
Chapter 90 - Some Truth Comes Out

Friendship is a Game

by Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves

Chara stretched as she leaned back from the computer screen. What she just did was difficult and a little heart wrenching at points, but Micro was right. They were just games in this world.

"Aye dios mio!" Sombra's voice came out of the speakers on the computer. "You sure downloaded a lot of games."

"Sombra? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Micro in Japan?"

"I have no interest in seeing yet another sex scene staring the boss," the AI muttered and Chara rolled her eyes.

"Welp, that's another. I think only Silver is left."

Sombra on screen rolled her eyes and began grouping the downloaded games into one folder.

"Any that you haven't beaten yet or that you just want to keep?" Sombra asked.

"I should be good," Chara said as she shifted form, equipping Micro's usual outfit. If he wasn't showing up she would have to make breakfast for his mom this morning. A clone could, but she didn't want to risk it burning itself and dispelling. The disguised Chara made her way up to kitchen and after searching through her shared memories with Micro, began prepping sunny side up eggs and bacon.

"Mmmm," a voice said behind Chara. "That smells so good."

'Micro' turned and saw Software Spark coming down the stairs, dressed in black pants and a red blouse. Her neon blue hair was in a bob cut. 'Micro' smiled and put together a plate, setting it on the table.

"So what's your plan for today?" Software asked, taking a bite of the eggs. 'Micro' shrugged, not really having thought about it too much.

"Not sure," 'he' said. "I may just hang out with my friends, see what we decide."

"No dates planned today?" Software asked. 'Micro' schooled 'himself' with Gamer's Mind just fast enough to prevent freezing in shock. 'He' wasn't sure what the real him told his mom about his girlfriends yet. 'He' decided to be vague.

"Nothing today. At least not specifically. May hang with everyone together."

"Well I hope you and Scootaloo have a great time with the others today," Software said. 'Micro' felt a knot in 'his' stomach relax. 'He' was good now.

"We will. I promise I will bring her over to meet you sometime soon."

"And will I get to meet Silver soon to?" 'Micro's' heart sank at those words and 'he' turned to face Software who was giving 'him' the Mother Glare. "I was helping set up inventory software at a jewelry store and the owner and I got talking about our children. When I told him your name, he said that he thought that was the name of the boy that his daughter was going out with. I found this strange since you told me you and Scootaloo were doing well. So...is there a reason you are dating Silver at the same time you appear to be dating Scootaloo?"

'Micro' was extremely nervous, but knew that 'he' couldn't get the real Micro in trouble, and that the real Micro wouldn't lie.

"Well...you see...they kinda both...know about each other."

Software Spark raised an eyebrow and motioned for 'him' to continue. 'Micro' went on to explain how Scootaloo and Micro talked about Silver seeming to like him as well, and how they decided they could try and see if this sort of thing could work out.

"So…" Software said slowly as she processed the information. "Your girlfriend was the one who first suggested that you see if a three way relationship could work?"

"Um...while we are being upfront and honest…" 'Micro' decided to push onward. "It's five way."

Software stared at 'her son' before rubbing her temples.

"I should not have brought this up before I left," she muttered. "Can't have a drink."

She took a deep breath and let it out.

"Just be responsible," she finally said before going back to her breakfast. 'Micro' stared at her.


"Micro," Software said between bites. "You are the smartest kid in the world. You make your own inventions that have been thought to be impossible by many. You run your own business with those inventions. I trust you to follow your heart and make your own decisions...just don't ask me to be there with you when you explain that to their parents."

'Micro' was caught off guard by that and just stared as 'his mom' finished her breakfast.

"What?" Software asked.

"I just wasn't expecting you to be so ok with it…" 'His' mother smiled.

"Honey, I will always love you and you are growing up to make your own decisions. If you think that you truly care about all of them equally, then who am I to judge that decision."

'Micro' was shocked by that, but smiled. The thing that hit 'him' the most though…

'I will always love you…'

The words echoed in the disguised Chara's mind. Other than Micro, the only people who said that to her.

Three anthropomorphic goat like creatures popped into her head. Two adults, one small boy.

'His' eyes started to water as Software put her plate in the sink and turned to go.


Software turned and was pretty much tackled in a hug.

"Oh! Are you ok dear?" 'Micro' took a deep breath but pulled back and smiled.

"Yeah...I just...I love you too."

Software smiled and hugged the 'boy' back before heading out. When the car pulled out of the driveway, Chara returned to her normal form. It was a little bit before she was composed again. When she finally was, she went over to the house phone and dialed up Scootaloo's number.

"Hey Scoots," Chara said. "I was thinking...Micro is out with Fluttershy today. How about we have ourselves a girl's day out?"