

On a calm morning, a young man wakes up in a sleep capsule, and sees around him what looks like an electrical power plant. When he leaves this place he sees a completely destroyed city.

A memory of a bomber raid on this city soon passes through the young man's head, and he soon remembers what happened.

The city of Acve was the first target of the mass destruction bomber that started the first great world war,

Seeing this, the young man remembered the death of his mother, crushed by a building. She asked the young man called Fas to move away and flee. Soon a soldier arrived and heard the mother's request asking him to take her son from that place.

Hearing Fas' mother's last request, he removes young Fas from that place, and then the soldier takes the boy to an energy installation which was on a hill and left the boy there, arriving at the installation he goes down the stairs, when he arrives Underground, the soldier places the boy in a sleep compartment programmed to wake up 10 years after its activation, then the soldier says that they will meet again soon, and asks Fas that he survives.

When he remembers this, Fas walks for days until he arrives at a refuge called "third grade refuge", when he gets there he immediately seeks help and information about what happened in the 10 years that he spent asleep.

He goes to a wall and sees that they are recruiting young people aged 14 to 27, then he asks a local resident why they are recruiting soldiers, then the resident told the boy that they are in the middle of a war, and the nation is called Fron that they are on the brink of destruction and are recruiting anyone who wants to fight.

then the boy decides that he is going to enlist because he doesn't want his mother's nation to be destroyed, so when he arrives at the checkpoint the grad asks him how old he is and he says he is 14 years old.

so when stating the contract he is placed in a strange machine which they call an affinity tester, and when measuring Fas' affinity they become quiet and they call a scientist who is called Juni, so Juni asks Fas to follow her, and Juni takes Fas to a room and says that she will be responsible for him.

She says that the purpose serves to measure her purpose with the special Max suits that were produced in total secrecy, so Juni tells Fas that he will be the pilot of the Max 1 unit being the only one ready to use, but before Juni leaves she He says that this unit is very dangerous because it is the only one that uses a thermonuclear reactor, and she says that if he wants to give up using this suit, this is the time.