
Introduction to This Trainwreck of a World

Now I am extremely confused at the moment, all thanks to the fun little surprise life decided to give me today. If you are wondering what went down, well I don't know much either, so I will just start from today and keep going.

I woke up today expecting an average day, with nothing interesting happening except for the run-of-the-mill office banter with my coworkers whom I choose not to name. The day goes normally, as it should... until I start to notice that everything is slowly fading into a blank white. (This is the point where everything goes wrong)

Now, in hindsight, I should have probably freaked out instead of just letting out a rather confused sounding "huh?". But that is in the past, well, if the past is several hours ago.

After the color completely drains from the whole world, which just made everything look like that music video of 'Take On Me', everything else starts to drain as well.

Now, at this point, I did not have the luxury of freaking out due to my entire world being whitewashed. So the best thing I could do was also the most common thing to do when something completely insane happens in front of you; I had an internal screaming contest and decided the best option was to go unconscious. Yeah, completely rational deduction on the part of my body and mind.

Now after that all went down, I woke up thinking I had had some sleep-deprived hallucination or something, which was the idea I had accepted...

until I looked at the plains in front of me.

Yup... plains, as in empty fields with nothing but the occasional tree every so often.

Now, this is where the panic REALLY set in. I realized how screwed I was the exact moment I saw nothing familiar in my range of vision. And that kids, is how I passed out for the second time today(?).

Based off of my experience at the moment, it appears to me that whenever I pass out; something strange happens to me.

When I woke up, I immediately noticed something different, or specifically the person staring straight at me.

We met eyes, and he said one line that made me realize for the second time today just how screwed I really am:

"Welcome to the world of Terraria."


Now you see, I am an 'avid' fan of reincarnation novels, and when I hear someone say welcome to the world of ________, I know I have just been picked for the worst joyride of my life, and the next sentence that came out of his mouth just allowed me to accept that a mental breakdown is getting closer and closer to an ideal reaction.

"Since you have just begun your journey, let me give you a small tutorial."

You heard him, a freakin' TUTORIAL. And a tutorial means that there is something supernatural, like an inventory or something.

(Now anybody who has played Terraria has enough knowledge about the game to know that your character really only needs to know how to open your inventory and interact with the crafting list to play the game, so I will just speed through the explanation.)

"Just say Inventory to open your inventory (Basic cliche incantation), in which you can move things in and out of with no limit on neither the weight nor size of the item." At that moment my only thought was 'called it'. "And there is also the crafting interface, which is more of a subcategory of the inventory. It is used for crafting items, as long as you have the appropriate materials and workstation correlating to that item. (Such as using bookshelves to make magic books, which I both do and do not understand at the same time.) This concludes my tutorial."

Now this explanation was short, concise, and got straight to the point. it was exactly what somebody would say to somebody who had just been dragged across dimensions.

At this point, I am already in shock, so I just nod along with what he says without even questioning it. The man seems to completely disregard my distant gaze and continues talking.

"I presume that you are confused about what is happening," (He has absolutely no idea how confused I am) "...and I can assure you that there is no underlying point in you being here than by sheer bad luck." (Damn this world) "The world of Terraria is in danger of destruction, meaning that it needed someone to save the world from whatever calamity that is to come. That is why you are here, you have been chosen as the to save this world from its doom. I hope you are prepared for this grand journey." (And at this point I am perfectly replicating the pose of someone who had just been told that they have a terminal disease that could only be cured if they die, which is pretty much saying its just a fact that you are screwed)

By now, I had already been too shocked to continue, so in my desensitized haze, I could only sigh dejectedly at my fate. Why couldn't I have just ended up on a world which made any sense (I realized the truth of those words much sooner than I would have hoped to).

After about an hour of me just sitting on the ground having an existential crisis; I finally decided to just focus on now instead of the past or future. So I decided on a mental checklist of things I have to do to start on my path to survival. And boy was it a long mental checklist.

I just hope this world doesn't have any more surprises for me...

This entire idea is based off of a thought i had around 2 A.M. today, which was pretty much something along the lines of 'What if I made an entire D&D campaign based around Terraria', but then I realized that my friends would derail any plot I came up with.

(I only know this because my last D&D session ended up with me doing 90% improv, with the other 10% being my actual plans)

So now I am writing this story because I thought it would be a good idea to write it.

What a way to start a Saturday morning.

Cold_Housefirecreators' thoughts