
From Gangster To Fantasy Villain

Having been stabbed to death, by his own sweet and caring wife, Zeldris is transmigrated into another world. After a few... complications, he gets acclimated to the world. Where cultivation, mysterious old men and fantasy are all intertwined. But why is he becoming more and more evil? .... .... ## Additional Notes ## Warning! Mc is an evil pshycopath, who for some reason, tends to attract pshyco, yandere women. #Note: Scheming will start later on. #Note: The world is a mix of cultivation type and fantasy type. #Note: The start is fast paced. Additional tags: #Fast progress; #Monster waifus; #Scheming MC; #Cunning MC; #Politicallyincorrect humour; #Tons of murder.

GlassFrame · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Turning point

"Auntie, what kind of concoction is this?" A young man looks at a suspicious liquid inside a jar.

"Stop calling me auntie." A silver haired woman, with exquisite beauty, answers in annoyance.

"But I can't call you elder sister... You're too old for that." The youth responds. Causing veins to pop on the woman's forehead.

She turns around and throws a cup at the young man. Shouting in indignation. "Get out! You son of a bitch!"

He deftly dodges it. "Alright. It was nice talking to you."

The silver haired beauty's anger is quelled, seeing that the source of it is obediently leaving. But suddenly he appeares beside her.

"It was nice talking to you." He whispers in her ear and kisses her on the cheek.

"You!!" The beauty, enraged, tries to smash his head, but hits only air. The youngster is already gone.

*Sigh* Irina feels like that man's disciple is becoming just like him, in his youth.

Meanwhile Zeldris exits Irina's cave. Walking with a pleased expression on his face.

During the past 4 years, he once snuck out of Zhong's House and tracked down Irina. Finding her quite easily, despite the hole she lives in.

She was initially startled by the boy's presence, but soon found his company quite pleasing.

Even though the boy is a stupid youngster, who causes trouble, he is pleasant to be around.

For Zeldris, talking to a woman like Irina was a breath of fresh air. He was starting to feel like Zhong is the only person in the world aside from him.

Zeldris makes his way back to the house. Taking care to stay out of sight.

This is quite simple with his current skills. Honed by training almost 24/7 for many years.

But perhaps even more than his strength, what's grown is he himself.

Zeldris has grown from a pretty boy, to a handsome young man.

He now stands at 186 cm tall, built like a god. His broad shoulders and ripped muscles would leave many drooling with admiration. His whole body looks like an artwork.

Yet even his body can't compare to the perfection that is his face. His red eyes are sharp like knives, radiating an intensity reminiscent of a powerful man. Yet as if contradicting itself, they also look deeply relaxed, as if nothing in this world is worthy of his attention.

His sharp facial features and neatly trimmed, short, black hair, which once radiated beauty, now emit a clear masculine charm. However the traces of youth have yet to completely leave him, at his current age of 15.

His clothes are completely unworthy of mentioning, compared to himself. Being simple brown clothes from the sect.

The only thing that could compare to him in beauty, is the exquisite mythril sword on his hip. Even inside the scabbard, one can tell the sword is special.

The mythril sword might as well have become his best friend at this point.

Being a magical sword, the thing is not only insanely durable and sharp, it also has different abilities. When you channel energy inside it, it reacts in whatever way you control it.

Zeldris is itching to try out his full power on something. But at this point he would destroy a chunk of the sect if he did.

"I have to ask Zhong to take me to somewhere isolated." He mumbles to himself, gripping the scabbard.

*Crack* "Hmm?" Zeldris hears a light crack. As if some kind of small crystal broke.

He looks around and then under his feet, finding this sound odd.

'Did I step on something?'

Indeed there are shards on the ground. However the strange thing is they're on his pants as well.

Going further upwards, Zeldris examines his necklace. The crystal on it is missing.

"Oh..." A stupid sound escapes his mouth. Bringing with it a change that will shake the world...

The red in Zeldris's eyes becomes more prominent. It's as if they started glowing with a thirst of blood. A small, black sigil also appeares under his right eye, going down almost to his mouth.

However these small physical changes are nothing compared to what's happening inside of him.

Zeldris feels like his mind is suffocating in cold. Such a drastic sensation causes him to stumble.

His life flashes before his eyes, yet it all feels meaningless... So empty...

Nothing has value anymore. There is no reason to live...

A ferocious swirl of negative emotions assault him. Despair, loneliness, cold, misery and fear.

He groans, gritting his teeth.

Yet the swirl of emotion evaporates as quickly as it came. Being replaced by pure malice and bloodlust.

With that, his mind becomes clear once again.

A grin stretching on his face...

Deep and quiet chuckles escape his mouth.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Turning into full blown crazy laughter.

The nearby disciples are startled by a sudden sound. But when they look towards the source, there is nothing there.

Yet a certain black haired girl, who was coincidentally walking by, saw all of it...



On a sunny day, inside a forest that displays the beauty of nature at it's finest.

3 people wonder through the woods.

The three seem like fantasy adventurers based on the clothing and equipment they wear.

There is a young, handsome man, with slicked back, blonde hair. Wearing heavy, dark blue armour and a shiny sword on his hip.

Next to him is a big, muscular man, who has only leather protectors covering his bare upper body. Carrying a huge shield and a large mace.

The third member of the group is a lightly dressed mage looking girl. She is rather plain in appearance and the robe on her covers her body entirely. She carries a staff, yet her blue hair, styled in a bob cut, is uncovered by a hat. Which is untypical of a mage.

"We've got a cyclops incoming. 500 meters." The mage girl, also doubling as a magical scout, calls out.

"What? A cyclops in this area?" The blonde man exclaims.

"Get ready." The bulky man says, already seeing the ugly, 5 meter tall cyclops

It rushes towards the party, carrying a giant wooden club.

As it reaches them, it swings the club down. Trying to crush them all.


All of the adventurers dodge the blow and quickly make a counter attack.

"LIGHTINING!" The mage yells and cracks of lightning manifest on her staff.

*Zzzap* Electrocuting the cyclops.

"Groaaaagh!" The creature screams in pain. Swinging his club wildly, destroying the forest around them.

"Crap." *BOOOM* The big and muscular man recieves a blow with his large shield and goes flying.

But the blonde man takes advantage of this and slashes through the cyclops knee. Severing a tendon.

"KRAAAGH!" It screams once again. Letting the world know of it's pain.

But without mercy, the mage girl sends a fireball at his face. Scorching it's one and only eye.

After that, the cyclops is quickly killed with excellent teamwork.

"Now wasn't that exhilarating." The big man comments with a laugh.

"You were smacked so hard, I thought you went back in time. What are you talking about?" The blonde man mocks him.

"Hey, getting hit is part of the fun. Besides I created an excellent opening for you." He counters.

"Hey we got more incoming." The girl interjects.

""What?"" Both of the men's exclaim. Truly surprised.

They become even more suprised when they see the amount running towards them. A whole horde of cyclopses is coming for them, like one of them is celebrating a birthday.

"What the hell is going on?!" Big man asks.

"I don't know. Sarah, can you teleport us out of here?" The blonde man asks.

"I need 30 seconds!" She quickly replies.

"Do it! We'll buy you 30 seconds." The blonde man commands and turns to face the horde.

*Roar* *Roar* Those big, ugly creatures roar their hearts out. Echoing through the forest.

The blonde man's face is grim. One cyclops isn't anything in their eyes, but a horde of them is a different story.

Yet why does it feel like the horde is getting smaller in number, the closer they get?..

"Hmm." The big guy feels like something is a miss, as well.

Don't those cyclopses look like they're running away from something, terrified?

The adventurers assumptions are solidified as the truth, when the horde finally reaches them. Though you can't call it a horde anymore, just one cyclops is remaining. It doesn't even look at the three, just runs past them like he's running from the tax man.

"What..." Just as the blonde man speaks out in confusion...

*Splat* *Pfffff* The cyclops's upper body vanishes, leaving a fountain of green blood coming out of it's tumbling lower body.

All three adventurers are shocked silly. The mage even forgets her spell, causing it to dissipate.

"Oh? Humans..." A voice speaks out nearby. Drawing everyone's gaze.

Once they lay their eyes on the source, they spot an incredibly handsome, black haired young man.

Handsome or not, the three feel the hair on their body stand up, when they look at him. Their instincts scream that this guy is definetly bad news.

"You became so quiet all of a sudden." The black haired young man smirks. A smirk full of malice.

The adventurers instantly snap out of their stupor and assume stances. Ready to fight at the slightest movement.

The man chuckles.

The next second, every single one of the trio's arms fall off.

"""Aaaaaaahhh!"'" They all scream in pain at the same time. Gushing blood from their stumps.

"Oops, my hands slipped. But don't worry, I have anaesthetic." The man speaks, clearly amused. Then he appeares in front of the blonde haired man and punches him in the face.

Making his head disappear into red mist. *Poof*

"...It's death."

Zeldris walks over to the bulky man and administers a dose of home-made anaesthetic to him too. Slicing off everything below the shoulders with the blonde man's sword.

"Now..." Zeldris grabs the traumatised, screaming girl by the neck and lifts her up.

"Point me to the nearest city. The western continent is unfamiliar to me, you see..." He says. His eyes communicate absolute indifference to the girl's critical condition.


"...Oh, right." Zeldris realizes he sliced off her arms.

"Tell you what, I'll lif you a bit higher. Use your legs." He says. Determined to get his directions.

However the girl is too traumatised to respond and unexpectedly dies...

"Tch." *Splat* Zeldris squeezes her head off, seeing that she's no longer useful.

It's really his fault. He squeezed a bit too hard, ending up choking the girl to death, before she could help him.

But contrary to the situation, Zeldris doesn't seem disappointed.

"I'll just ask the next passer by." He says. A malicious smirk of amusement still on his face...

But before he can set out, he spots a gang of goblins in the distance. His expression immediately becomes blank, remembering the ones who chased him right after he came to this world.

A strong strong desire for justice overflows him.

"I'll wipe out those things first..."

Now that the story has picked off, it's going to get even more funny, whacky and ridiculous. But I'll make sure not to go overboard.

GlassFramecreators' thoughts