

With those words .... Vanessa Walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

Franklin knows that if he and the others are to evade being captured , Vanessa's head has to be in the game . Which of course now , it's clearly not .

Franklin rushed down after Vanessa .

Frank : V wait , I need to talk to you ...

Vanessa : there is nothing to talk about frank .

Frank : Well , clearly you have not been appreciative for once ....

I never begged you to come into my life or fall in love with me ... I never begged you to come visit me ....you came around me ... well see what that got you .... You see ... Vanessa , I think until you start behaving like an adult , before you can be treated like one ...

Vanessa : are you insulting me now ?

Frank : No V... I am being real with you here .... Had it been that Fisher and his team had not made a way to get us out of the country... God knows what would have happened to us .... the point of this whole sermon is that, I am urging you to trust and respect Tracy ..

She have been in this job for quite some time now , she knows the ups and downs of this job.

Vanessa : Fine .... I will do as she says , but tell her that she should stop ordering me like I am her fucking daughter ... I deserve some respect too .

And after Vanessa apologized for her rude conduct .... Frank hugged her and gave her a dip kiss , with his hands around her waist , while they were going back into their room .

Some minutes later , in the room , while they were on the bed using their hands to play with their bodies . Frank lowly spoke to her close to the ears ...

Frank : You will have to apologize to Tracy , for everything you have done to her ...

Vanessa : Can't really remember doing anything to her .

Franklin : Ohh .. I think you did a lot of things to Tracy ... starting with yelling at her , questioning her orders and you know , I can't start listing them .. ok ... honey you really have to say you're sorry to the woman.

Tracy have risked everything for us , her life back in the United States , her family and other things . She is trying her very best to see that we are safe .

Vanessa : Alright .... you don't have to start lecturing me , ok .... I will go apologize to her .

Some minutes later .. Tracy heard a knock on the door to her room at the motel .

She dragged herself up from the bed , reached for the door handle and opened .. It was Vanessa .

Vanessa : Hey you .. what you doing ?

Tracy : Nothing ... just having some thoughts about what I would have been doing now at Georgia , I don't know , maybe I would have been having fun with my kids .

Vanessa : wait .. what ? You have kids ?

Tracy : Yeah two of them .. two beautiful daughters .. they are both are in high school .

Vanessa : Jesus ... fuck .... I ... I m really sorry about all of this ... we shouldn't have dragged you into this .... I guess it was I and franklin's carelessness that brought us into all of this .. Look Tracy .... I have to make this up to you ....

Tracy : it's fine Vanessa ... it's my job to keep you guys safe . That's what Fisher pays me to do .. it's my fucking job , Vanessa , you don't have to feel pity for me .... ok but atleast you can try to make keeping you safe easy for me by just doing what I say , ok...

Vanessa : yeah ... about that .. hmmm... I am sorry for everything ...

Tracy : yeah , you should be sorry for a lot of things ....

Vanessa : I doubted you , always opposed everything you said ... I guess I was a bit nervous and , maybe a lot bit pissed with the fact that the world sees me as fugitive ... I don't have my freedom like I used to ... everyday of my life I have to watch my back... just to survive ... my face is all over the top news channels...

Tracy : Alright stop.. just stop ... ok.. you will be fine , franklin will be too ... i can protect you if you let me ok.... I , Johnny , Fabian , and jimmy , we're highly trained mercenaries ... Fisher gave us this job to keep you and your boyfriend safe and that's what we're doing.....

Fisher cares about franklin , and you too... when this incidence happened , he knew that If he didn't act fast , you and frank would be arrested , because you both have been in direct contact with those black mask guys , who were working for the Chinese people , which indirectly works for the Chinese triads in Bangkok....

Vanessa : But we had nothing to do with those guys ?

Tracy : well for all I know , the FBI and Interpol doesn't believe that ... They believe you guys were criminal masterminds whose services were acquired on the black market ... more like : terror for hire ... that you guys work indirectly for the Chinese triads .... that's what they think ....

Tracy : and trust me girl ... they will stop at no cost , until you both are caught. The earlier you understand that , the more serious you will take this whole thing .....

Vanessa : I never planned any of this ... I had a life .... I had a family ... I finished high school , had good grades , got an admission into college , had pretty nice friends ... who will do anything to see that I got along and was happy .... before all this happened ... I never wanted all of this ....

Tracy : No ... no one gets to choose this type of life ... but what can we do ? You gotta face it ....

It's you against the world ... if you wanna survive .... you have to learn one thing ....

Vanessa : And what the hell is that ?

Tracy : The act of being able to dissappear .... being a ghost ....

Vanessa : how's that even possible ?

Tracy : it is ... and it is very real .... I am a ghost .... it's all about being able to stay undetected , dodge the cameras, using fake IDs , and exist , without the world knowing that you do exist....

Tracy : You know , I went for this job in Venice , 7 months ago .....