
From a Star to Mentor: An Idol's Regression Story

In the world of pop music, idols are the ones who shine brightest. They're trained from a young age to become superstars, with grueling schedules, intense competition, and endless pressure. But what happens when an idol regresses back into his eighteen year old self? This is the story of a former idol turned idol trainer. After a strange regression, he finds himself back in his body 7 years ago. As he regains his skills and discovers his new role as a trainer, he must navigate the challenges of the idol industry all over again from a different perspective. With new relationships, new responsibilities, and a new way of life, Hoon Youngjae must learn to adjust and find his place in this strange, new timeline of his world. Will he be able to find his way back to his idol past, or will he settle into his new role as a mentor? One thing's for sure--this is one idol's journey that you don't want to miss! {A/N: Picture is not mine! I just found this on Pinterest. If the artist wants me to take it down I will. Updates: Sunday every 16:00 GMT Every vote/gift will result to an extra chapter being published}

_Nightingale · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 5: Will

I looked at myself in the mirror. 

Black hair and black eyes. 

I don't have any features that make my face look unique. Other than my fair skin, almond- shaped eyes, I look as ordinary as any other person. 

Many people would get angry whenever I tell them I have an ordinary face.

But it's true though. 

I look like an ordinary handsome guy.

I'm the kind of guy who you'd meet on the streets and move on with your life.

Nothing special, nothing exceptional.

… Maybe that's why I'm still single...

I sighed disappointedly as I fixed my tie and went out of my small apartment. 

The small apartment I'm renting doesn't even have a bedroom. Both the bed, living room, and kitchen are in the same space.

I don't think you can tell this is an apartment. 

More like a storage room with a bathroom on it. 

But that's fine. 

I barely have enough furnishings inside so it's not that crowded.

I don't even have a mattress, so I guess that saves a lot of space.

I locked the door to my apartment and went downstairs using the stairs. 

I didn't bother getting a cab and just walked to the XX building.


I lied. It was two kilometers away from my small apartment...

I looked at my Google Maps and saw I needed to walk another kilometer to arrive at my destination.


'System… Can you provide any tips for me?'

My last resort, please…


[※Tip: Get a cab.]

I could feel myself spitting out blood because of its useless tip 

'I'm too broke for that!'

I glared at my system before forcing myself to walk another kilometer to get to the XXX building.

"Two kilometers…Literal two kilometers! What were my relatives thinking of when they decided to hold the meeting here?!"

I panted and collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion.

[※Tip: Get a cold glass of water]

'Does it look like I can get one system?!' 

I bit the bottom of my lip and tried to stand up but failed and collapsed again on the sidewalk which made a loud thud sound.


[※Tip: Go to a doctor]

'**** this D- stamina.'


Eventually, I arrived at the destination, but it was completely different from my imagination.

I thought there would be balloons everywhere and kids running around but it looks like my other aunts and uncles still have conscience left.

I stood in front of the dark oak door of a lawyer's office.

'Aren't wills supposed to be handled by accountants? Why am I in a lawyer's office? Ah....but then again my relatives...'

I slowly opened the door and saw my relatives arguing with the lawyer which instantly made me regret my decision.

'Ah…should have I just stayed home and eaten ramyeon?'

I tried closing the door and escaping but it looked like one of my uncles found me and shouted my name

"Youngjae's here!"

'Well, shit.' I continued to smile after getting caught

How was I discovered?

I was supposed to be undetectable.

That was how I was able to spy on my members and blackmail them so just how in the world did my uncle find me?

"Ahh...hello" I bowed down respectfully and my hands were already sweating profusely

'There's no going back now…'

I sighed and raised myself and saw the lawyer welcoming me warmly.

"Ahh! Mr. Hoon. You're here!" He smiled brightly as if his savior was finally here.

'Why did my parents choose you in terms of presenting the will before they died?' I looked at him in disbelief. 

There's no way my parents chose wrong. They always had a good intuition.

They even predicted they were going to die at such a young age.

Who even writes a will when they're only reaching their forties? Shouldn't one start writing when they reach their seventies?

"Ahh…yes." I reluctantly sat in the armchair that was the farthest away from my relatives and the closest to the lawyer.

"So Mr. Hoon" The lawyer faked cough and proceeded to hand me a brown envelope.

"Here are the documents you need to sign to confirm you are willing to accept the things your parents left behind."

"Ahh...thank you" I received the brown with two hands before one of my relatives asked

"Are you sure Hoon Youngjae is the one who will inherit all of my sister's properties? Isn't there a kind of mistake?"

A woman with heavy make-up asked as she looked at the brown envelope I was currently holding with greed.

"Yes that is correct-"

"But we are the guardians of Hoon Youngjae. We are the ones who should be holding that brown envelop" The man beside the woman with heavy make-up interluded 

"Yes but-"

"That's right! I don't think Hoon Youngjae is responsible enough to handle currency-"

The woman tried to finish her sentence but the lawyer slammed his hand to the table interrupting whatever the hell my relatives were saying.

…This also almost broke the table by the way. I almost jumped out of my seat even though I wasn't the one he was sending a deathly glare to.

"Please let me finish. According to the law, 18 is already an adult. Meaning, guardians no longer have any right to handle what Hoon Youngjae has and cannot interfere. I am well known to the fact that all of you are also family members and are close relatives of the parents of Hoon Youngjae however, the will states that Hoon Youngjae will receive all of the properties and belongings of his parents."

"That's impossible!" The grandma on my mother's side slammed her fists

"I raised her!"

"I'm well aware" The lawyer fixed his tie and looked at my grandma coldly

'Woah…he's cool' 

I said in my head with amazement as I saw him fighting words with an enemy I never thought I could defeat… which is my grandma of course.

[※Tip: Warning! No dating allowed!]

I almost spit blood as I saw a system warning about dating.

'I don't see him as a love interest at all system! I'm not interested in men!'

[※Tip: Denial is a river in Egypt-]

'I'm not interested in men!!'

"And that will is what your daughter decided to do. To give all of her money and along with her husband to him and him only." The lawyer continued while I was arguing with the system.

My grandma clenched her teeth, and I was worried for a minute her fake teeth would fall off.

'I don't want to see such an unsightly thing' 

I was distracted for a minute before continuing to persuade the system I didn't feel anything about the lawyer.

"Of course, all of that lies within Hoon Youngjae's decision"


I looked at the lawyer confusedly stopping the bickering between me and the system as he continued to explain

"It is Hoon Youngjae's decision whether he will be giving up the rights to claim the will his parents left behind and give it to you"

My relatives' eyes widened with surprise and glee after hearing what the lawyer just has said.

'…If I meet my parents in heaven, I'll definitely be telling them about this betrayal-!'

"Youngyoung…" One of my aunts called me by what my aunty would usually call me and I immediately felt disgusted by it. I couldn't help but scrunch my face in the process.


I stayed quiet before sighing

I'm sorry but I'll be going to be a lot more selfish than before- No. Why am I even apologizing?

"I will accept the will of my parents" I looked at the lawyer sternly.

All of my other relatives were shocked by my decision and tried to make me change my mind.

"Youngjae! You can't do this! Be more respectful and-"

"I'm sorry Grandma and please get out." I looked at them with no emotion in my eyes. 

'Those years when I tried to be independent…Did they even attempt to help my financial difficulties when I was barely paying my rent?'

'While they bask in the Gold I gave them, all I was given back was a notice that I had been completely erased from the family registration. I was no longer part of their family before regression so there is no reason I should treat them as family after regressing.'

"Youngjae! You can't do this-!"

"Also, you were already planning on removing me from the family register right? I can't stand being with people trying to take advantage of me."

"Youngjae please wait-" One of my aunts tried to persuade me but I already turned my head and paid no attention to them. 

"Please leave."

"You ungrateful bastard! You will regret this!" My grandmother walked out of the room along with my other relatives on my mother's side. 

'It seems Aunty didn't join in their little parade huh?' I smiled.

It looks like even with such an opportunity, Aunty still doesn't want to interlude with my activities.

Even when I debuted as an idol, Aunty has always been there for me and has always supported me.

She doesn't care whether she will gain something from helping other people and only wants to help out of pure sincerity.

'My parents truly had exceptional intuition skills huh?' I lightly chuckled before getting interrupted by the lawyer.

"Congratulations Mr. Hoon Youngjae"

The lawyer smiled warmly at me but I knew very well it was a fake smile.

After just witnessing the scene of him almost breaking the table, I knew despite his appearance, he was a dangerous man which made me feel nervous and wary of him whenever he's at my side.


[Warning! An increased rate of heartbeat has been detected! No dating allowed!]

'I already told you system, I'm not interested in men! What I'm feeling right now is fear, not butterflies!!'

"Thank you, attorney."

I ignored what the system was saying and bowed my head as he lightly chuckled at my act.

"Please, no need for the title Mr. Hoon"

"Then attorney Yeop" I answered immediately as Yeop Chunghee continued to smile

"… It's Chunghee-Hyung"

"Pardon?" I was surprised. No matter what, we've only just met how can I call him 'hyung'?

"But that's…"

[※Tip: No dating allowed!!]

"… I'm sorry attorney Yeop. I'm more comfortable calling you 'attorney Yeop'"

I continued to smile and maintained my poker face while secretly cursing the system in my head.

Yeop Chuchee continued to smile even after my blunt rejection

"Alright then. But if you need any help, then please just contact me by my business number."

Yeop Chunhee handed me his business card and I silently nodded. 

Thankfully, he realized that I drew a line in our relationship and he respectfully respected it.

"Can I fill in the documents now attorney Yeop?"

"Sure. It's nearly lunch break anyway and I don't have any clients until 2 pm. However, do you not want to visit any restaurants for today, Mr. Hoon?"

"Is there some kind of occasion attorney Yeop?"

"It's Christmas.


I forgot.

I was too preoccupied these two days that I didn't notice it was already Christmas.

'Maybe I should've noticed it when I was checking my phone while walking to this building but I guess I have no excuse. My birthday is before Christmas so I should've known this date but..'

"I don't think it's appropriate for me to celebrate Christmas attorney Yeop"

"... That's true." The attorney turned silent before getting me a glass of milk and cookies.


"... I'm not a kid attorney"

"I checked your information. You just turned eighteen right? Boys grow up until they are 21."


I thankfully thanked him and ate while signing the papers.

Thank you for taking the time to read "Re-idol" Your support and interest in my work mean a great deal to me. I hope this book brings you joy, inspiration, and a memorable reading experience!

(Re-Idol is the abbreviation of the title of this book)

_Nightingalecreators' thoughts