
From FFF to infinity

Due you feel to die? Would you like to gets reincarnated in a novel with 10 wishes see how a past life God becomes a novel addict and reincarnates in a novel in his third life

Only_omnipotent · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Different world

With the white cat in my arm, and the ice princess by my side, we walked back down the mountains back to Kyu.

Ice princess–whose name now i know is Elise–is the princess of the northern kingdom. So i ordered Velshia to escort Elise back to her family.

Now with Aqua, Kasia, Lilia and kyu, i moved over to my new destination.

We flew back to our first position. Where everything started...the dumpling kingdom.

~~the dumpling kingdom ~~

Our first destination was naturally the royal palace.

Inside the royal palace, everything was in chaos. I stopped a guard running by to ask.

"Lord hero!" He said "the king had been assassinated!"

I knew that this was going to happen but didn't expected it to happen so soon.

Well, now the royal throne is empty, my work here is much easier.

Did you realy think that i will follow whatever shit i said to the king at my summoning? Only a fool would miss to see that this kingdom was already at its fall due to invading demons. Even the current queen is a demonized slave. Who would care for such a deadend?

After the king, only alive successor to the throne is the royal princess. Although i have no intention to become to king now but who says that i can't decide who will become the king?

Do you remember who all i bought during the black market in chapter 3 except Velshia?

He is the one who no one remembers now.

The porter A!!

Porter A is a nickname in canon for a soldier who was enslaved after his home was destroyed by some bandits.

Now you might think that porter A was not with me when i was in my adventures right? So where was he?

Actually when I bought him first, i quickly blessed him and gave him a mission to follow.


I used 10000 gold coins to buy porter A. Little did these black marketers knew that the slave they are selling now would become their king in future.

After porter A was moved to my room, i quickly blessed him. His level soared from 380 to 999+ instantly. His job changed from slave to a divine guardian and his race changed from human to a elemental beast.

It won't be a exaggeration to say that he can now single handedly level the whole kingdom.

After giving him enough power, i whispered something in his ears so that lanuval couldn't hear it.

"Listen now, i am going to give you your first mission. Your first mission is to find the boss of this black market and replace him. Then you have to become the secret lover of current princess. I have also given you demonic energy so that you can conquer the kingdom from darkness. After a month, i will come back and then...."

~~~flashback ends~~~

It would not be an exaggeration to say that already had the kingdom in my hands from the beginning.

After a few days passed by....

After the king, princess inherited the kingdom but passed the throne to her secret lover–now her husband–to be the king.

Now my work at dumpling kingdom is finished–no, now it is not dumpling kingdom anymore! It is now the first and only holy empire, blessed by god's in these lands of Fantasia!

My next stop would be...to meet the golem king.

I let Aqua and Kasia and Lilia rest in the kingdom as royal guests while me and Kyu flew to our new destination.


I was sitting in a Underground cave now.

This cave was filled with many types of mechs and different technologies. This was a secret hiding place of golem king.

Golem king is a human who has a fetish of making golem. This person is a calamity for Fantasia. In future he succeeded in creating a golden mech that alone destroyed the northern and western kingdoms.

After arriving here, the first thing i did was destroy all his existing mechs.

When golem king returned to his base he was grief struck. His hard work of 50 years was now under my legs, completely crushed.

After killing this golem king, i burned away his whole cave.

My next destination is the elfheim kingdom.


Elfheim kingdom is a kingdom of elfs, in the deep forests.

I met Velshia in the kingdom. She had arrived at the elfheim kingdom after leaving Elise at the royal palace.

Velshia is also the royal teacher of this kingdom.

With the help of Velshia, it became easier to enter the kingdom.

We were invited to the the royal palace.

I met with a familiar face at the palace...Sylvia.

At seeing me she immediately started screaming and cursing me until Velshia stepped forward to slap her and drag her away.

Current elf king was also like Sylvia so he proceeded to curse me and he even took initiative to use spirits to attack me.

Velshia bowed to me and said, " master, i ask for your permission to let me deal with them. You shouldn't dirty your hand."

"No need" i replied.

I lifted the glass of wine and sipped a little. Then i held the glass and placed it on the table with a little force.

Shockwaves travelled from the cup and spread throughout the kingdom.

Any elfs that had malicious intent towards me had the same fate. They all burst into pool of blood.

Velshia was shocked by such majestic show of divine power. But she quickly recovered.

After massacring the royal family, i crowned Velshia as the new queen of elves.

Now my conquer of central kingdom(due to Noebius), dumpling kingdom, elfheim kingdom, mermaid lake and northern kingdom (due to Elise).

Now all that is left is demon territory.

But before going back, i have one last thing to do here.

I walked out of the palace, into the deep forests and then into a cave.

After entering tha cave alone, i found the dead body of a elf who most likely commited suicide. After walking further inside, i found a open room.

This room was filled with many spirits that were protecting a small cage.

I walked towards the cage and looked at it.

Inside the cage was trapped a little, sad, naked and confused but beautiful fairy.

This fairy was just of my palm size. But she was not all to be underestimated due to her size. This fairy is the first spirit of this world and the goddess of spirits, Fronesis.

Fronesis lifted her small head and looked at me. At first she was confused but then she recognised me.

She is also one of those who know my identity as the god of Fantasia.

She exclaimed and jumped up at seeing me. She thought that i had came here to harm her or something.

I moved my hand towards the cage which made her shiver from fear.

But instead of harming her like she thought, i just simply disintegration the cage and freed her.

"Hello Fronesis." I said " i am the current god of Fantasia as you know. And i will not harm you so don't worry."

Usually hearing my words would make her suspicious and hesistant. But when she heard me, she felt an unexpected attraction to me which made her feel that all my words are true.

I extended my hand towards her and she unconsciously held my finger with her small hands.

I gave her a sweet smile. And she just realised what she did. She immediately pulled her hand back with a blush. It was as though all that fear she felt now had never happened.

Fronesis slowly floated toward me with her little wings and stepped on my hand.

She was tired after being trapped in a small cage for 100,000 years. Now that she was free, she wanted to fly around the world but she was very weak. Her wings had finally moved after 100,000 years.

When she landed on my hand, she started absorbing some of my energy. Due to the divinity {chastity lord}, my energy is as pure as it can be.

Just absorbing some of my energy, made her dreams come true. Her body started to evolve to adjust to my energy.

[Individual Fronesis gained skill flight GGG]

[Individual Fronesis gained skill size GGG]

[Individual Fronesis evolved from a tier 7 god to tier 5 god]

[Individual Fronesis forcefully awakened the divinity {life} ]

After completing her evolution, the little fairy grew from the size of my palm to size of a 19-year girl. Her blond hair now had some shades of rainbow. Her wings grew much beautiful and wide. And not to forget that she was still naked. Her private parts also grew much bigger and attractive. Her fairy-like body was on display to my eyes.

Also i can't have a grown up girl naked upon my palm right.

I created a magic dress for her that would suit her quite well. The dress was how a fairy would wear. A sundress with some beautiful flower designs and most beautiful colour combinations possible.

I also changed her position from my palm to a princess carry.

Fronesis slowly opened her eyes and looked at my face. My smile just melted her heart and her beauty did the same to me.

There was no ned to say anything between us. We both felt that connection between each other. She stepped down from my arms and begged me tightly. I also folded my arms around her back.

"Thank you." She said" for saving me from my nightmares"

I broke our hug and bent down on my knees. "Fronesis," i said " will you be ome my lover."

Fronesis felt her heart flutter. This was one of her dream. She wanted someone to say these words filled with love to her.

"Yes!!!" She cried out and hugged me happily...


Hey author here,

Are you all reading this or not?

I am sure some of you are not but not that i mind. Thank for all those you read it. After all i like to share my feelings with my readers.

If you read this then i am sorry to tell that now it will take time to upload chapters as my exams are coming.

Thanks for your understanding.