
Omake what if? Rainbow Chases

"So none of you knew he could transform either?" Scootaloo asked. Spike and Fluttershy shook their heads.

"I did," Chara said, slightly muffled by the kabuki mask. "He has the Modification skill while I was in his head."

"Ok," Spike said, turning to her. "One, why didn't he tell us about the skill? Two, why did you rat him out?"

"First of all, in her current form, it's she and her. As for your questions...Well, I'm pretty sure she wanted to prank you all at least once before revealing it. As for ratting her out…"

The sound of rushing wind and a scream of pain sounded beneath them. Looking down, they saw Micro still in female form peel herself off a wall and try to run from the hurricane force wind coming after her. The group laughed up on their microbot platform.

"I wanted to see this."

"Well," Fluttershy said. "Anger seems to be the perfect fuel for her to learn her powers."

"Oh!" Chara said turning to Scoots. "Did you distribute your points?"

Scoots nodded. After Rainbow started chasing Micro through the ID, Chara informed her that she went up two levels. Chara and Micro went up 4 themselves since they took down multiple higher level opponents. They were at 18 while Scoots was sitting at 15. She threw two points into LUC like Micro and the others while the other eight were evenly split between DEX and STR.

"How much in both do you think I will have to have to use Crescent Rose?"

"Not sure. But from what you told me you took to Life and Death very well! So…" she leaned in close. "Want some hot info into what Micro is packing in his male form?"

Scootaloo blushed but before she could answer, Spike shouted.

"Save that talk for when I'm not with you please."

"Ok!" Chara said. Suddenly the spot of the platform he was sitting on split apart and he fell through screaming. In air he transformed and used his enhanced strength to grab a building ledge. "So, as I was saying…"

With Micro

'Son of a-'

A cannon blast of wind shot forth and took her legs out from under her.

Why aren't you using air manipulation?

Micro growled as she scrambled to her feet.

Shut up Chara! Don't you think I've tried! Her ability must counteract it!

Another burst hit the wall behind her as she rounded a corner and ducked into an alley. Rainbow shot past the entry, pushed by a slightly uncontrollable burst of wind.

'Ok! What can I do to escape? Think!' Rainbow walked back to the alley, a slightly crazed smile on her face.

"Come here pervert!"

"Gah! Kage Bushin no Jutsu!"

The whole alley flooded with copies of the girl, catching Rainbow off guard.

"What the hell!"

'Thank goodness for how easy cloning is to level up.'

It was a seriously depressing sight seeing the skill drop in max clones after splitting into two with Chara, but after a night of having clones in the dungeons…

Before she could finish that thought, Micro saw a small, sharp piece of metal fly down and pierce a clone. It turned and the clones all started dispelling.

A stinger! That's just cheating Chara! Screw you!

Not until you complete that quest with Scootaloo

Um...what quest with me?


Micro and Chara both responded that at the same time since neither wanted Scoots to think he just wanted to lose his/her virginity to her for a quest. They completely forgot that she was now in party chat with them.


Micro barely managed to get out of the alley before Rainbow could see her. She quickly ducked into an ID version of the an apartment building and started panting, leaning against a wall.

"Should...be...safe…" She panted. Then the noise of glass shattering sounded next to her and she saw the stinger floating, having just passed through the window. "...Damn it…"

She scrambled to her feet and shot up the stairs just as Rainbow crashed through the remains of the window. Micro dashed up the stairs right to the top as the track star followed close behind. Bursting through the door to the roof, Micro leapt off the edge and onto the next building's roof. A burst of air sounded behind her signaling Rainbow had done the same.

Looking back to check on her pursuer, Micro failed to notice a small group of bots form a small line in front of her foot and trip her up.

"Ah!" She screamed as she tumbled to the roof, landing on her breasts. "Owwwww!"

Micro shifted to male form to get rid of that pain. He rolled onto his back just in time to have Rainbow land on him.

"Ok you little perv!" She said with a smile. "Prepare for your beating!"

"Wait!" Micro yelled. Rainbow pulled back her fist as he tried desperately to think of something. "I...I only took yours because of how attractive you are!"

He shut his eyes, expecting a punch. When none came, he opened his eyes and saw her with it an inch from his face.

"...explain," she said through gritted teeth. Now Micro has to think of something.

"Well...I knew that gathering panties gave me power through one of my abilities, so I made a list of girls I would want the panties of first… and you were at the top." He placed a hand on the side of her thigh.

He was desperately praying his Sweet Talker perk and Pleasure skill would work.

On the Platform

"Oh that bastard!" Chara cursed.

"What?" Scootaloo asked.

"He is trying to use his damn CHA perk to seduce her!"

Scootaloo blushed at that. She wasn't upset at Micro. After all, she was fine with a harem. But the thought of her and Rainbow being a part of it together.

"Should've stayed in female form for that," Fluttershy said.

"Why's that?" Chara asked.

On the Roof

"You're flirting with me?" Rainbow said, growling a bit. "When you already have Scootaloo!"

"She knows and is happy with the idea of me forming a harem," Micro said quickly. "Chara is already a part of it! Scootaloo and I already talked about it."

He rubbed her leg a bit at that. She blushed a bit before a small smile appeared on her face.

"Well...should I prove I am worthy of a position in said harem?" She began moving a hand across his chest. He shuddered slightly at that.

"S...sure," Micro said. Rainbow slid a hand across his body and down to his pants. As he hand went lower, she looked into his eyes.

"I'm shocked your ability didn't tell you something important about me…"


She squeezed hard and twisted.

On the Platform

"She's 100% lesbian," Fluttershy finished.

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}