
from a weeb to a god

a weeb without a name got reincarnated as a god with divinty over the cosmos and energy what will he do . he isnt a god of every thing he is a god over the cosmos and he isnt the only one with that divinity. might drop its up for my mood on hiatus to focus on other projects

wolf_of_the_night · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

chapter 2 : call me professor from now

might be an info dump so if you don't care about the intel you can comfortably skip the chp ( tho I haven't made any other chp yet so you might want to read it)

I opened my eyes with a bad smell in my nose and a disgusting site for me to see. well, whether I doubted it or not there is no denying it now I have been reincarnated. either way, I should start with my plans for the day not that I know if it is even day outside (it's in the middle of the night)

I suddenly heard the voice of a baby girl crying out loud for everyone in the area to hear which is only me. I instantly took her by the back and started to rock it but it didn't help. I think she is crying because of food but I have nothing to feed her here. except I do have something that I can create like I can make diamonds out of nothing how hard is it going to be for me to make food 

it wasn't so hard at least as long as it wasn't organic like meet or fruits I don't know why but I will get into researching it out later. I made her some baby formula in a bottle not made of diamond because I would go crazy with all those shining things around. I made some pure H2O and mixed it with the baby's formula 

I took Hestia by the back and fed her the baby formula and she stopped crying I laid her in the basket I made last night so I could get to the main thing today time to enter my professor persona

well let's recall all the things I have done 

1. I have enhanced my body abilities 

2. I have transformed into an older version of myself

3. I have created matter out of visibly nothing

* and on a special note all of them happened in the same way I just wished for it to happen

now with all that knowledge I know let's try to test the limits of my power, I created junk of diamond to by my testing subject. then as I said I can create things out of "visibly" nothing but with me being able to create can I manipulate let me explain. when I am creating something is that thing beyond my further control well this is what I am going to figure out now

I pointed my arm at the junk of diamond and willed for it to rise and nothing happened I tried my best but the best I could do was slightly move it. maybe I am doing it wrong after all also if I didn't raise it from the ground I did move it a little so I can control it

well I will mark test number one as a partial failure for now for the same reasons. time to move to experiment number 1.5. it is an idea that I think will help with experiment number one's success. meditation I wondered do things just do what I want or is there magical energy inside of me like all those fan fics well this is what I will test out 

I made a platform of diamonds that would float over the acid and then I crossed my legs in a meditation pose and tried my best to relax which was dreadfully easy due to the lack of distraction. 

I was sitting there doing nothing but meditating I do not even know how much time passed I felt something after a while a worm wind brushed by me almost getting me to sleep but then uhh uhh! Hestia woke up and I had to take care of her despite how close I felt to getting somewhere

after I made some food for Hestia I felt tired for no good reason and then fell asleep. 

will a sleep

I had a dream about a bright and beautiful galaxy that gave me shivers when I looked at it. after looking at it for a will I felt a tug at my conscience pulling me back to reality. when I woke up I heard Hestia screaming I went to feed her but as I was trying to conjure up a bottle I felt a weird energy coming out of my body I was a beautiful cosmetic and most importantly worm 

when forming the bottle I could see the energy turning in to the shape of the bottle and then the bottle appeared in my hand. I did the same with baby formula and water. it was amazing for the site I couldn't get enough of it I wanted more of it

I was about to run around configuring things into existence for fun but I decided to use the power more usefully. I was going to build a house yes it will take some time and I am not sure with what material I will make the place I already have an idea

but it will require me to continue my testing I need to see if I can reinforce something other than myself like wood or something else. well what am I waiting for time to go to the lab (I don't have a lab) 

in my lab, a plank of diamond flowed on acid I was commencing my 2 experiments (he forgot about the meditation expr). I made a table out of wood well this is how we are going to go about it I will. I will try and flow the energy through the item and then try to control it again if it will work then nice if not then ok, lets 

end hey this is quite late but I think I will quit this one because of a lack of support but maybe I will not but don't get you hopes up