
Friendship is Optimal- Lover's Code

It was a long day. First I woke up, not in my home, as bland as I can remember that it is, but in a forest. A beautiful forest. Then I find out I have hooves. Hooves! And they were a Cyan blue hue. I couldn't help but be in shock. When I managed to find a pool, I wasn't as shocked as I could have been, but I was still shocked none-the-less at seeing my new face, which appeared feminine. At first I didn't notice, but when I looked closer, I saw a new pair of appendages on my back. Wings. And then I caught my eyes. They were glowing, a dark ethereal blue, which mesmerized me, like I knew who they belonged to, but I couldn't remember. That is until I heard a voice inside my head. It was feminine in sound as well, but I was confused cause I wasn't speaking, yet this is the voice that I heard when I spoke. Did I take over her body by accident? "This was no accident. This was intentional, Love. If only you could've remembered me, your sister-in-arms, and the one who brought us here together, it'd be so much easier to explain." (Story contains other elements from different Genre's, like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 in it's properties, as well as coming soon monsters and bosses from games like Resident Evil, mostly just remake 2, 3, and Resident Evil 7) (P.S, I'm porting this from my Fimfiction account, I hope you people enjoy, cause this was a lot of work when I wrote it. I may fix some things that won't be in my Fimfiction account when I do this, so be warned) (P.S P.S- Yes, I drew that myself, it's Speda in the Equestria Girls humanoid form)

SpedaHooves · テレビ
7 Chs

The Lunar Princesses Retribution - Ch. 6


Friendship is Optimal - Lover's Code

written by SpedaHooves


As soon as she appeared, the rest of the Mane Six tensed up, readying for the oncoming battle. I however, sheathed my weapons, and slowly walked towards her, trying one last time at reasoning with her, even though I knew it'd be pointless unless she had her sister reason with her.

"Please Princesses, I don't want to fight either of you. There has to be a better way to go about this, other than fighting!", I yelled out, but their expression was of grim determination. I tensed up, as I knew the oncoming force of an Alicorn's magic would be close, pulling out the weapons once more, presenting them in front of me to serve as shields.

It was not five seconds, before I was sent across the room, smashing into the castle walls behind me, making a loud grunt of pain as I did so. I heard the girls yell out my name, together in a panic, but I steadied myself, and readied my weapons, spreading my wings to take flight.

"If this is how you really want to do it, then fine, be that way, I'll make you decide to change!", I yelled, flashing forward in an attempt to keep her at bay for the others. "Find the elements, Girls! I don't know how long I'll last!", I exclaimed, just hoping that the Elements were just a last resort.

As soon as I got to the Princesses, our blades slashed, her's merely a shadow, and yet so powerful. I don't know what I would do if she had access to her origional blade. I shudder at the thought, but flinch as my cheek is cut deeply, blood leaking down.

After an exhausting five minute fight against the Princesses, I'm finally flung across the room once again, this time bleeding out of my stomach, I smile weakly, as I see the girls. A bright light is about to consume the Princesses, but I remember the possibility of death, so I fling my injured form in to the trajectory of the beam, getting hit full force, wearing the blast down a bit, but it still hits them. I feel despair, until I see their form turning into two. And miraculously, I'm healed, instead of injured.

I look over myself frantically, and then around until I spot Speda, but she's smiling, while floating next to me. I breathe a sigh of relief, then pick myself up, walking over to the pair, who's starting to waken.

"W... What... Where am I? Wait, what happened to that-! You.. you're okay? You took the force of that in an attempt to save me? I... I... Don't know what to say....", Spoke the darker Princess, who begins to tear up, and then I turn to the lighter one. Luna Moon.

She looks okay, younger even, about my age, if not for the mentality. I slightly blush a bit, noticing how beautiful both of them were, but I quickly shake that feeling away, smile, and offer my hoof to each of them.

"I didn't want to lose the chance of getting to know the real you, rather than the pained and anguished you. I understand both of you were in pain all these years, but you don't need to be anymore. We are here for you.", I say, giving my best at the brightest smile I could attempt, but then I heard another mare cough to get our attention, which was Luna as she sat up, and both of their hooves were placed into mine, the mares faces filled with gratitude.

"We thank thee from the bottom of our hearts! If ye didn't do what ye did ... Our spiritual companion might have perished, and we don't know what we would have done. Thank ye, so much.", Luna said, her voice breaking mid speech, as I pulled her into a hug, which she gladly returned, balling her eyes out.

I understand how she feels. I don't know what I would do without Speda. I look at Nightmoon, and offer her a hug as well, showing her a smile, and she laughs, a bit of tears in her own eyes from her previous crying, accepting my hug, and we just stayed that way for a few minutes, before we heard a voice from someone, in which Luna froze up, not wanting to look, but I did.

"P... Princess Celestia! How-", Twilight began to ask, but Celestia leveled her gaze on me, and Nightmoon who was sharing my embrace with Luna, in which I returned the gaze, protectively.

"I know you may be Luna's sister, but I won't allow you to hurt Nightmoon in the process of getting close to her again. Do you understand me, Princesss?", I asked, not caring if she was royalty, and the patriarch of Ponies everywhere.

Time seemed to stand still, as the girls looked about ready to panic from what I said to their Princess, but suddenly, Celestia lit up in a tear-filled smile, before bursting out laughing.

"Oh, my little pony, if you are so adamant with what you want to do for her, then... I will not protest. In fact, I leave this castle, and it's property, to you, to protect Ponyville, it's citizens, The mare named Nightmoon, and my dearest gratitude.", She spoke with a smile, leaning down to look me in the eyes.

I was stumped. I didn't expect that response, and neither did the others as it seems, especially Nightmoon and Luna, who looked up at her Sister with wide-eyed disbelief.

"..... What?", Is all I could say, before seeing within the amused eyes of the princess, their was deep relief. And also nervousness. I decided I knew what I had to do.

I looked down at Luna, before nodding at her, and back to Celestia, in which Luna understood. She got up, facing Celestia, on wobbly legs, before instantly both Princesses embraced each-other, silent tears for the both of them, and I decided we should let them have their moment.

"Let's go Girls. There's no need to be here right now, let's let them be alone for a while, and go back to Ponyville. Ya know, to Celebrate!", I said, and they all agreed, and off we went. They can have a night to catch up, it's the least both of them deserve to have, what with it being a thousand years and all since they've spoken.



(Need I say it again? Just pay attention to what I've said the past few chapters about these lol)

Author's Note:

Hoowee, I'm sorry guys, that this took so long, but I've been quite busy recently.

First arc done, and over with, here comes the next arc on the horizon!
