



Another, perfect chapter as I am going to talk about dreams; but before that let me tell you. It is the perfect day ever, as I am sitting, Chilling on my garden, outside from noises, the bees buzzed, the flowers bloomed and the clear blue sky seemed to have ability to beautify all that glanced upon it. The birdsongs drifted away softy making myself appreciate the nature and more. The newly radiant sun stepped forth and wrapped a blanket of warmth on the land below.

The air is stagnant and hot, yet it makes my eyes glow. Its indeed perfect day. But We all know there is nothing like that may be in heaven.


Many people talk about dreams and it must be nice to have dreams, but they are not real. They are not real because the real things is the real one, the houses and people are real, the bed, the clothes, the money is the real thing all over, the food on the table every day is the best real shot. Dreams are there for you to wake up to pick the Call.

Too much expectations can lead to so much disappointments, Yes that's true,Be careful with your dreams, they tell you to dream high but higher at what level? Most people who dreams at the higher level looks like crazy people but when they succeed they become the luckiest one, why lucky? Because they are few who understand their level of expectations and invest on it. Not all the time we make our dreams come true,if we wait for investor to invest, sometimes we have to come-front and do like never before, Let me tell you a story of a widow.

There was an old woman. A widow one, she was a farmer of vegetables near downtown hill across the river Wambadi she lived in a shoe life herself but not kids, because she really loved her kids, she gave them love, regardless She didn't know other activity other than farming. One day she decided to take a steps in farming to take action on her dreams, to do like never before, to cultivate commercial product, to grow big, to produce more than vegetables, her dream was to be able to use tractor rather than hand hoe, to use advanced technological agricultural machines, like Ferguson machine,she searched for the best seed of passion fruit, she cultivated the seeds, building wires on ropes to support plants and then guess what, now she supplies Passion fruits to the industry which manufacture soft drinks. It was a dream to reality.

She could have never achieved that if she continued to dream sleep at night, she picked the call and now she enjoys.

Sometimes we eat breads without tea because we have water to drink. But what if we have tea without bread? I think We drink cold tea, What if it comes to dreams, sometimes dreams are some of our daily reality thoughts on what we think regularly, what if you dream something you have never seen or thought about? Trust me it will be your ancestors trying to tell you something. Many have a dreams but few have the ability to invest on their dreams may be due to the fear but that is normal because that is reality. Fear comes Sometimes when a person may feel like to have a lot of dreams and that is because due to things a person thinks or see emotionally daily. We need emotional content to understand that.

Due to failure of emotional content people who having a lot of dreams should choose only one and put other dreams to bed.

As I recall from one of my best movies, "No matter how great you are, you cannot know your Destiny. The Great is to come and it's about to be unfold, but like everyone else,you must live and learn"

I discover that in all cultures people believe in spiritual world. My heart tells me it's true even when my mind is trained in scientific observation, raises critical questions, with physical answers.

Martin Luther King Jr, on his famous speech of "I have a dream", Jr said, that one day the sons and daughters of slaves and slave owners will seat together and eat together at the same table. But what happened is that, the son of a slave became the president of the country and icon to many politicians all over the world. (Barack Obama).

In Africa at the time of colonialism our fathers were dreaming about freedom, they were freedom fighters, that's why we are now free but even though now I am free, the lesson I learned is that, if you are dependent you can't be free. The question is are we not still dependent to the foreign countries?, Is neo-colonialism the real problem of nowadays or just the greedness of some African elite leaders. That is an idea to discuss.

Barack Obama is relatively connected to Kenyans, , during one of his conference a reporter asked him, what is he going to do for Kenyans and he just give the simple answer but a very logic one he said " Kenya is for Kenyans and America is for Americans".


HEART:Hey B, do you know what happiness is or sadness is?

BRAIN: I don't know, I only deal with the facts, and I know you have a lot to do with human feelings… Are you broken again?

HEART: No, this time I'm happy even though I have few complains.

BRAIN: Fuck off! People hearts are that way. People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams because they feel like don't deserving them or that they will be unable to achieve them!

HEART: You really don't know. A heart becomes fearful just thinking of loved ones who go away forever, or of the moment that could have been good but were not, or of the treasures that might have been found but were forever hidden in the sands. When this things happens a heart suffers terribly!

BRAIN: Am so sorry my friend, Tell yourself that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself, No Heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity!

HEART: I tell you, everyone on earth has treasure that awaits for him/her, we peoples Heart very few times we say about those treasures, because people no longer want to go in search for them. We speak of them only to children, later we simply let life proceed in its own direction, toward its own fate. We speak more softly, we never stop speaking out, but we begin to hope that our words won't be heard. Then broken forever!

BRAIN: You call that a Broken Heart, but to my side when Brain is destructed IQ it is affected much, numbers don't lie, it is reduced slowly until a person becomes Brainwashed!


What aspects of life are meaningful to you?

If someone were to ask you how you think you are doing in your life, What would you say? Your answer would likely depend, at least to a degree, on how you thought about the question.

For instance, would you consider your life overall, or would you look at parts of it? And if you looked at parts of your life, which elements would you name and contemplate? The topic of how people feel across various spheres of life is one that a researcher, Dr Mohsen Joshanloo, explored in a recent study. He noted that previous research has examined meaningful elements of the human experience. At the same time, he also pointed out that there have been other significant components of people's lives that have not been included in prior investigations. Dr Joshanloo drew from other scholars who proposed aspects of life that were evolutionarily meaningful, then studied how residents of multiple countries left about 15 parts of their lives. More specifically, he asked people how they were faring in terms of:

*Whether their hunger and thirst needs were being met.

*The kind of sex life they want.

*Their comfort level within their body and their surroundings

*Their ability to have a clean-living environment

*A sense of security and protection from danger.

*Feeling physically appealing

*Their ability to have the kind of romantic relationship(s) they want

*Supporting others

*Acquiring assets such as income, property and products

*Managing their surroundings, such as a home

*Having the level of relatedness, partnership, and goodwill they want

*Gaining a certain level of social standing and respect

*An atmosphere based on equity and integrity

*Being able to explore and learn

*Being able to enjoy the types of leisure opportunities they want.

The research revealed that people are most content with how things are going for them in terms of their ability to satisfy their hunger and thirst, to have a clean environment, and to feel secure and protected from danger. In comparison, people said they were unhappy with their assets, their social standing, and their ability to have the type of romantic relationship they want. Notably, of all of the 15 aspects of life, people felt the most discontent with their sex life, which is consistent with another research, as Dr Joshanloo pointed out. Of course, no study is perfect, and Doctor rightly commented on the need for this research to be replicated across a wider spectrum of countries. At the same time, he's also absolutely correct that this study spotlights vital elements of life that deserve more consideration and intervention.


(from the idea of Non Movement Alignment-NAM)

Water is neither black nor white, water is colorless, and still you can see it, The greatest Martial Artist of all time Bruce Lee once wrote about water in his book, Appreciating the uses of water, and it's forms.

Drinking water can help normalize your blood pressure but doesn't necessary lower your blood pressure unless you are dehydrated. Because your blood is made up of 90% of water, the overall volume will decrease when you are dehydrated. When this happens, the body will respond by narrowing blood vessels, causing the blood pressure to rise. But by remaining well dehydrated by drinking six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day may help keep your blood pressure under control along with other health measures.

How much water should I drink?Drinking the recommended amount of water each day has numerous health benefit, which includes.

Helping normalize blood pressure

Maintaining the Balance of electrolytes in the body, including Sodium

Improving the transport of oxygen and nutrients to cells

Regulating body temperature

Aiding digestion

Preventing constipation

Flushing Bacteria and toxins from the kidneys and bladder

Cushioning joints.

Most health providers recommended drinking six to eight ounces glasses of water per day to supplement the water you get from the foods. But this may fall short of your individual needs based on your age, sex, diet, general health, Level of physical activity, and even certain medications you take (such as diuretics)

As a general guideline, the National Institute of science recommends the following adequate levels of total water intake for Adults in Africa;

*For adult female; 11 cups (2.7 liters or about 91 onces) daily from all foods and liquids

*For Adult Males; 15.5 cups (3.7 liters or about 125 ounces) daily from all foods and liquids

In the end, there is no one-size fits to all solutions for everyone. To estimate your individual needs, speak with your healthcare provider, Particularly if you have or are at risk of hypertension.


If you have high blood pressure, it is best to avoid or limit sugary drinks and those that are high in caffeine, including;

*Sports drinks- These drinks are highly in sugar and can promote weight gain which contributes to hypertension. These are only recommended to replace electrolytes lost through sweating or severe vomiting or diarrhea.

*Coffee drinks- Flavored coffee drinks are typically high in sugar and can promote weight gain and high blood pressure. Caffeine is also a stimulant that can independently increase your heart rate and blood pressure.

*Energy drinks- Energy drinks are different from sports drinks in that they don't replace electrolytes. These drinks are high in caffeine.

*Alcohol- Having more than three drinks in one sitting can temporarily increase your blood pressure. Repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term hypertension, likely by decreasing the production of nitrous oxide that the body uses to dilate (widen) blood vessels.