
From Earth to Infinity: A Second Chance

Leo, a diligent and devoted son, had always put his family first, sacrificing his own dreams and desires to provide for them. An office worker who toiled day and night, he found joy in supporting his aging parents, ensuring they wanted for nothing. However, his life took an unexpected turn when he met his end at the hands of the infamous Truck-kun, the vehicle known for transporting many souls to new destinies. But fate had other plans for Leo. In the depths of an otherworldly realm, he was granted an extraordinary opportunity by a God, who offered him a chance to restart his life on Earth. However, there was a catch: to earn this second chance, Leo needed to entertain the God by exploring various anime worlds and sharing his experiences. Eager to reclaim his life, Leo set forth on a grand adventure across the multiverse. From the vibrant landscapes of the Naruto universe to the high-stakes battles of One Piece and the intense rivalry of My Hero Academia, each world offered him unique challenges and opportunities for growth. With every encounter, every battle, and every relationship he formed, Leo aimed to captivate the divine observer watching from afar. As he navigated these fantastical realms, Leo discovered the importance of friendship, love, and personal fulfillment. Along the way, he honed his skills, learned new abilities, and embraced the essence of each world he visited. His ultimate goal remained steadfast: to entertain the God enough to secure his return to Earth and reunite with his family, finally able to live the life he had always dreamed of. Each step in this journey brought him closer to that cherished dream, reminding him that the bonds he forged in this new existence could shape not only his fate but the very essence of who he had become.

Jasper_Reed · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Again Timeskip

s flew by, and now it was finally time to attend the Ninja Academy. Given my current strength, I knew I could easily join the Anbu under the Hokage's command if I wanted to. My abilities were already far beyond what most academy students could dream of. But the thought of serving under that old geezer? No way. Being bound to protect him and follow his orders wasn't exactly appealing.

Nah, spending my time in the Academy, blending in with the students, and keeping a low profile sounded way more fun. There was no rush to graduate early or rise through the ranks just yet. I'd have more freedom to train, hone my skills, and build connections—and maybe even stir up some trouble along the way. The Academy was just another step in my plan, and for now, that suited me just fine.

I'm already quite well-known in the village, not just because I'm the son of the late Hokage, but also for my good looks. I must've inherited this from my parents, who were famously known as one of the most beautiful couples, second only to Naruto and Hinata in the Narutoverse. I'm definitely not going to let that fame go to waste. It's time to focus on getting closer to the girls who are likely going to be my future wives.

What better place to build those romantic connections than the Academy? I'm already close to Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and even Tenten, thanks to visiting her shop for ninja tools. But I haven't quite reached the point where we can officially become couples. I can tell they like me, and I like them too—I just need to make that final push to turn these bonds into something deeper.

Hinata will take a bit more time due to her shy personality, but that's not a problem. Sakura and Ino, as expected, are more aggressive when it comes to getting attention, just like in the original timeline, except this time, I'm the one they're fighting for, not Sasuke. Tenten is different; she doesn't seek attention like the other two and isn't shy, but she'll take some time to warm up romantically.

I've already set my sights on capturing the hearts of all four before graduation. This is one of the main reasons I'm attending the Academy—not just to sharpen my skills but to cultivate deeper relationships. Once the bonds are solidified, nothing will stop me from making them my future wives.

One of my primary concerns is getting closer to Kurenai. I've had a few opportunities to meet her, mainly because she and Kakashi are both Jonin. While we've crossed paths a few times, I know that if I don't act soon, Asuma will likely end up winning her heart. In the original Naruto series, Kurenai and Asuma grew close, eventually becoming lovers during the timeskip. This gives me a limited window to build a meaningful connection with her before graduation.

Winning a woman's heart is never easy, and I realize there's no shortcut to achieving this. I need to work on developing our relationship carefully and strategically. Luckily, there's still time, and I already have a plan to get close to her. By asking her to teach me genjutsu, I can form a bond. After all, aside from the Uchiha clan, she's considered one of the most skilled genjutsu users in the village.

Looking ahead, I'm aware that Danzo will soon make his move to suppress or even destroy the Uchiha clan. Once that happens, I'll have a chance to support Kurenai and strengthen our bond. In the meantime, I've devised a way to help the Uchiha clan during this critical time. But for now, I need to focus on the upcoming academy examination and continue working on my plans.

With my stats nearing Kage level, I'm in a prime position to make significant moves.

"Aurora, Status."

"Here, Leo."



- **Name**: Naruto Uzumaki (Leo)

- **Clan**: Uzumaki Clan

- **Bloodline**: Uzumaki (100%)

- **HP**: 2500

- **CP**: 2500

- **Strength**: 250

- **Agility**: 250

- **Dexterity**: 250

- **Defense**: 250

- **Endurance**: 250

- **Intelligence**: 250

- **Chakra Control (CC)**: 65%

- **Ninjutsu**: 6

- **Genjutsu**: 3

- **Taijutsu**: 6

- **Fuinjutsu**: 2

- **Abilities**: Adamantine Chains, Kagura Mind's Eye, and more

- **Jutsu**:

- Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

- Water Clone Technique

- Wind Release: Great Breakthrough

- Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm

- Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang

- Scorch Release: Charring Palm

- Flare Release: Light Ray

- Wave Release: Wave Dragon

- Lava Release: Building Debris

- Magnetic Flight technique

- Explosion Release:Turbo Burst

- **Other Jutsu**: Clone Technique, Transformation Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, Body Flicker Jutsu

- **Affinities**: Fire (50%), Water (30%), Earth (50%), Wind (50%), Lightning (50%), Yang (50%), Yin (5%)

- **Kekkei Genkai**:

- Scorch Release (Fire + Wind)

- Flare Release (Fire + Lightning)

- Wave Release (Wind + Lightning)

- Lava Release (Fire + Earth)

- Magnet Release (Earth + Wind)

- Explosion Release (Earth + Lightning)


Thanks to my training with Tsunade, both my ninjutsu skills and chakra levels have significantly increased. However, I still lag behind in genjutsu and fuinjutsu, which I am now focusing on with my mom's guidance. Mastering these arts is crucial, especially if I want to access forbidden techniques from the Hokage Tower's hidden hall in the coming years. Sure, I could purchase them from the shop, but where's the thrill in that?

Additionally, I've developed multiple kekkei genkai, but wood release still eludes me. Even with my sage body, I haven't quite far from it yet, though I know I'll get there eventually.For that, I also need to increase my affinity with water, but here there aren't many who use water style. For now, I only rely on the shop to buy kekkei genkai techniques, since they are rare and nearly impossible to find in the village. While attending the academy, my focus remains on learning fuinjutsu with my mom to further improve my versatility.