its hues of Delphic and nebulous. It hummed its own song of agony as I lay down on my green lawn. Everything was a transient and I couldn't keep up with it. It's been past three days and I haven't had a single contact with her. I met her occasionally in the class but she seems to ignore me completely. I do admit that I was too bizarre when I held her hands but couldn't control myself. She was there staring at me questioningly with those cute gesture that turned my guts upside down so I couldn't resist touching her.

That day after I phoned my butler I planned to follow her so that I could spend some more time with her but to my stupefaction she just ran away. When I was with her I have never felt bored, every second was a blissful memory energizing every cell of my body. I could have found out every single detail of her from my private detective but something in me urged me to do that investigation myself. If I had to get close to her, I had to respect each and everything of her and that included finding every A to Z about her. But everything doesn't go as per the plan; I planned to follow her but on the way my right man phoned me that he has escaped.

Life is never a bed of roses; some strives for wealth whereas I strive of the wings which will take me away from all this profane surrounding. Usually when a child turns seven or eight they are given bicycle to play and hang around with friend but when I was seven I was handed down this mafia business after my parents was killed. From that day, I was taught to be merciless, erect and firm in any decision I was and had to take. Everything revolved around my command and there was not a thing I couldn't get with the snap of a finger.

Initially, I thought that my parents died in an accident but after some investigation it was by any means not an accident but a brutal cold murder. It was raining that day when I heard my uncle talking to someone on the phone about the so called planned accident. Everything went down after that, I trusted him but there he was betraying me and my dad who adopted him at very young age of 6. My dad found him near drainage pipe lying lifelessly; he treated him and adopted him. My father always treated him as his second son and never deprived him from any luxury.

He was man of loyalty and I had always respected him in every way I person can esteem another. He taught me all those defensive technique and way to survive this cruel world. He was my mentor and my world after my parents left me. My dad trusted him with his heart yet what he got was the perfidy. I have never imagined in my wildest dream that he could be too devious to destroy a perfect family. After he learnt that he had been discovered, he escaped from my grip and I had been searching him for the past 5 years.

I had no plan to kill him but I really wanted to know his logic for killing my world. I somehow managed to capture him again and torture him to give me the reasons but he never opened his mouth instead he just kept of shouting me as murderer. I know I have hurt loads of families but up to what I know I have never hurt things related to him. I did everything to get something from him but he was too strong to blurt everything out. When I received the news of his escape I really felt bitter, I would have gotten my answer anytime soon but he escaped from my palm. I have been searching for him for past 3 days and there isn't any news of him.

I was lost in my own thought when one of my men approached me. He handed me a file and I knew that he has some information him. I opened the so called file and it was really intriguing. He fled and my man was able to get some information on him but he disappeared right at that corner near the bus stop; that exact bus stop where I ran behind her on that day. Something felt fishy there and my instinct told me that there was more to decrypt. I returned the file and advised my men to keep a tab on every person he has been connecting with.

I walked past my luxurious lane lined with artifact heading towards my study room. The tiles were colored with grayish hues and right at the center placed my study table that was constructed from the ebony tree. Beside the desk was the shelf filled with books and files concerning the background of all my clients. I sat on that comfy sofa and read the college assignment. Although I was the head of grandest and scariest mafia gang, I had to still strive for the degree grades. I planned on escaping college right after I enrolled but she came into the scene and destroyed my entire preplan.

After completing the work I headed off for the dinner. My kitchen had the bests of chef and I had the bests of food fewer could afford. Dinner was mostly the loneliest time where the remaining 23 chairs on my dining lounge laid empty and I was the only one sitting and eating there. Mushroom soup, bitter greens with tomatoes the size of peas, rare roast beef slices as thin as paper, noodles in a green sauce, cheese that melts on your tongue served with sweet blue grapes was placed before me. The servers, all young people dressed in white tunics move wordlessly to and from the table, keeping the platters and glasses full. I really wished I could find someone so that I could share this luxurious times I knew that someone had to be her.

I decided to give her a call after my supper; I dialed her number and waited for her to answer me. Disappointment deluged me when no one answered even after my fifth try. I gazed on the phone and hoped that she might call me. Hope is always the light at the end of the tunnel, the phone rang miraculously, I knew that it has her number. I cleared my voice and answered her; that saccharin voice tranquilized the balk within me. The voice held me in the Seventh Avenue and it was just too divine.

I didn't know how to reply her, I stammered a bit and it was really embarrassing because I am an avid speaker and every business tycoon has viewed me as their ideal, yet here I was stammering my gut out. I told her it was me and I just wanted to ask for a lunch tomorrow so I could spend some time with her. And she seems to be considering my request and after much hesitation she was about to agree when I heard a manly voice talking to her. I was about to ask her when the line went out, curiosity and anger boiled within me, I have never seen her with any boys and she seems to be single yet now she had someone with her. Didn't she even consider my presence or was I too invisible for her? I asked those questions towards myself and all I could do was scratch my head.

Now, I knew I had to grab her before anyone, I dialed my companies' tracker center and asked them to track me the location. Everything around me was advanced and developed so just took them 20 minute to track her location. I wore a simple white t-shirt with deep blue jeans, with my bomber jacket on I grabbed my car key and headed off to that location. I really had to know who he was and I promised myself that I would do everything to get her be it in good or bad ways.

I got the description of food from the Hungers game by Suzanne Collins and I strongly recommend every one to read that book. Its really dope.

Make sure to read it listening to "Love Yourself "by BTS

I LOVE BTS *-* #Alwaysanarmy

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