

3 Weeks Later

S.T.A.R Labs

It's been 3 weeks since Naruto awoke from the coma, and discovered his ability to move at super speeds. In those weeks Naruto has began to freshen up his fighting skills, and meditate whenever possible.

Currently Naruto was with Cisco, Harrison, and Caitlin in the basement with four steel slabs lined up in front of him "What did you have to show us Mr. Allen?" Harrison asked

"I think my speed is more than what it seems." Naruto said causing everyone to look confused "Watch."

The three scientists watched as Naruto, grabbed a pen, and held it up for them to see, before suddenly electricity began to spark around the pen and he tossed it forward causing a sonic boom to occur as the pen pierced through all the metal slabs before Naruto sped to catch it when it was about to peirce through a wall

Harrison and his employees looked on in complete shock "What was that?" Harrison thought to himself "The Speed Force has never been used that way."

"Awesome!" Cisco shouted running up to Naruto as he walked toward them and handed Cisco the pen, who immediately began to inspect it, and saw that it was in perfect condition "Wow, there's not even a scratch on this thing bro."

"M-Mr. Allen, how did you accomplish that?" Harrison asked indicating to the slabs as Caitlin looked through the small holes the pen made

"Meditation is a hobby of mine, and the idea just came to me." Naruto shrugged not revealing that after the meditation he had theorized that he could focus his kinetic energy like Asuma had taught him with wind chakra, and luckily it worked,

"Any other surprises you have for us?" Harrison asked

"Not yet." Naruto smirked before he walked off feeling hungry

As Caitlin and Harrison inspected the slabs and pen, Cisco ran to catch Naruto telling him about a fire in progress, with a nod Naruto got his suit and sped off

Central City

Naruto was speeding through the streets at 400 mph toward the fire, while two fire trucks were speeding toward it as well "This is Ladder 52. We're still at least two minutes out." the fire chief said on his walkie

"People are gonna die in there." dispatch replied

"I know." the chief sighed, before a red blur shot passed the two trucks "What the hell was that?"

Naruto continued to run when he heard Cisco "Nate!"

"What?" Naruto asked as he skidded to a stop"Did I miss it?"

"You overshot by about six blocks." Cisco said smiling

"My bad." Naruto said before with a quick shift of his foot he was headed in the opposite direction "Really need to learn the layout of the city." he thought

Burning Building

The citizens of Central City watched as the building burned down before a resident began to shout as she looked through the crowd "Paige! My daughter! Has anyone seen my daughter? Paige!"

Everyone jumped as a red blur sped into the building "Whoa!"

S.T.A.R Labs


"You there yet?" Cisco asked looking at the monitors just as Caitlin walked in with a mug of coffee

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asked causing Cisco to jump and turn to her while turning off all the computers

"Nothing." Cisco said trying to play it cool

"Who were you talking to?" Caitlin asked walking up to him as she looked at her friend suspiciously

"No one." Cisco said

"Are you talking to Nate?"

"Who?" Cisco asked confused

"Nathan Allen? Struck by lighting? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound, and send pens through metal? Ring a bell?" Caitlin asked

"Right, he went to Big Belly Burger." Cisco lied before Naruto's voice came through the speaker

"Cisco, there's fire everywhere!" Cisco looked to the speaker and sighed knowing he was busted

Burning Building

"Cisco, are you still there?" Naruto asked as he stood in the burning building

"Mom? Mommy!"

Naruto looked to the side to see a little girl clutching her teddy bear walk into the hallway scared before the fire suddenly shot up causing her to jump


"Whoa!" everyone shouted as the little girl was dropped off in front of her mother

"Mommy!" the girl shouted as she and her mom hugged before three more people were dropped off with the other citizens before the red blur ran passed the fire trucks that were still inbound

"Everybody's out." Naruto said as he skidded to a stop "What else you got for me, Cisco?"

"Nate, it's Caitlin." Caitlin said causing Naruto to sigh

"Hey, Caitlin. Did you want something from Big Belly Burger?"

"Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Now." Caitlin ordered sternly causing Naruto to sigh

"On my way." Naruto said before he went to take off but paused as he stumbled from a sudden bout with dizziness before he shook his hand and took off

S.T.A.R Labs

Naruto leaned on the wall, as Caitlin berated him and Cisco "Have you both lost your minds? Who do you think you are?" she asked

"Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and he's the feet." Cisco said causing Naruto to smile

"This isn't funny." Caitlin said shaking her head before she turned to Naruto "You could have gotten yourself killed. You can't be running around the city like some supersonic fireman."

"Why not? This is what we talked about: me using my speed to do good." Naruto said

"We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Meta-humans. And aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any."

"You said you wanted me help me take down metahumans, but that isn't the only reason that I'll use my speed for, I have the power to help people and I'm going to use it." Naruto said

"Right on." Cisco said with a nod completely on board with Naruto

"Will you please say something?" Caitlin asked looking to Wells who rolled forward

"I think what Caitlin is saying, in her own spectacularly angry way, is that we are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of. Not to sound like a broken record, Mr. Allen I do caution restraint." Harrison said

"You can only get stronger if you push past your limits, I haven't found mine yet." Naruto smirked, causing Harrison to smile before he rolled away

"Don't expect me to patch you up every time you break something." Caitlin said to Naruto who raised an eyebrow as she walked away

Cisco walked over to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder "Hey, uh Anything happen out there today? The sensors in the suit were kicking back some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a few seconds."

"Actually, I did ge-" Naruto had to pause as his phone vibrated "Give me a minute." he told Cisco before he answered it "Hey, Joe, everything all right?"

"Great." Joe said at a gun store where officers were on the scene "I got a fresh crime scene A dead body Detectives interviewing witnesses miles of that yellow tape stretched over everything. I'm only missing one thing. Can you guess what that is?"

"I'll be right there." Naruto sighed before he looked to the three scientist "My day job beckons." he said before he grabbed his clothes and sped off

Hex's Gun Shop

Naruto walked into the gun store eating a cheese burger now wearing an dark gray long sleeve v-neck, black jeans and high top NIKE SB Denim sneakers,

"Perp made off with a bunch of handguns, at least six Glock 19s fitted with extra ammunition magazines. Somebody's looking to do a whole lot of bad." Joe said to Captain Singh

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Naruto said finishing his burger as he walked up

"Didn't bring me a burger, Nate?" Captain Singh asked

"Last time that happened, I had to sit through Rob's lecture about healthy food choices. Not doing that again." Naruto said causing Singh to sigh in disappointment since his boyfriend was pushing the whole healthy choices thing even more lately,

Naruto ducked under the tape and began to analyze the crime scene, as Eddie walked up to Joe, and Singh, holding his tablet toward them he said "I downloaded the surveillance footage off the video camera."

On the video a man in a ski mask shot the owner, before shooting the camera "Looks like only one perp." Eddie said before they looked to Naruto as he spoke up

"The footage may only show one, but it was six guys. The tracks are all crossing each other. Six sets of footprints. Six guns stolen. You're looking for a crew." Naruto said before he took a closer look "Weird. The shoes, it looks like they're all the same size. Men's tens."

"Good job, Nate. We really missed you out here." Singh said before he walked off, while Naruto smiled


Central City Police Department

Naruto and Joe were walking into the department "I can't believe you were late to a crime scene, on your first day back."

"Joe, I'm sorry, bu-"

"I'm starting to think "Joe, I'm sorry" is my actual name considering how often you say it to me." Joe interrupted

"I'm dealing with a lot right now." Naruto said

"Look, I know you are. Believe me, I'm dealing with it, too. I've always had a very simple set of beliefs. Gravity makes things fall. Water makes things wet. And up until 2 weeks ago, I believed the fastest man could run a mile in four minutes. Not four seconds." Joe interrupted

"2 actually." Naruto smirked before he saw Joe frowning "Not relevant."

"You haven't said anything to Iris about all this, have you?" Joe asked

"No, I made you a promise. I keep my promises."

"Keep on lying like that. You're liable to get struck by lightning again." Joe said before. auto made to speak but couldn't as Joe continued "Get up to the lab. Start processing the evidence from the gun store."

Naruto sighed shaking his head before he jogged upstairs, as Joe watched before he remembered how Naruto used to run away from home when he first started living with him and Iris



Naruto was walking toward a table when he suddenly stumbled forward as he was hit with another wave of dizziness "The hell is going on with me?" Naruto asked himself

"This is all of your fault." Naruto looked up when Iris walked in dressed up "I could have taken European folklore to cover my sociology requirement, but no. You said, "take journalism, Iris. Reporters have all of the fun." Guess what, Nate? Reporters have none of the fun. Journalism is boring. I'm bored. I blame you."

Naruto smirked "Actually what I said was 'You should take journalism" it was a suggestion."

"Don't make me hit you." Iris said causing Naruto to chuckle before he looked her over

"Why do you look so nice?" Naruto asked sitting in a chair

"What? Did you really forget?" Iris asked causing Naruto to look at her with both his eyebrows raised "This afternoon? Suit and tie? The university is giving Simon Stagg some big award. And you agreed-"

"To explain the science stuff for your article. My bad." Naruto said running a hand through his spiky hair

"How fast can you get home and change?" Iris asked

"Very fast." Naruto said with a smirk

"Hey, Allen." Eddie greeted walking in getting Naruto's and Iris' attention "Joe asked me to see where you're at on the evidence from the gun store shooting." Eddie looked to Iris and greeted "Oh, hey, Iris." before staring straight at Naruto

"Detective." Iris said looking down slightly

Naruto glanced between the couple and smiled "Joe is going to figure this out." he chuckled causing Iris to look at him "I mean if the only way you two communicate in public is "Hey Iris!" Naruto began making his voice sound a little deeper before making it light as he said "Detective."

With a chuckle Naruto grabbed a folder and handed it to Eddie "You both need to tell him, or get better acting lessons." he said before he walked out to speed home and change into a suit and tie

1 Hour and 30 Minutes Later

Stagg Industries

Naruto and Iris stood in the crowd clapping for Simon Stagg as he held an award and was about to give a speech "I find it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City University, to be standing before you now, the regents choice for man of the year. While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank you all very much for coming." Stagg said causing everyone to clap, before he walked off, and everyone began to mingle

"Okay, first things first Simon Stagg's work in cellular cloning has led to huge advancements in the future of organ replacement." Naruto said before Iris grabbed to glasses of champagne

"Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?" Iris asked

"No they're not." Naruto said putting a glass back but keeping one for himself, which caused Iris to look at him in annoyance as he took his glass to the head

"Your supposed to sip champagne you know?" Iris said

"I was thirsty, stuff tastes cheap anyway." Naruto shrugged putting the glass down "and if you are bored already, just wait till we get to the science behind cellular regeneration."

Iris with a smile hooked her arm with Naruto's "I have missed this, Nate. I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from the coma."

"Yeah, I've had a crazy few weeks." Naruto said

"Yeah, Tracy has been telling everyone at Jitters about your night activities." Iris said watching as Naruto gave a proud smile, causing her to scoff before she saw Stagg walking by "Oh! Oh! , I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my article."

"Not now, miss." Simon's security said as they continued walking away

"I'll just make something up." Iris said causing Naruto to laugh, before everyone jumped when a gun was fired into the air, turning around Naruto and Iris saw 6 me in mask walk in with guns raised high

"Quiet! How considerate! You're all wearing your finest jewelry! Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you! Now everybody line up!"

15 Minutes Later

Naruto had Iris take off her braclet, and rings before he put them in his pocket, as everyone lined up for their valuables to be taken, as he noted how each of the gunmen were the same height, build, same color eyes almost as if they were clones.

About to confront them, Naruto looked back to Iris who grabbed his arm "Don't." she said worriedly as Naruto looked her I'm her eyes and nodded slowly

"Freeze!" everyone looked to see that a security guard finally decided to come to the rescue "D-d-drop your weapons!" the man said as each gun man turned to him and they all raised their guns and fired

Naruto managed to grab the man and put him in the hallway, before he sped after the robbers but when he made it back to the lobby, he suddenly paused and fell to a knee before he fainted, causing Iris to shout in surprise and kneel down to check on him


Naruto groaned awake to see he was on a stretcher, "He's awake." a paramedic said as Naruto began to sit up "Young man, you have to lie, down you fainted."

"No shit sir." Naruto said before standing up as Iris walked over "I'm fine. I'll go see my own doctors thank you."

Naruto began to walk away with Iris "What happened?" she asked

"I have no idea. I've been getting dizzy spells all day, but "

"Wait, you've been getting dizzy spells, why haven't you said anything?" Iris asked

"Because, you needed my help. I promised to help you, and I keep my promises."

"Not if your still weak from your coma."

"I don't want you worrying about me Iris. I'll pm fight through it. Don't worry." Naruto said walking over to Joe and Eddie

"Iris!" Eddie said excitedly as Joe looked over to Naruto

"Where were you?" Joe asked

"The paramedics were about to take him to the hospital, he fainted." Iris said

"Are you ok?" Eddie asked

"I'm fine, a good night's sleep and I'll be solid tomorrow." Naruto said before everyone looked over to the security guard

"I thought I was dead. I saw the gun go off, and then- boom. Suddenly I'm outside. I have no idea how I got there." he told the cop

"Let me talk to you for a second." Joe said before he and Naruto walked away "You chased those gunmen, didn't you?"

"Tried to yeah." Naruto said with his hands in his pocket

"And what were you going to do when you caught them? Huh? Ask them nicely to pull over? You're not bulletproof. Wait. Are you?"

"No, but-" Naruto began buthe Joe interrupted

"Okay. No more heroics. Chasing bad guys is not your job. It's mine. You're not a cop."

"I got it, now if you'll excuse me I have to see why I fainted." Naruto said walking off before Joe could pressure him into a promise to stop trying to save people

S.T.A.R Labs

Naruto was sitting shirtless in the med bay, getting his vitals checked out "You lied to us. How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells? We're your doctors. God knows what's going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack."

"You can't just say Mini stroke?" Naruto asked

"You of all people should know that in science, we share. We do not keep secrets." Caitlin said with a glare before she walked off not giving Naruto the opportunity to explain that he tried to say something this morning

"Wow I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie." Cisco said following after Caitlin to calm her down

"Ronnie was Caitlin's fiance? The one that died the night of the accelerator explosion?" Naruto asked

"Yeah. He is missed. Now let's figure out why this is happening to you." Harrison said before Naruto followed him out

Moments Later

Naruto was looking at the stake of boxes set up behind a treadmill "A little padding. Just in case." Cisco said before Naruto got onto the treadmill

"You're sure about this, Cisco?" Naruto asked

"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about 12 mph. This one has been Cisco'ed. Trust me. It can handle your speed."

"Okay." Naruto said before he began to jog, and slowly sped up till he was cruising at 600mph

"Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal." Caitlin said reading his vitals

"For Nathan." Wells said

"Brainwave function within standard limits." Caitlin added as Cisco laughed watching as lightning began to flicker around Naruto

"I told you the treadmill could take it." Cisco said

"Caitlin. Look at the glucose levels." Wells instructed before Caitlin looked and sighed

"Oh, my God. Of course. It was so obvious."

"Nathan! We think we know why you keep-" Wells began but jumped along with his employees when Naruto passed out, fell on the speeding treadmill before he was rocketed back into the boxes "passing out."

Hour Later

Naruto groaned awake before Caitlin, and Cisco helped him stand up "I passed out again?"

"Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia." Caitlin said

"I'm not eating enough. So an I.V. bag and I'm good to go?" Naruto asked stretching out

"Try 40." Wells said as Naruto looked to see 40 empty I.V. bags hanging "Guess you were thirsty."

"We're gonna need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes." Caitlin said getting a nod from Naruto

"I've done a few calculations. You need to consume an amount equal to roughly Unless we're talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations."

Naruto nodded and sat down when he heard Joe's voice "For Mexican, I recommend Tito's. On Bruckner Avenue? Best burrito in the city."

Naruto sighed as Joe walked in "Detective West. What brings you to S.T.A.R. Labs?" Wells asked

"When I couldn't find you at your lab, I started doing a little research. Turns out there's been reports of a red streak around the city, stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings."

"You didn't tell him we were working together?" Wells asked

"Slipped my mind." Naruto shrugged

"This isn't a joke, Nathan. You already have a job in law enforcement. I suggest you get back to it."

"Mm-hmm." Caitlin nodded causing Joe to look at her "Don't look at me. I'm on your side."

"Detective. We all want what's best for Nathan." Wells said

"If you wanted what was best for Nate, you'd try to talk him out of this lunacy instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life."

"I choose to do this on my own Joe." Naruto said standing up "Besides you saw a man create a tornado. What are the police gonna do against someone like that? Since the accelerator explosion we suspect there may be more like him."

"And you're gonna do what? Catch them? Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast that you're invincible? You're not! You're just a kid. My kid."

"I'm not a kid, Joe." Naruto said annoyed "And you're not my father. My father's sitting in Iron Heights. Wrongfully convicted. You were wrong about him. Now I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some idiots with guns, I'm gonna do it. And nothing is going to stop me."

"You think you're so smart." Joe said heartbroken "All of you. But you don't know what you don't know. And I hope that you're clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed." he finished before leaving

Naruto sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose "God damn it." he whispered before he gained an idea "I'll be back." walking toward the exit

"Where are you going?" Caitlin asked

"Tokyo!" Naruto said causing the scientists to look at each other as he sped off, with an old favorite dish in mind

Next Day

Central City Police Department

Naruto was in his lab, with his feet propped on his desk, as he looked as he speed wrote page after page, before he paused and cracked his fingers, before he looked up when Joe walked in "Come to yell at me again?" Naruto asked looking back at his work

"Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night. The coroner took some skin samples. Hopefully they belong to the killer. See if you can find a match." Joe said in a clipped tone

"Can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night." Naruto said taking the samples from Joe

"I'm going to interview Stagg now." Joe said turning to leave

"I can come with you." Naruto offered

"Your job is in here. Stay in here and do it." Joe said turning to leave just as Iris walked in with a mug of coffee, as Naruto checked the samples

"Hey, Dad." Iris greeted

"Hey, baby." Joe said kissing his daughter's cheek "Gotta go."

As Joe left Iris walked up to Naruto who was waiting for the samples to finish being tested "Why is my dad mad at you?"

"Long story." Naruto said with a sigh, before he noticed her glaring at him "Why are you mad at me?"

"You were supposed to meet me at jitters to give me some scientific background for my article."

"And I didn't show up." Naruto said having forgotten

"And now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment." Iris said as Naruto stood up


"Don't say that you're sorry. Okay, I know that you are. What I don't know is what is going on with you." Iris said as Naruto sighed as Iris tore open her pack of sugar "We grew up one bedroom down from each other. Do you honestly think that I don't know when you're happy? Or sad or depressed or lost? Hell we were each others first. So I'm gonna ask you one last time, Nathaniel Allen, and you better be honest with me. What the-"

Iris suddenly slowed to a stop as Naruto began to sped around her "You want to know what's happening. I get that, and I just want to tell you what's happening to me. Your the first and only real best friend I've had in this life and the other. But I promised Joe that I wouldn't tell you, I'm sorry."

Naruto appeared where he once was just as Iris sped up again "Hell is going on with you?"

Naruto opened hia moth to speak when a beeping sound cut him off, causing him to walk to his computer "We are not done talking about this." Iris said walking up behind him and looking over his shoulder

"What the hell?" Naruto asked looking closer to his computer "There was a murder last night. These skin cells belong to the murderer, but these cells are naive. Stem cells that they can replicate and become any cell the body needs. They only come from babies."

"This means your killer is what, a newborn?" Iris asked

Stagg Industries

Joe, and Eddie walked alongside Simon trying to get him to cooperate "You honestly think that someone wants to kill me?" Simon asked

"Well, we're not sure, Mr. Stagg, but an event you were being honored at was robbed at gunpoint." Eddie reminded

"And your head of security was found murdered this morning." Joe added

"I am a scientist and a philanthropist. We're not often the targets of assassins." Simon said with a dismissive wave of his hand

"Well what about lawsuits? You got about 20 of those pending against you." Joe asked

"It is a sad fact of life, Detective, that when you earn a lot of money, people who haven't think they can take yours." Simon said with an arrogant smirk

Joe opened his folder and pulled out a picture if a man "People like this guy, for example?" Joe asked "Danton Black?"

"Danton Black." Simon said taking the photo and looking at his ex employee

"You fired him and now he's suing you?" Joe asked

"Unfortunately, our working relationship wasn't successful, but I can assure you both of one thing. Danton Black Is not a killer. He's a clinical researcher, not a criminal mastermind. Now, if I can help you in any way, please let me know. I want these people caught as much as you."

"Then here we are!"

Simon, Joe, and Eddie turned to see three gunman immediately Joe and Eddie rushed Simon as shots were fired "Down!" Joe shouted pushing Simon to safety as the three men took cover

Central City Police Department

Naruto was walking toward Joe's desk, when he noticed everyone grabbing their gear and heading toward the exit "Capt, what's going on?"

"Not now, Nate. An armed gunman is shooting up Stagg industries." Singh said walking away

Naruto watched him go, before he remebered something "Joe's there." heading back upstairs to his lab, Naruto opened his locker and grabbed his suit

Stagg Industries

Joe, Eddie, and Simon were still taking cover behind a forklift as the three masked men fired at them "Get him out of here. I'll cover you." Joe said as he grabbed his gun "Ready? Go."

Joe stood up and began to fire rapidly while Eddie got Stagg to safety, before Joe hit one of the gunmen taking cover again, Joe peaked out to see the gunman take off his mask to see that it was Danton Black before his eyes widened when Danton began to vibrate and another Danton Black hopped put from his body

Joe watched as the new Black picked up the gun, and the three began to move toward him steady firing their guns, before Naruto sped in and grabbed the guns, while two hooks and an eldow sent the three flying back to the ground

Dropping the guns, and looking at Joe Naruto ordered "Go!"

"No." Joe said looking up at Naruto

"Seriously?" Naruto asked as Joe stubbornly refused to get up, before in a flash Naruto dropped Joe outside and returned to see Danton standing up "Whoever you are, give yourself up."

"Sorry. We are not going anywhere." Danton said as two new versions of himself formed "Until Simon Stagg is dead."

Naruto looked at the one in the middle, before he sped in and an elbow to the one on the rights chin snapped it's neck, while a roundhouse to the other other left sent it through a shelf, before Naruto punched the original in its gut causing him to jump back slightly while 2 new clones appeared

"This has to be payback for my shadow clones." Naruto said before he looked back at a clone that tried to flank him but an elbow to its nose sent it to the ground before Naruto jumped when he was punched in the gut, with a grunt he began to block the punches as Danton created 5 more clones and they all began to punch on Naruto overwhelming him with numbers, Naruto grunted as he was forced to a knee

"God dammit." Naruto snarled before he shot up and in a flash of speed knocked back the clones before he sped away

5 Miles Away

Naruto stumbled to a stop, as he took off his mask, and clutched his head as he experienced another wave of dizziness "I really hope Cisco has a solution to my new problem." he said

S.T.A.R Labs

Naruto sat in the labs as Caitlin dabbed his eyebrow while Cisco cleaned the suit "You got blood on my suit." Cisco said causing Naruto to chuckle

"Its the other guys." Naruto said before he nodded to Caitlin with a small smile as she stepped back, which she returned "Another not-so-friendly meta-human."

"His name is Danton Black. He's a bio-geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning. Growing new organs to replace failing ones." Wells said bringing up Danton's profile

"Apparently Stagg stole his research and then fired him." Caitlin added

"I saw Black create duplicates from his own body." Naruto said standing up

"That's pretty ironic. The guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself." Cisco said walking over

"If he was experimenting on himself when he was exposed to the dark matter wave released by the particle accelerator explosion-" Wells explained

"Meet Captain Clone." Cisco interrupted causing everyone to look at him confused

"What?" Naruto asked

"Don't worry. I'll come up with something cooler." Cisco said before Naruto shook his head and began to leave

"Where are you going?" Wells asked

"Until I can use my speed without, getting dizzy I'm no good in a fight against Black. Until you guys come up with something that'll help with that I'm on the sidelines." Naruto said before he left

2 Minutes Later

CC Jitters

Naruto walked into Jitters to see Iris, and Eddie watching the cop on TV "Nice work, Eddie." he complimented causing Eddie, and Iris to turn toward him

"Nah. Right place, right time." Eddie shrugged modestly

"Don't sell yourself short, you were a hero today." Naruto said

"CCPD still has a killer on the loose. I should get back to the precinct." Eddie said turning to Iris as Naruto walked to a table

"Okay." Iris said before the two shared a kiss, and once Eddie left she walked over to Naruto "So did you come here for caffeine, or are you finally gonna tell me what's going on with you?"

"A little of both actually, but could I get something to eat, I'm famished." Naruto requested

5 Minutes Later

Iris walked over to Naruto with a glass of water, while 6 plates were stacked in front of him, as he finished chewing "Guess you were hungry." Iris said

"Stress eating." Naruto said

"Ah." Iris said sitting down

"I came to say I'm sorry. And you're right. I have been distant." Naruto said

"Correct." Iris nodded

"Kind of a jerk." Naruto added

"You should apologize more often. You are really sensational at it." Iris said, causing Naruto to smile as he took a sip of water "So What were you going to tell me the other day?"

"I decided to moonlight as a writer." Naruto said

"Really?" Iris asked with an eyebrow

"Yeah, why does it seem like your having a hard time believing that?" Naruto asked looking at Iris' face

"Let me read it." Iris said, Naruto smirked before he reached into his backpack and pulled out a 498 page manuscript

"Chronicles of a Shinobi." Iris read

"Read it, and tell me what you think." Naruto said before he asked "Any luck on coming up with a new topic for your article?"

"Yes actually, and it's something that actually interests me." Iris said excited before she lead Naruto to her laptop "I know this is gonna sound crazy It's been all over the Internet this week. At a building fire At a bank heist Even the other night when those robbers shot at the security guard, he said he was whooshed outside. Something out there is saving people."

"I thought you were taking journalism, this seems more like science fiction." Naruto said seeing that Iris was writing about his exploits

"Ever since I have known you you have believed in the impossible. What if you were right? What if you were right about the night that your mom, and Barry died?" Iris asked causing Naruto to sigh, and run a hand through his hair before his phone rung

"Hey, what's up?" Naruto asked answering his phone

"You need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs right now." Caitlin said urgently as she and Cisco stood across from Danton Black

Minute Later

S.T.A.R Labs

Naruto sped into the cortex to see Danton Black so he immediately grabbed Danton and hoisted him up in the air "Nate calm down, it's ok!" Caitlin said

"It's not ok, how did he get here?" Naruto asked

"I kinda grew him." Caitlin said

"Huh?" Naruto asked with an raised eyebrow as he stepped back and dropped Danton, and looked to Caitlin

"It's one of his replicates." Wells said rolling into the cortex

"How'd you grow him, Caitlin?" Naruto asked

"I isolated a sample of Black's blood from your suit to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies." Caitlin said walking over to her computer to show Naruto what she did before walking over "So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel, and they began replicating Into that."

Naruto began to poke the clone "Why isn't it doing anything?"

"We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active, little else." Wells said

"We think it's acting as a receiver." Cisco added

"The clones are an empty shell without Black. Shut down the real Black, and you might shut them all down." Caitlin said

"Kinda like Nagato, with his Six Paths." Naruto thought before he asked "How do we know which one's the real Danton Black?"

"That occurred to me given your own passing out. Black has limits, just like you. Controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength. So, look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue. He's the prime."

"Just a theory But one you might want to put to the test, Mr. Allen." Wells said

Cisco walked over with a protein bar "Plus, I whipped up these high- calorie protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up."

Naruto nodded before he took the bar, just as the clone began to move causing Caitlin to scream, quickly Naruto gave a roundhouse to the back of its head sending it stumbling into the computers, just as Joe arrived and shot it

"Any more of them?" Joe asked

"Nope." Caitlin said

"The prime is on the move. He must be summoning his clones to battle." Naruto said

"And I know where he was summoned to. Stagg Industries."Joe said as Naruto rose an eyebrow

"Your on board with this?' Naruto asked

"Your stubborn and headstrong, but your a good person Nate. So if you want to do this, than I'll support you. You gotta do this. I get it. So for once in your life, do what I tell you to do. Go stop him." Joe said

Naruto smirked before he opened his new protein bar, as he walked toward his suit, and in a burst of speed took off with it.

Stagg Industries

Simon was in his office when he heard the gunshots, walking into his lobby he stopped in shock seeing Danton and his clones, greed immediately filled him if he could capture him and exploit his gift "Hello Danton." he greeted with a greedy smirk that was immediately wiped away when the three raised their guns

"By Simon." Danton and his clones said before they fired but Naruto sped in and grabbed Simon and dropped him off in his office

"Stay put, old man." Naruto said before he was gone, back into the lobby to see about 30 Danton's walking around "Shadow Clones would really come in handy right now."

"Hey!" Naruto said getting their attention as Naruto's zipped through each clone trying to find which one was the real Danton "Put the guns down, and we can talk this out. The old man might've stole your research, but don't throw your life away for some fraud when you can come up with something better."

"You think this is about my research?" Danton asked as Naruto noticed the clones closing in on him, before he began to speed through them a punch to the gut here, and a kick to a kneecap there, before he reached a vantage point where he could try to pinpoint the original "This is about Elizabeth. She was my wife."

Naruto wanted to move in but with his own experience using clones he knew better "She had a degenerative coronary disease. She'd been on the transplant list for years, but Time was running out. So if I couldn't get her a new heart ,"

"You were gonna grow her one. Admirable." Naruto complimented before all the clones shot at him but he easily caught the bullets

Danton seeing the guns not working made more clones "I was so close. Until Stagg stole my research. So he could reap the glory. And I got to bury my best friend. Now I'm alone."

"Boo hoo, your not the only person whose ever been alone." Naruto said speeding toward the only one he noticed sweating, as he grabbed Danton by his head, he lifted him up and slammed him down on a desk breaking it in two

Naruto looked back to see all the clones unconscious "Found the Prime, and knocked him out, so what do I do with him now?"

S.T.A.R. Labs


Everyone looked at each other having no idea what to do with Danton

Stagg Industries

"Guys?" Naruto asked before Danton suddenly got up and jumped out the window before Naruto sped and caught his arm "What the hell are you doing?"

"Let go of me!" Danton yelled as he removed a hidden blade from his waistband and tried to stab Naruto only for Naruto to let him go

"Dumbass." Naruto said turning around and walking toward the lobby to see all the clones dissappear, so with a shrug he sped back to S.T.A.R. Labs



Naruto was in his lab, after leaving S.T.A.R. Labs, finishing his report Naruto sighed and checked his phone but looked up when Joe walked on with 3 large pizzas "Hungry?"

"Always." Naruto said causing Joe to smile and walk closer

"We got pepperoni, olives and jalapeño. Just like you like it." Joe said causing Naruto to smirk

"Thank you." Naruto said rubbing his hands together as he made to grab a slice

"You were wrong." Joe said standing by Naruto's board

"I have been wrong a lot this week. You're gonna have to be more specific."

"You said that one of the things driving you to run around out there was that you couldn't help your dad." Joe said before he pulled up the map of Central City to show Naruto's wall of weird "You can help him. We can. We're gonna figure out who or what killed your mother, and Barry that night. And then we're gonna get your father out of prison. Together."

Naruto smiled before he got serious, and stood up "Joe, what I said about you not being my father-"

"Nate, I know. I know I'm not your father." Joe interrupted

"You're right. You're not. You're just the man who kept me fed and in clothes. Helped me with my homework, and taught me how to drive and shave and you dropped me off at college. Sounds a lot like a dad to me." Naruto said while Joe smiled and took a deep breath to stop himself from crying in happiness , before he put the map back down and sat down just as Iris walked in with Naruto's manuscript, and the three all sat down eating pizza and talking like old times.