
from a weeb to a god

a weeb without a name got reincarnated as a god with divinty over the cosmos and energy what will he do . he isnt a god of every thing he is a god over the cosmos and he isnt the only one with that divinity. might drop its up for my mood on hiatus to focus on other projects

wolf_of_the_night · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


a wet slimy place that is way too tight for me even with what my apartment leads me to think I don't like when I a in a small space. like I have zero space to move to I can't move even the smallest of movements even moving my finger is impossible. I don't know how I even breathe its truly a wonder

but it was about to end when I was pulled out to the world held by a beautiful woman who talked to the woman behind me probably my mother 

I know that they are talking in some weird language but I understand them "Lady Rhea one of your children is already out there is only one to go, get them out of me !!"" 

well that is reassuring I was reincarnated in the Greek pantheon like that god said I would be now the question is did he commit to all of my wishes as I told him to 

"uhh uhh uhh lady Rhea the second twin has come out you can rest now thank you random titan 36# " Ho it seems like I have a twin who is it a girl well that must be Hestia then 

Radom titan 20# lady rhea I will get Cronos to see the children Suddenly the atmosphere dropped rhea looked depressed with a sad look on her face and who can blame her she delivered two beautiful babies after nine months of struggle and now they are just gonna get eaten, ok bring him in 

Random Titan 20# ran to bring the king of Titans into the room. well, will she bring my father in I will explain my situation to you lore hunters. 

On Earth I was a weeb a nerd and a history and mythology fan I watched anime from pirated sites since I was broke I read mythology books pirated of course broke and I knew everything that read on the internet about history from of course free sites

I lived in a small box I call an apartment i watched anime with a fine TV of 33 inches because there are no pulling punches when it comes to anime and I was a soon to be died boy 

I was walking to the store to buy the meal of the gods, a ramen cup, of course, I made sure I was walking in a place everyone could see me in 

an attempt to gloat and in an attempt to make sure that no random dude would steal my stuff without getting at least filmed for me to use 

as the MC thought about his worthless cup nuddels and his bout a world in which he had the funds to sue a dude for cup nuddels

he didn't notice that he was walking in the street as it was red and the truck that was coming his way. of course, the car driver tried to stop but again fate had its way a truck kun had another victim 

in a white office, a boy with a dull eye was sitting on the ground confused about where he was. 

where am I before one second I was on a road I am sure I had just driven through. uhh yes I can feel it then why am I here i am supposed to be at the hospital. this is the afterlife mister what! who is talking, are you blind i am right here a middle-aged man said, wait you I can remember you, dont bother yourself you will just get a headache. well, let's get to the point you are going to be reincarnated Don't ask why because I won't answer you can decide on an aspect of the world in which you will be but not the specific world.

you have three wishes but remember the more powerful the wish the harsher the world you will be in if so what will it be

ok then you are a rob (randomly omnipotent being )

well, you can say I am omnipotent in comparison to you but it's technically incorrect. ok, doesn't matter take your wish - ok easy I have been planning for this all my life. I want all fiction -no wait it's just the first wish, all fiction is partially omnipotent and won't give it to you. uh (sigh) ok then I want all the abilities of - no I know what you wanted to say and that's not gonna happen she is to op and you know it, you say it wishes but you won't give me what I wish for *murmur* hey I heard that it's not my fault you want to be a god so much. 

after a back and front between the two 

ok then I want to be reincarnated in the Greek pantheon -ok

as a new god with divinity over the cosmos and energy - ok 

to be the oldest son of Cronos - ok

and the last wish is to have the biggest magic talent in the universe I will be reincarnated- - it's close to being dismissed but it's not partial omnipotence since it's a finite amount of talent so ok

now that all the in-betweens are done with get out of my site 

and like that, I got reincarnated in this place. oh, here he is Cronos with the nurse ok then time to get eaten. 

rhea give them a name quickly, ok mmh do it fast ok dear the girl's name is Hestia and the boy's name is ....
