
Chapter 68 - The Morning After and an Exploit

Micro was worried for a split second when he woke up and wasn't in his own room. There were a bunch of motocross and x games posters up, off to the side there was a scooter leaned up against a wall. Then he felt a pressure on his chest and smiled. Looking down, he saw the maroon haired girl he fell in love with on top of him.

After losing their virginities to each other on the track, they had moved to the locker room showers before Micro made a clone that was disguised as Scootaloo and had it return home for her while they popped into an ID version of her room to spend the rest of the night. Micro pulled up his quest log and smiled happily at seeing his favorite quest so far complete.

Quest Complete!

Give and Take

-Lose your virginity to Scootaloo

-Take Scootaloo's virginity

Quest Reward

-Lover status with Scootaloo

-Scootaloo's panties

Quest Failure

-Loss of opportunity

The orange panties were sitting pretty in his inventory. He hadn't expected Chara to tell Scootaloo about what happened, but was happy with the result.

I think it's sweet. You got a quest because you wanted to share your first time with me.

He smiled as he saw her sleeping form. He wished they could stay like this forever...but they both needed to do things today. Reluctantly, he tried shaking her awake. She grumbled but didn't seem to wake up. Curious, Micro checked her status.

Status: Awake but pretending to be asleep

Rolling his eyes he raised a hand and brought it down.

"Ow!" Scootaloo gasped as she rubbed her bare butt. "Did you have to do that?"

"To get you to stop pretending to be asleep? Yes." He grinned. "I want to stay like this too but don't you think you should spend some time with your parents before they head out on their trip?"

Scootaloo grumbled but nodded. Sending a message to his Scootaloo clone to make sure the coast was clear Micro broke the ID and the two got dressed.

"See ya beautiful," Micro said as he pulled his girlfriend into a final kiss. They heard footsteps outside the door and Micro pulled back and jumped into an ID by himself. Scootaloo was still smiling when her mom walked in.

"Morning Sweet Heart," Mane said. "Did you get a goodnight's sleep?"

Scootaloo has to suppress a giggle as she responded.

"Yes mom. It was probably the best night of sleep I had in my life."

With Micro

"Wooohooo!" Micro cheered as he began doing mid air stunts in his Iron Watcher armor. "You hear that world? Micro Chip has lost his virginity!"

"They don't hear because you're in an ID. As for me, I hear you clearly without you shouting."

Micro blushed crimson as Sombra appeared in his visual display.

"Hehe…sorry." Sombra rolled her eyes as Micro decided to message Chara.

Bout time you got back to me. So, how was your first time?

I have no idea what you mean.

Of course you don't. Can't wait for my turn.

And who said you are getting yours any time soon?

Keep teasing me like that and I won't tell you the awesome system exploit I found with our ability.


Meet me in the woods close to where you go to train with Winter Fields.


"Scootaloo must really have some stamina if you two went at it all night," Chara commented. "Though I do wonder how I will compare."

Micro blushed and rolled his eyes at Chara's antics.

"Like I told Scootaloo, I want the first time I sleep with someone I care about be special. In other words, not just because I slept with someone else already."

Chara pouted but nodded. She wanted to surprise him anyway.

"So, what's this about an exploit?"


"What are you two doing here?" The duo turned and saw Fluttershy standing there in a green tank top and yellow shorts.

"Oh, hey Fluttershy," Micro said. "How're you doing?"

They hadn't really spoken since the past Tuesday. Not for lack of wanting to, but just because it had been one thing after another.

"I'm good. Just a bit...hungry perhaps."

She blushed a bit at that as Chara and Micro exchanged a look. They were pretty sure she didn't mean hungry for food.

"Have...you not had blood in a while?" Chara asked. Fluttershy blushed again but this time nodded. Micro thought for a moment and started undoing the buttons on his shirt.

"What're you doing?!" Fluttershy questioned in shock.

"You need blood, so I'm letting you take some," Micro said as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "I trust you and you said mine was potent and delicious so…"

"I…" Fluttershy was flabbergasted as Micro removed his shirt. She didn't know why she was so surprised, considering how nice a person Micro was...but still. For an ability user (let alone one as potentially powerful as Micro) to give up his blood so freely…

"Hold up a moment," Chara said before Fluttershy could move in closer. "I don't think you should just give it so freely."

"Chara….what are you playing at?" Micro asked.

"Well if your blood is so special, giving it away free is the same as a bar giving away its finest scotch for the same rate as tap water. I think some form of compensation is necessary."

The smirk on Chara's face made Micro groan internally. He knew she was scheming something. Something to tease him and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy for her part looked intrigued by the interaction.

"What do you mean?" Futtershy asked. "What should I give him as payment?"

"Well...he certainly seemed to enjoy what you two did after your date. Maybe something like that? But without the fighting at the end."

Micro turned crimson and faced Chara.

"For crying out loud Chara! Just because we did that once doesn't mean…"

"Seems fair."

Micro paused as he heard the rustle of clothing. Turning his head slowly, he saw Fluttershy with her tank top in hand, stepping out of her yellow shorts. Clad in only her yellow lingerie, Fluttershy walked up to him.

He was too stunned to respond until she kissed him, at which point he happily returned it and placed his hands at her waist. It was a good minute before she broke the kiss and moved slowly down to his neck, trailing kisses until he felt her fangs break skin. He gasped as he felt the blood leaving him, but couldn't tell if it was more than the amount flowing down south.

After a few moments, Fluttershy pulled back with a blush as she moaned from how delectable the blood was. The two looked at each other, faces crimson, as Chara took a photo.

"That's a keeper!" She cheered. That was enough to snap the two out of it and Fluttershy turned back to get dressed, though she still gave Micro a decent show of her thong flossed rear as she bent over for her clothes.

"So...um…" Fluttershy said. "What're you two doing here again."

"Oh right!" Chara said as she pulled out a couple Pokeballs from the Inventory. "I bought a bunch of these on the Chaos Auction last night."

"...May I ask why?" Micro said. "We already have balls for our starters and…"

Not even waiting for him to stop, Chara three the Pokeballs into the air. They popped open and in a beam of red light, a small white candle with a purple flame and a small white humanoid creature with a green dome on its head and a red fin from it appeared. Micro went wide eyed as he saw them.

"But...how!? They aren't starters! So how did you-!"

That was when it clicked. She bought a bunch of Pokeballs. She had Pokémon that weren't starters. That could only mean…

Chara tossed out another ball, revealing that her Chimchar evolved into Monferno.

"Would've trained the others up, but thought you'd might like to do so." She handed him the rest of their starter team. "You're free to join us Fluttershy. Maybe catch some Pokémon of your own?"

Fluttershy looked surprised at the offer, before nodding and taking some of the offered balls.

"Now then," Chara said as she turned toward Micro. "Want to try and catch them all?"

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}