
From Gods, to Below

I am someone who works for Hermes Express, a company that delivers from unknown senders to seemingly ordinary recipients. Boxes that will change the course of mankind. From Past, to Future. From Royals, to Commoners. from the Gods, to Below.

CoffeeBeannnnnnnn · ファンタジー
2 Chs

A world ruled by one.


What would a world ruled by one being looks like? There are no wars, no poverty, no crime, and no truth. An idealistic world is pure bullshit in the eyes of someone living in the gutter.



*alarm clock sound*

"Dang I need 5 more minutes!" I protested as I smashed... I mean clicked the alarm clock.

*alarm continues* 'dang I think I clicked the table.'

"Fu- right. This little bullshit, I curse whoever created this running alarm clock!!!"

"Shut up!" the sound of a dog barking, or should I say my sister shouting. "Mom says breakfast is ready."

"Yeah tell her I'll prepare first my dear---dog"




The sound of news filled the room, coming from a television. Quite advance right? We are a 'tech savvy' household. Anyway you might ask why it is considered advance. Well, the year is 1012 A.D., a year full of rapid technological advancements. If it weren't for the Empire of Agartha surviving, we can only reach this way of living by another thousand years, thank the Gods.

"Looks like my son is still dreaming huh?" Mom said as she patted my head.

"Ma- I am not a child anymore so stop this." as I shove my mom's hand.

"Yeah he is already 60 so stop that mom." the whisper of the devil, I mean sister named Elina.

"16 is different from 60, that's why you always fail your exam."

"Duh of course I know that!"

"Anyway mom I need to go, thanks for the meal. Be sure to go with Elina"

"Be careful on your way!" my mom lovingly shouted as I reached the doorway.

As I called a cab, a yellow one arrived. Standard color dictated by Agartha and the drivers are given a fixed salary so it is really affordable to ride one. Well don't be surprised since they appointed Agartha as the center of earth, as such, they control much of the laws while the countries are ruled by appointed presidents from the center. Culture bloomed drastically as communication and transportation improved from one country to another.

Anyway, that's quite an introduction.




"And for our next news, the Emperor announced that a new company will be supported by the empire, Hermes Express. Qualified people with excellent sense of privacy will be drafted from the worldwide statistics office. Other requirements will be discussed after being chosen. Please wait for further announcement via mess-"

"I hope I get drafted since it is rumored to be a high paying job." the driver heartily said.

"Will they accept students?"

"I think they will, since 15 is already considered an adult..."

"I see..."

Suddenly a large lightning stroke through the car in front. The crashing sound shocked my body leaving me in a daze.

A maniacal smile crept while the driver slowly twisted his neck to look back, it was me, driving...

*Pant sound*

"Haaa- damn I've had that dream once in a while starting 10 years ago..."

After the incident which we call the Descendance, I started having that dream. No one at my side, since my sister went missing since that day, and my father leaving us even before my sister was born, so no one to share my traumatic dreams.

The world drastically changed, the emperor stepped down from the throne since Royals appeared. They are beings that has the power to kill the Heretics, monsters that defy the Gods. Each God has a Royal that they can command through a revelation, in turn, they provide them enough power to destroy a city or another.

Am I a royal? ye- no. I am just a commoner, working class, hoping to be a knight by being drafted from Worldwide Statistics Office or WSO. They keep the data of all beings here on Earth, from stats, to health, to exams. Well to be a knight, you also need faith so another data was added to WSO. It is measured by being a loyal believer of a God. Whenever you go to a temple, you just need to earnestly pray.


"Who is it?!" I shouted.

"Hermes Company! Standard delivery for Mr. Nikolai Konstantin!"



"I just need to scan your fingerprint."


"Thank you. Praise be to Gods." said the courier with an empty smile.

"Praise be to Gods."


"Fu- I can't even avoid them since they are the ones that deliver important documents..."

A parcel that has a wax seal of a crown. "From a Royal?"

I opened the letter...


"Yeahhhhh! Oi! Ivan! I got drafted as a knight!!!" I happily shouted.

"Calm your tits dude, geez!" my roommate responded.

My mood suddenly made a downturn.

It is my mom's death anniversary, also the day my sister was missing. Hoping that she is still alive is like finding a needle in a haystack. Many people were missing since the Descendance, Ivan's sister also went missing today ten years ago.

"Sorry about that dude I got excited for a moment..."

Ivan smiled then patted my shoulder. "It's okay, since we need to move on bit by bit."

"Anyway, congrats for being chosen. I hope I get chosen too after a year or two."

"You will be chosen for sure, you've been donating a big portion of your salary ever since and never once missed going to a temple every week." I comfortingly said.

"Hey don't forget to go to the temple tomorrow since you need to awaken your power under the Royal's guidance."

"According to the seal, it has IV on top so that means the 4th Royal, I heard she was as beautiful as an idol, I think I'm gonna get married tomo-"

"Hold your horses with a face like yours, you might be mistaken as a Heretic so be careful HAHAHA" Ivan interrupted.

"If I get my first paycheck I'll definitely get you better glasses, or even eye transplant for fuck's sake." I said with a straight face.

"Rib eye steak will do, thank you."




'I will save up money to find my sister.' I vowed as my mind wandered while preparing the clothes that I am going to wear tomorrow.

While I was closing my bag, I saw my graduation picture that has a pasted picture of my mom and my sister.

"See mom? I promised you that I will finish college, even when the world comes to an end."

I clutched the frame while forcefully stopping tears that are bound to drop.




"Mr. Konstantin, this way please." a person with a sharp look guided me.

The two of us walked in a hallway that would rival the home of the Emperor. Crystal chandelier adorned the hallway, platinum decorations that harmoniously blend with the mirrors, gold figurines and statues that might come to life at a moment's notice. All these but why are there no guards or knights that can defend the temple...

A faint glow surrounded us. 'Sound magic...'

"If you are looking for knights, these gold statues will be sufficient to fend off any Heretics that might reach the inner sanctum." the guide answered as if he knows what I was thinking about.


"They are blessed by the Royals." as if he knew again what I was thinking.

"I can only walk you through until this doorway, you can manage now on your own, go straight to the fountain."

"Thank you, Praise be to Gods."

"..." He said nothing then turned to walk back.

"Quite rude for a guide..." then I walked to the fountain

'Woah' the word almost escaped out of my mouth. Beneath the fountain was a glass that was crystal in it's clarity. Flowers blossomed beneath the glass. The silver fountain has a Golden statue in the middle that gracefully pours water from the vase that it holds. The hallway was filled with magic lamps that were levitating.

"He is not rude, he merely judged that you're not worth of his time." A girl appeared from the back of the fountain.

"I greet the 4th Royal." I knelt instinctively as I saw the crown on top of her head.

"At ease." She said without an ounce of emotion. I stood up immediately.

"I shall baptize you in front of the Gods, as you may help them regain humanity."

A beautiful maiden wearing silk like attire stood before me, A girl that gracefully rivals any idol that might stood beside her.

"I-It is an Honor." I stuttered due to the beauty in front of me.

She gracefully placed her hand on the fountain then pressed her finger on my forehead.

[System: You have been awakened, stats and skills will be rewarded upon removal of contact between you and the Royal's body."

She suddenly removed her finger and told me "Use your power for the greater good of the Gods."

"Praise be to Gods."


"You may go now."

"Is that it?" I unknowingly said.

She momentarily gazed at me with eyes full of disdain.

"Yes." she then went back to the old poker face of her.

I bowed my head then proceeded to go back.


The Royal made sure that the door was closed by peeking.

"For the greater good of Mankind."




"Dang if I just snatched her crown full of diamonds and emeralds I should live for another century without worrying about food or money..."

I forgot to check the status window due to my greedy ass.



Name: Nikolai Konstantin

Class: Knight

Subclass: Unknown

Age: 26

Strength: 11 +30

Agility: 14 +30

Magic: 17 +30

Health: 13 +30

HP: 130 +300

Mana: 170 +300


Last Hope

Definition: Unknown]

"Dang those Heretics shall be my money maker with this stat." I unknowingly said quite loudly.

'Looks like I have another shot at life huh.' I thought while looking at the sky painted by a sunset.




"Huh? Agartha?"