
Chapter 94 - Diamond Asserts Dominance

Friendship is a Game

by Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves

"So what did you do with Applejack?" Spike asked as he and Diamond walked to lunch. He sent a small growl the way of a guy trying to take a picture of his girlfriend's tightly clad rear.

It was a weird situation for the two ability users. Diamond being a succubus gained a bit of power when people lusted after her. As such, she usually kept a small amount of pheromones flowing out to get that boost.

This directly conflicted with Spike's Dracokin nature. While he wasn't one of those guys that felt that he owned his girlfriend, he did see Diamond as his, and for him, the idea of someone else even trying to take what's his enraged him. Add in the fact that even a small dose of pheromones to his heightened Dracokin senses nearly drove him crazy and...eel you get the picture.

Spike would never demand his girlfriend do anything that might weaken or harm her...but that didn't mean he was happy about the whole thing.

"I just had a few spells I wanted to test a few spells I found in the old bitch's books," Diamond said. Spike stroked her back. He knew she hated bringing up her mom. "I figured the best test subject would be a girl with nice hips and a great rack and who better than the farm girl?"

"Well I suppose she does have a great-" his voice caught as he realized what he was saying. Slowly he turned and saw Diamond looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Diamond I…"

"Spike," Diamond said making sure no one was listening in. "Micro has a group of non sex demon girls who are fine sharing him. I feed off sexual energy so do you really think I care if you're attracted to other girls? Heck, if you want to form a harem of your own I don't care as long as they truly care about you, are also fine sharing, and they recognize me as the dominant girl."

Spike blushed as thoughts filed his mind. Suddenly images of Diamond dressed in an outfit even skimpier than her battle gear and holding a riding crop in her hand appeared. Applejack in just her bra and panties found herself with the crop cracking on her plump applebottom. Diamond giggled.

"Something tells me you like that idea...but…" Diamond leaned in and whispered in his ear. "I have something I want to do before you form your harem, so are you free after school today?"

Just as Spike was about to answer, something rounded the corner and slammed into him. Spike saw a flash of blonde hair as they twisted in the air and he fell face first into something soft. Pushing himself up, he felt his hand grip something big and soft.

"Ah…" a voice gasped. Pushing himself up, Spike saw he had just been pressed into Applejack's chest, and currently his one hand was groping one of her double ds.

"I'm sor-" his breath hitched as a scent filled his nose. He knew that smell. Succubus pheromones. So this is what Diamond meant. He felt himself stirring.

Applejack bit her lip as the hand pressed her breast. Her hormones were running wild now. It didn't help that she felt him stirring just as much as her.

'Sweet heaven!' She thought. 'I wasn't imagining things. It is that big!'

She gasped as she felt a slight squeeze and looked up to see Spike staring down at her, his eyes slightly slit like when he was in Dracokin form.

"Spi...Spike?" She asked and suddenly he shone his head. Seeing his hand still squeezing her tit, he quickly stood up and turned around.

"I'm sorry!" He said and shot off down the hall. Applejack stared after him.

"That was hot," Diamond said as she looked around. "Good thing no one else was in this hallway."

Applejack shot to her feet and grabbed Diamond by the shoulders.

"Please!" She begged. "I have been unable to focus on anything! Do you know how awkward it is for my best friends to be hypnotized by my chest?!"

Shortly After the Spells

'Ok AJ,' the blonde said as she walked down the hall. 'Just take a deep breath, get a drink, and relax. It won't be so bad."

Finding a water fountain, Applejack bent over to get a drink. As she was drinking, she felt something stir a bit. That was when she heard the voices.

"Hot damn!"

"I've heard the phrase tall drink of water but not a tall drink of water drinking water."

"Do you think she knows how hot she looks?"

Applejack went to straighten back up when suddenly the water stream from the fountain acted like it hit a wall. The invisible Imp clearly splashed her chest with the water.

"Gah!" She growled and turned away from the fountain. Guys gasped as they saw her chest glisten. Applejack blushed as she tried to cover up.

"Darling, come with me," an elegant voice said. Applejack turned and saw Rarity approaching. "We have to get you cleaned up."

Applejack sighed. Happy her friend was here as she followed her to the bathroom.

"Thank you Rarity," Applejack said as her friend grabbed a handful of paper towels. "I needed a break from the stares."

"Of course darling," Rarity said. Applejack went to take the towels from her when Rarity shook her head. "Allow me darling."

Before Applejack could ask what she meant, Rarity began drying her breasts off. Applejack bit her lip as the sensitivity made her all the more horny.

"You have fantastic breasts my dear," Rarity said as she rubbed the orbs, slightly sliding her hand under the shirt.

"Rarity," Applejack moaned a bit. Then her mind caught up with her. "Gah!"

Applejack pulled away and saw the slightly dazed look on the fashionista's face. Before she could be "helped" again, the farm girl bolted from the room.


"I have had to take a break at least once a class to relieve the build up," Applejack blushed. "My project partners and I got zero work done because they were focused on me and I was too distracted to think straight! Please perform the counter spells."

"Hmmm," Diamond thought. "I don't know. I mean I may not have enough field work."

"I will literally do anything else! Just please release me from this."

Diamond grinned.

"Anything?" Applejack gulped.

"...Within reason…"

"Don't worry," Diamond said smiling as they walked to the bathroom. "I think you will find my solution very reasonable considering what started this."


Spike sat down at the table with his friends, still blushing profusely. Shiro was the first to take notice.

"What happen? You're as red as a tomato." Spike was about to respond when Diamond walk in and joined them.

"Well," she said smiling. "That was a fun experiment."

"What experiment?" Micro asked. "Is this why you and Applejack went off together?"

"She made a deal with me and agreed to help test a few spells," Diamond said simply. "Basically the first made her assets more eye catching and the other made her more sensitive."

Everyone stared at her.

"Are you telling me," Apple Bloom started. "You turned my sister into someone who people can't help but stare at, and that even the slightest turn on sets her libido ablaze?!"

"Basically," Diamond smirked. The girls all shared a look.

"I'm glad you didn't have your powers when you were still a bully," Scootaloo said. Diamond just smirked as she her sandwich.

"So where is she?" Apple Bloom asked. "I don't see her."

"She's probably still contemplating the other deal I offered her."

Earlier in the Bathroom

"I am not doing that!" Applejack said. Diamond rolled her eyes.

"Why? It seems fair considering…"

"That was an accident and I don't have a picture or anything!" Diamond nodded, conceding the point.

"Well I'm sure if you had a camera on you…"

Applejack growled in frustration as the thoughts of keeping a picture like that started stirring things down south. She heard a sigh and suddenly...the feeling started to fade. It was still there, but no longer as intense as it was. Looking back she saw Diamond inhaling deeply and smiling.

"Wow you really were pent up," Diamond moaned a bit. Applejack smiled and hugged the girl.

"Thank you!" she cheered. Diamond just grinned.

"I just felt I had a better chance of you doing what I would like if I offered something else." Applejack pulled back from the girl and raised an eyebrow. Diamond held up a hand to stall any comments and continued. "I know you've been thinking about my boyfriend."


"I am a succubus," Diamond cut her off. "I can tell when you see him you feel a deep attraction. Which is why I will say this. Send him what I asked you to, and I will convince him to ask you out. He is attracted to you, but despite me telling him I'm ok with it, he seems a bit hesitant."

Diamond probably would push for him to do so anyway, but she liked this idea. Besides, she was going to be the dominant girl in the relationship, so she best start establishing herself now. She left Applejack to contemplate the offer. The farm girl at first wanted to just reject the idea. Why would she do that? For one, Spike was already dating someone, and she already chastise Pinkie for trying to flirt with Sugar despite him dating her sister? Applejack was no hypocrite. Besides, if she wanted to get with a guy she liked she could convince him to go out on her own!

The full weight of that last sentence crashed in on her.

'I...like him…' she thought. 'But still, I shouldn't!...but his other girlfriend is ok with it… and knowing he has THAT and probably will spend his time drooling over it all day…'

Before she could lose her nerve, Applejack locked the bathroom door and reached for her shirt buttons.


"What other deal?" Spike asked when his phone went off. Opening it up he read the messages.

I want to go out sometime. Though I figured it would be awkward considering what I saw. So I figured we should both be in the same boat.

Before he could even think of typing the word what, a picture came through and he fell out of his seat. While everyone was checking to see if he was ok, Diamond grabbed the phone before anyone else could see.

'Oh I'm definitely going to have some fun with you when we have our first threesome,' she thought, closing the nude.