
Friendship Overload

A capricious master of the past is saved by an unsuspecting girl. When told to pick her reward, she merely asks for his friendship. “If so, then I will be your friend. The best damn friend there ever was!” As such begins the journey of a kind hearted girl and her capricious friend. However, the more they learn about the world, the crueler it seems. Will the girl’s light lift it out of chaos, or will her friend’s hidden darkness bury it completely? What is light and what is darkness anyway? In the end, strength conquers all. (More details below↓ ) For those wanting more clear-cut details about the setting: The story revolves around the adventures of a reincarnated reckless mage with evil tendencies and his prodigious friend who’s trying to be a good person. However, the world they live in is low on resources and overpopulated with several races which hate each other’s guts, overpowered monsters that shouldn’t even exist, and paranoid humans on the verge of destruction. Basically, it’s one giant bloodbath waiting to happen.   The MCs need to strengthen themselves, learn and adapt to their surroundings (which become more and more insane with each passing chapter), and eventually, hopefully, do something to stop the madness before the world’s destroyed in warfare.

DanielC1 · ファンタジー
85 Chs

Ch. 26 Journey Home

After being chased by goblins, wolves, and a bird from hell, even Ethan was a little tired of fighting. Though he wanted to see the so called beast people with his own eyes, he decided not to raise a fuss.

Fortunately for their speed and not for their pockets, the next room they visited wasn't meant for storage. Instead of boxes and chests, around 50 beds were placed on each side of the long chamber. All were neatly made, and going by the lack of dust and the various trinkets around them, it was clear they were in use.

"We… We need to leave." Arthur's face turned pale. "Ana, you're a reasonable young lady. Surely, you don't want us to wait for the platoo… the beast people to come back and find us here?" He was so desperate to get out of this place that he started acting like his brother.

Though Arthur only attended a few days at the Academy this year, it was enough to notice their curriculum had changed drastically. Instead of learning various techniques and expanding their cultivation, their new teacher took them through military drills and combat maneuvers.

What scared him back then was that the older generation did no such things in their second year. What scared him right now was that the way those beds were made and organized looked eerily familiar.

"Let's go." said Ana while opening a hole in one of the walls. Though the group knew less than Arthur, it wasn't hard to guess that 50 enemies could swarm them at any moment. Fortunately, their mana pools were already replenished and Arthur's ring was full with gold, jewels, and the more expensive looking items from the previous room.

After much digging and half an hour later, they were back on the surface. The ground looked like the aftermath of a meteor shower. Fortunately, the bird was nowhere to be seen. After quickly running towards the closest patch of trees, some 200 feet away, Arthur gave everyone a scent hiding pill.

'Of course... Why didn't I think of this?' Oliver's cheeks became red from embarrassment. As the future head of an Alchemist family, not bringing the right pills on a life and death expedition was a terrible blunder.

Fortunately, he didn't have to sulk alone. Ethan too was pissed off at himself for not preparing more thoroughly. From now on, he was determined to do things properly.

"I'll make an illusion around us, so we'll blend in with our surroundings. But, it won't work on stronger beasts, so we need to keep quiet."

Despite giving this warning, Ethan erased all sound made by the group. While making their way through the darkness, they were no different from shadows hidden within the shade.

After a long night of marching, the youths' eyes finally saw Last Heaven just as the first rays of sunlight fell upon its walls. The battered and bloodied teens looked like zombies and smelled even worse. But, since this was how most adventurers returned from the forest, the guards let them in without a fuss.

"Finally…" Everyone sighed with relief.

"I can take a shower!"

"I can go shopping!"

'I can get some answers...'

Everyone had their own plans and were happily enjoying civilization. As they approached Ana and Ethan's house, the tension that built up within their bodies was finally going away.

Unfortunately, there were several guests waiting for their return.

"About f**king time, peasant! Where the hell have you been?" A strong sense of déjà vu hit Ethan as he saw 10 young adults waiting for them in front of Ana's house. Without even knowing why, the girl shuddered visibly.

As soon as she went quiet, Ethan's mana took on a nasty color. Ana had fought hordes of goblins, rank 2 gigantic wolves, and a level 4 demonic beast, yet it was these pricks that frightened her?

"Wait." Arthur hurriedly stopped Ethan who was about to move. "They're not the ones who hurt her. We should see what they want first."

"Relax." Ethan removed Arthur's hand, walked past him, and put his arms around Ana. "It's fine..." he whispered. "You're safe."

For a few moments, the outside world went quiet and it was just the 2 of them. As far as Ethan was concerned, all those below level 8 were little more than squirming ants. It was just this girl he cared about, the one person that actually mattered.

While Ana's cheeks were regaining their color, Oliver walked up to them and whispered a few words. The 3 teens looked at each other, and then nodded in unison.


With light steps and a cocky smile, Oliver crossed the distance between the 2 groups stopping only a few inches short of the opposing leader's face. Then, with the grace of a coalminer and the voice of his annoying aunt, Oliver delivered his opening line:

"So… The f**k's your problem?"

It may be a while until I post all the chapters here. So, until I catch up, you can read further ahead here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35895/friendship-overload

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