
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · ファンタジー
99 Chs

A small little Iris is trapped

[Next day]

Jemisha woke up and saw a note on the table, Jake was brining Jack, Loki ad Chris to the airport.

It also said the range was closed until he came back and that included her too.

Jemisha didn't mind because she had a lot to take care of for the house and land she bought.

As she was at the phone with city hall je was also on her laptop typing up one email after another.

She send in all the plans and drawings of the new buildings she was going to build.

She send it all to the email the man on the phone told her to send, she also asked if she could have a permit to dig a tunnel on her land to connect to all the other houses. She also send the design of it so they could have a look of it.

"Miss it seems you also want to have solar panels on your property."

'That's correct, it's not that I don't want to be on the grid but since the sun is shining on my land for the bigger part of the day it would be a waist if I don't use it. And I can sell the over collected power to the grid.'

'Ah there is one more thing, I want to have a permit to build my fully automatic water protection wall, it will protect my land and houses from flooding and the max height will be 3 meter, and this was will automatically adjust to the water level. The only time I need to manually need to pull them up is when I need to clean it after a flood.'

"Miss are you and engineer?"

'Well that is one out of 3 bachelors I have yes.'

"What are the other two if I may ask.

'Programming and economics.'

After listening to Jemisha's building plans he concluded she was building eco-friendly house.

"Miss do you mind if we came by to see your finished project and monitor the efficiency of you house."

'Sure but I calculated the best observation is a period of 5 years.'

"Thank you miss, well good luck to you and I hope you will receive good news soon."

'Thank you mister.'

Jemisha hang up the call and she sighed a sigh.

She went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Jake are you home!?"

Jemisha didn't recognize the voice so she opened the door and saw a man standing.

'I'm sorry, but Jake is not home right now, he went to the airport to drop off his brother and friends.'

'Is it urgent?'

"Some blokes broke into my house and my daughter Iris is still in there, she is hiding in the attic…"

'Alright just one moment,' Jemisha grabbed her phone and called Jake.

She handed the phone to the man.

"Jake I'm in trouble, some blokes broke in and Iris is trapped inside the house in the attic."

"Is the girl still with you who gave you the phone?"

"She is, why?"

"Give the phone to her."

The man gave Jemisha the phone back.

"The key of the vault is in my room under the night stand, go to the vault and take out your five-seven and go to his house, you can climb I hope?"

'I can.'

"Alright there is a blind spot on the left side of the house and you climb to the roof and there should be a window there that you can use to enter the attic."

'Roger that.'

"Jemi his child is a 5 year old, and is very warry of strangers."


"Now give the phone back to him for one more moment and then you can leave."


Jemisha handed back the phone to the man.

He told him that Jemisha was going to rescue little Iris.

"Does Iris have her phone with her right now?"

"She has, she has been texting me from the attic."

"Good tell Iris that I send over a girl to help her out."

"And give her the number of Iris as well."

"Thank you Jake, and I will."

The man hang up the call and edit Iris number.

Jemisha went back inside and found the key to the vault.

She took her five-seven and 2 extra clips.

She closed the vault again and took the key with her.

She came back to the door and locked it behind her.

The man showed her the way and Jemisha took out her sniper scoop and have a look at the windows first.

She didn't see them so they would probably be in the living room.

'Alright text your daughter that I'm now coming up to the roof and tell her you gave me her number so I can text her.'

The man nodded and texted Iris while Jemisha was climbing up to the roof.

Jake came running up to his neighbors house and saw Jemisha agilely climbing the side of the house.

Jake took out his phone and started to film Jemisha.

Jemisha reached the roof without a problem she found the window to the attic and first started to text Iris.

Black Rose: Hi Iris, my name is Black Rose and I will be knocking on the window now.

Jemisha knocked on the window and little Iris appeared.

Jemisha smiled and waved at her.

Black Rose: Iris can you open the window for me?

The girl nodded and she picked up a chair carefully and placed it under the window and opened it.

'Can I come in?'

She nodded again.

Jemisha pressed her fingers to her lips and whispered 'Do you want to go your mommy and daddy?'

Iris looked warry of her, but she recognize the look in her eyes, it was the same as she always looked at people she meet's for the first time.

Jemisha texted again

Black Rose: I understand your warry of me and that's fine, I'm the same way when I meet strangers for the first time.

Iris: I want to go to daddy and mommy.

Jemisha smiled.

Black Rose: I'll bring you to them.

Iris: Really?

Black Rose: Yes, your daddy is waiting for you outside. Because uncle Jake wasn't home he asked me to get you, is that alright?

Iris hugged Jemisha.

Jemisha hugged her back and looked around for something to use as a rope, she found a few old sheet and made a rope out of it.

Black Rose: So you won't fall of the roof.

She used two sheets and made an harness out of one and tied it around Iris. The make shift rope part she tied around her waist.

She first helped Iris on to the roof.

Jake saw Iris coming up to the roof first, and shortly after that Jemisha came out of the attic.

She gave Iris the sniper scoop and pointed where to look.

'Do you see your daddy?'

'Yes and uncle Jake is with him.'

'Now let's go down and go to them.'

Jemisha told Iris to climb on her back and she tied her down to her body and should hold her very tight.

But she still need to be silent because the bad guys might hear them.

Jake saw Jemisha coming down but almost slipped.

'Don't' worry, we will not fall I promise.'

Iris nodded.

Jemisha breath out and slowly descended.

After a few minutes she was back on the ground and walked back.

Suddenly voice spoke and Jemisha froze up.

"Who the fuck are you."

Jemisha cut Iris loos from her body because the man was pointing a gun at her.

'Iris run!'

Iris ran away and Jemisha ran up to the men in order to block any bullets that would be fired.

The men got confused and aimed at Jemisha.

Jemisha got hit and she went down.

The men walked up to her but it was all a trap.

He crouched down to check her body, but just as he turned her around Jemisha's eyes flew open and shot the man through the head at point blank.

Jemisha got up and ran as fast as she could back to the place were Jake and Iris were.

But she was grabbed and pulled down and a big hand covering her mouth.

"It's me" the voice whispered, Jemisha calmed down right away and nodded.

Jake and Jemisha heard more voices coming out.

'Where are Iris and her father?' She whispered.

"I send them to my house."


"How many bullets do you have left?"

'59.' And she showed him the two extra clips she brought with her.

Jake looked at her sarcastically "Was that really necessary for you to bring that many?"

'What… I redder have to many bullets than to run out of bullets.'

Then men search the surroundings but they couldn't find them.

Everything was clear and Jemisha and Jake slowly came out of hiding and walked back.

On the way she handed back the key to the vault and the house.

"You brought them both with you?"

'Well yeh because for all I know your neighbor could have been someone who set up a trap and robe you while I was on my mission.'

Jake laughed and the came back to the house, he told her to go through the back since she was covered in blood and he didn't want Iris to be scared of her.

Jemisha did and went through the back to her room.

Jake came in to her room and told her to strip.

'Are you nuts!'

Jemisha took off her shirt and he saw she was wearing a bullet proof vest.

"Take it off."

Jemisha sighed and took of the vest and Jake saw a bruise on her chest.

'I'm not going to strip any further.'

Jake took the vest and told Jemisha to take a shower and come and join them later.

Jemisha was taking a shower and after that she texted Jack and Chris and told her complaints about Jake.

When she was done with that she went to get Spike because she was feeling a little anxious.

Jemisha and Spike joined Iris and her father and mother.

Jemisha was sitting down and was petting Spike to calm herself down.

But instead of calming down she was shutting down and Spike whimpered a bit and tucked on her.

Jemisha snapped back and looked at Spike and hugged him.

Iris came up to Jemisha and hugged her.

'Thank you for saving me.'

Jemisha patted her head 'Your welcome.'

'What is the doggies name?'

'This is Spike, and he is my therapy dog.'

'What is that?'

'he is like a doctor you talk to when you have problems sleeping and when you're afraid or have bad dreams.'

'But you can play with him if you like.'

'But when you see a blind person with a dog don't approach them the same way as Spike because they are specially trained as the eyes of that person.'

Iris nodded.

Iris went outside and played with Spike.

"Are you perhaps suffering from PTSD?"

'Yeh but not the kind that soldiers have, there are many different forms of PTSD, mine is just one trauma after another.'

'But aside from that, I function overall pretty fine in everyday life even before I got Spike, I went school and even have three Bachelor degrees.'

"But didn't you just had an small episode?"

'Yeh but that's Jake's fault, I wasn't affected by what I just did and went through it was afterwards that gave me slight anxiety.'

'I'm well aware of what you're worried about but you don't have to, his brother is my therapist, Spike is my support and I have a wonderful boyfriend who loves me.'

"But still…"

'Well if it does affect me later in the day I'll just trouble Jake.'

"Thanks a lot."

Jemisha smiled.

Jemisha heard Spike bark and she stood up.

Jemisha saw Iris was anxious and she walked up to her and gave her a hug.

'It's alright, everything is going to be fine.'

Jemisha could handle Iris just fine because, she know how it feels to be in that state of mind.

Iris was crying and let it all out.

'What's wrong?'

'I was so scared when the bad men came…'

'I know, but you were very smart to go up to the attic and use your phone to communicate to your daddy.'

'You're a brave girl and held your own up there.'

Jemisha was hugging her and stroking her head.

Iris slowly started to calm down.

'But I heard a loud bang and…'

'I know, you saw me fall down, but I wasn't hit and I'm not wounded.'

'I just played possum.'

Iris giggled.

'Iris I told you I was the same as you, being warry of other people. Will you tell me why you are warry of other people.'

Iris shook her head.

'That's alright, you can tell me whenever you want.'

'Black Rose can I keep your number and text you sometimes?'

'Sure, we flowers need to stay in contact right.'

Iris smiled again and nodded.

Iris father came over and told Iris they were going to her grandparents to stay there for a little while.

Iris hugged Jemisha one more time and waved goodbye.

Jemisha waved back and went back inside again.

Jake walked up to Jemisha "You handled her very well."

'Well that's because I copied what Jack does for me.'

Jake patted her head.

Let's eat dinner.

The both were cooking dinner and sat down at the table.

'Does Jack know what I did today?'

"He does, I send him a video of your actions today, and I did tell him I order you to do so."

Jemisha was absent mined the rest of dinner.

Afterwards she helped with the dishes.

But she still seemed restless, but Jake thought it was because she missed everybody.

Jemisha came up to the couch where Jake was and she curled up on his lap and softly started to cry.

He hugged her and patted her head.

After sometime Jemisha had fallen asleep.

Jake texted Jack with a picture

Jake: Why is she like that?

Jack: Apparently she feels safe and secure with you, if you keep it up, she might open up to you more.

Jake: Alright.

Jake: By the way she asked if you knew about today, and when I told her you did she was absent minded , and after dinner she was pretty restless.

Jack: That means she needs to talk about it. Try and ask her about it tomorrow, if she doesn't want to, tell her it's fine, she will talk about it eventually but if she hasn't in a few days then tell her she need to call me and talk to me.

Jake: Will do.