
From Bottom-tier to Dimensional Chat Group.

My life was destroyed in a car accident, despite the fact that it was a suicide attempt by a man who shot himself in a moving bus, affecting the entire region and causing a simultaneous accident that claimed many lives. I cried quietly as I remembered that I was getting married on the same day as my wife, who had also been involved in the accident, and how bitter it felt to lose my life in such a way. It was the moment that a new chapter in my life was about to begin, but it turned out to be the tragic conclusion of our relationship. But given that memories of my previous lives began to surface in the young man's mind at the age of 15, who would have believed that it was not the end and that I had been reincarnated or had taken a second birth? Until! [Welcome to Dimensional Chat Group.] [Would the host like to bind his account with it?] [Yes] [No] The beginning of an unexpected adventure and new life

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Talk with Villagers.

Before they all set out again, Tanjiro, Nezuko, and the other family members woke up just in time. They encountered little difficulty on the way to the next city, even though Kie was opposed to running to other cities.

She claimed that while she and her family had no desire to be the cause of someone else's suffering, doing so would tend to isolate them from society and make it more difficult for them to plan for how they would survive in the years ahead.

Due to the fact that the city and town in this era were not very large, Fumiya thought that her tenacity was truly admirable and wanted to see if they could figure out a way to do so.

In addition, they were unsure of the size of the earth.

Based on Nezuko's descriptions of the world's climate and seasons, Fumiya could only infer that there were periods of time in this world that were distinct from those he was familiar with.

"So, we do not have infinite food, and finding a place and then setting up the town is not an easy job, you know."

Fumiya was watching the family of six as they all prepared their meals in the forest camp while Rimuru and Fumiya were conversing, with snow covering the entire area and the sun setting over the far-off land.

"I know it is quite simple to notice something like this, Rimuru-san, but look at them and how they are thinking about others before themselves, and how we are in a rush to finish a mission without giving it a reasonable thought about what might happen after we are gone."

Fumiya may have come off as conceited, but he was able to understand and respect what Kie-san was considering doing because he had been reincarnated into numerous other worlds, had experienced war, and had lived there for a very long time.

"Fine, but what we can do is..."

As he spoke with Fumiya and began to like his character, Rimuru shook his head as the logic behind their selection to be a part of this group began to cross his mind.

After three days had passed following that day, they all came to the same conclusion: "The world in which this anime was set was incorrect, and the country through which they were traveling might not be Japan as they had been led to believe."

After coming to this conclusion, Fumiya made the decision to send Tanjiro and his family to a location where they could live in safety, and Rimuru made the decision to create a magic circle to guard their property.

Fumiya and her companions discovered a land, but they also noted that it was close to a human city and that the locals were different.

The best circumstance he could hope for was that they all appeared to come from a renowned family of swordsmen and that Fumiya believed they might be related to the demon-slaying family lineage.

"If they are really strong, then we will not mind living there, but will they be alright or not?" Kie's hesitation was beginning to fade, and Rimuru was happy as well.

The only thing left to do was for Fumiya to deal with them, let them negotiate, or do whatever was necessary to ensure that they would permit Kamado and the rest of their family to join their city.

However, the premise of it will depend on what they can provide the other party with and the kind of environment Fumiya and Rimuru can conjure for them.

"Ah right! We can offer them knowledge about the demons and their weaknesses, like those of upper Kizuki."

Tanjiro made the suggestion, and the way Fumiya and Rimuru regarded him helped to prevent him from having the worst thought possible cross his mind.

Who, after all, is going to believe such nonsense coming from a guy and his family of weirdos who appear out of nowhere and claim to have intelligence of the level of a national secret?

"We cannot just give them the information at this level without any connection or trust; after all, all of us are just random passersby who are in need of housing and other facilities." Fumiya made the decision to explain it to Tanjiro after observing his grievance-filled expressions.

However, just as Tanjiro was about to leave the room, Hanako entered the tent carrying a platter of food and cast a knowing glance in his direction.

"If something is wrong, then please don't hide since we are here to help and will do so in the future, so don't think of your work as a burden to us or anything, alright?"

Fumiya took the food and chewed on it while speaking; on the other hand, Rimuru sucked everything in slime form and looked at Hanako with a tell us everything gaze.

Additionally, Hanako had little opportunity other than to speak to the following group about it, where Rukia and other kids had stumbled upon something.

So, Fumiya decided to go out and check.

Hence, Rimuru was the one who was left in the tent to think about the further problems with Hanako.

Fumiya was shocked to see that Rukia and the other children had come across a field at the foot of a mountain and that there were farmers there working for the Lord.

"Yeah, yes! Our humble selves worked for a lord in the vicinity and had been working in this land. He is also one of the pillars in the Demon Slayer Corps and is known by the name of Flame Hashira."

One of the old farmers had a small smile on his face as he talked with Tanjiro, who seemed to be getting along well with the other farmer as they talked about their case.

"Oh, another young man is here."

A healthy-looking man in his thirties smiled at Fumiya as he brought a small container with a smile on his face and opened it for Fumiya to take the sliced fruit from within.

"Ah, thank you, sir."

Fumiya instinctively took a bite of the juicy fruit and glanced at Nezuko and Rukia, who were conversing with women off to the side. Rukia cast a sideways glance at Fumiya with a smile that had been hiding on her face for a while.

'She is finally starting to get hang of having a real body like this, Huh?'

Since the system-based body was really closer to reality, Rukia had been having a hard time adjusting to the life of a human.

It was also the reason why Rukia was letting Rimuru and Fumiya make the most decisions and had been adjusting her mindset around them.

"It is nothing, young man, but we heard that you guys really had a hard time, and if you want, we can help you get in contact with the Lord in a few hours."

The people in this world turn out to be really kind, and with that talk, Fumiya contacted Rimuru through chat to come here, as Rimuru introduced himself around along with Hanako.

It appeared that fate was pulling a string for them in this world, in addition to the unexpected change in the plan. Fumiya, Rimuru, and Kie enter the room where the people of the village lead them to wait until Rengoku Kyojuro-san can come back from the city patrol.

The city was large and teeming with activity.

While others were having a good time, Rukia entered to allow Fumiya to enjoy the city as she considered how an older person in her age group should handle such a task.

Where Fumiya also did not mind, given that his main objective was to set up the business for Tanjiro and his family to survive in the new city, so having a good look of the city can be rather helpful.

"Fumiya..." Tanjiro happened to see Fumiya as he left the Rengoku estate, so he hurried back to meet up with him and asked Fumiya to accompany him since the other sisters and Nezuko were already making their way to a small area where a festival was being held by the citizens of the city.

"A festival, that is something I would look forward too, but I really wished I could have a camera with me; I would have recorded the whole festival down."

Joining in with Tanjiro, Fumiya headed toward the central area of the city to see the festival.

As he found the old farmer from back then walking beside Nezuko and others and making sure that they would not get lost in the festival crowd and bustling activities.

There were lanterns with a red color to them.

There were stalls that were packed with foods, dishes, and cultural items that he had not seen before in front of him.

So, Fumiya had a hard time looking away from them until Nezuko Hanako came to see Tanjiro and Fumiya, with the ringing laughter of Takeo and Shigeru.

"Takeo, Shigeru, don't run away again; we should hang out together from here on out." Tanjiro dragged the little one together, and along with that, all six of them started to walk around together.

7 if mixed together with the little guy in Hanako's arm. However, Fumiya could recall that the little one had been dozing off throughout the entire trip and had displayed excellent behavior.

"Heh! That is really expensive. But salt is much more expensive, you know!"

"This dish is really good, but the method of making it is really unique and something we can never try in my world with the rather expensive rate of fruits."

"We will make some and will continue to send it to you." Although they do not currently have the ability to bring Nezuko into his world, Fumiya believes that they may do so in the future.

Nezuko and Fumiya conversed frequently as they talked about various things they had encountered. Additionally, Nezuko was very enthusiastic and curious about the modern world.

Tanjiro laughed...

Although it did not seem any different to others because Nezuko treated Fumiya with the same kindness she always did, Tanjiro could tell that she was acting differently in some ways, and Fumiya also appeared to be aware of it.

Without wanting to draw attention to it, Fumiya took pleasure in talking with Nezuko as he gave her all of his attention in exchange for her care, since at the time that was all he was able to do.

Not to say, 'I really started to like the carefree air around her, along with her attention.' Was what Tomozaki started to think, and not many started to see the change on his face, with a small tilt appearing on his lips.

While Nezuko observed everything, she sensed that this might be the first time in his entire seven-day journey in this world that he had smiled in such a manner.

When a loud scream shook the neighborhood, a flash of light appeared next to them and an enormous explosion could be heard in the middle of the bridge, which had been destroyed by the collision of two extremely strong opponents.

'Eh! Ahhh...' The children were unable to scream in terror at the sight of a severed hand that had been slashed apart from a sharp nail-like object flowing in front of them, and Nezuko felt sick to her stomach as she watched the person who had been smashed crash next to her face.

"Wait!" As Tomozaki looked at the small hut wall that had been destroyed by the person who had been sent smashing away, he suddenly moved in front of Nezuko and stopped her from moving forward.

"Tomozaki-Kun, he must be injured; please let me go." Nezuko tried to shake off his hand, but she found that she was unable to do so.

"I would have, but if he or she is a human to begin with, that thing is not a human."

"Great sage, analyze the scene I saw in slow motion."

[The analysis is already complete.] [I have also recorded the way the other guy moved, and it put a lot of strain on his lungs, so we might be able to copy 60% of the swordsman's strength.]

[But more data is being demanded to recreate best breathing rhythm for host.]


[Execution complete]

With tremendous momentum created by the rotation of the staff and the stomping of the leg, "Rod slaying style, Crimson Fall..." was uttered. The force of the impact created by leg force caused a crack to appear on the ground.

Nezuko POv

The instant Fumiya said that, I witnessed a human being that resembled a beast leap out of the shadow of the house toward me with unnatural speed—though he was not the only one who could move more quickly there—and a rod that could move even faster come knock on the demon's head and send it twisting away in the air with a crimson rod that had an appearance of being ablaze on fire.

Normal POv

"You are looking down on me too much, bastard."

[It was just like that; a new cheater-like user was born into this world.]
