
Chapter 26 - Spoon Discussion

"So you got him wrapped around your finger huh?" Rainbow asked as she jogged along side Scoots. They were finishing up practice with a few laps around the track. Rainbow eyed Micro who was looking up from his notebook to watch Scootaloo every so often.

"Rainboooow," Scootaloo groaned. "Do you have to tease me?"

"You're like my little sister. It's my job to tease you."

Scootaloo blushes at that, but looks over to Micro who gives her a smile.

"You really like him don't you?" Rainbow said. She was happy for her sister figure. Though should that boy do anything to hurt her...

"He's amazing," Scootaloo said, thinking of the young Gamer fighting the Fangs off.

Meanwhile, Micro was having a discussion of his own.

'So what do you think that was about earlier?' He thought to Chara.

You mean with that Silver Spoon girl?

Earlier that day in Gym

"This is the last day you will be with your partners on your own," Spitfire said. "You will be practicing goal shooting and keeping. Next week it will be team matches. Grab a portable goal and make sure you have plenty of space."

Micro and Silver set up as close to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle as possible, much to Silver's chagrin. Diamond finally didn't mouth off and was paired with Pipsqueak. She was watching Silver to makes sure she does what she is supposed to….only to take a soccer ball to the head when she was supposed to be goalkeeping.

Micro was the goalie first and winked at Scootaloo who had conveniently turned the goal to face him. He hears a cry and looks to see Silver on the ground.

"Silver!" He said running up to her. "You ok?"

He kneels down besides her and blushes a bit. Somehow when she fell, her gym shirt rose up and showed off her flat stomach. Her shorts slipped down revealing a gray waistband.

"I...I missed a kick and slipped on the ball," Silver said in an embarrassed tone. She could see Micro was distracted a bit by her clothes and she felt a small bit of pride in the embarrassment. 'He finds me attractive.'

"You need to be more careful," Micro said, holding a hand down to pull her up. As she stood, she found herself chest to chest with him. Micro blushed crimson as her lavender eyes stared through her glasses, through his, and into his eyes.

"I will," she said breathlessly. "I promise."

Micro heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Scootaloo looking at them. It wasn't exactly anger...but that made it a bit scarier. He let go of Silver Spoon.

"Just...be more careful." He went back to the goal.

Later in Science

"Now we will be working on two person projects young ones," Zecora said as she handed everyone sheets of paper explaining the project. "Find someone you can work with that can make it fun."

Silver stood up and looked toward Micro. Trying to get to him quickly, she saw Scootaloo and him talking. When she got to them, Scootaloo saw her and glared.

"What do you want?" She said. Silver blushed.

"I...had just been thinking since Micro and I make good gym partners…"

"Well he and I are partners in this class," Scootaloo practically growled until Micro put a hand on her knee.

"Scootaloo...please…" his girlfriend looked at him and sighed, turning away. He looked over at Silver. "Maybe some other time. Or if there is a project with more than two people."

"Oh...ok…" Silver walked away sadly. Micro felt a bit guilty before Zecora started giving more instructions.


Seems to me like she likes you.

'But...what about the whole Diamond Tiara thing? As long as she is friends with her…'

Don't you have a quest to stop that though? And I see you didn't deny anything about liking her back or not.

'Well…you're the one who first brought up the harem route idea. If Scootaloo approves…'

You just want to live out perverted fantasies.

'Do I need to bring up the well hung comment again?'

"All right ladies!" Spitfire said. Micro looked up to see the girls panting. "Hit the showers. That's it for today."

Micro waited until Scootaloo was done, jotting game and skill ideas down in his notebook. If anyone asked he could say it was for a story or something.

Three screens popped up and he grinned when he saw them. Ducking beneath the bleachers he was on, he quickly entered an ID, hoping Scoots took at least as long as she did yesterday.

You have completed the game

Pokémon Emerald

Do you want to sacrifice your save file in order to gain a skill/weapon?


You have completed the game

Pokémon Platinum

Do you want to sacrifice your save file in order to gain a skill/weapon?


You have completed the game

Pokémon X

Do you want to sacrifice your save file in order to gain a skill/weapon?


He quickly hit yes on all of them.

About 15 Minutes later, Scootaloo came out to see Micro walk out from beneath the bleachers.

"Whatcha doing under there?" She asked, taking a quick peek. She trusted him...but it didn't hurt to make sure there was no one she didn't approve of under them as well.

"Had to duck into an ID real quick. You want to see what I just got?"

Scootaloo looked around and saw no one was looking. The other girls left through the main building, not by the track. Rainbow even gave them their time alone. She turned back and nodded, Micro raising his hand and forming an empty one around them.

"So, you know little Litten here,' he said as he threw a Pokeball into the air. The fire cat landed and padded up to Scootaloo. The girl kneeled down and picked him up and snuggled with him.

"Of course! This cute little guy protected me from Zombies. Who's a little badass? Litten!"

Litten seemed to enjoy the praise and cuddled against her in return. Micro smiled, debating whether he wanted to evolve Litten or not. He (or more specifically his female form) loved cuddling with the little guy and so did Scoots it seemed. Oh well, he could figure that out later. He had a good few levels left.

"Well I just had my clones beat a few other Pokemon games and sooo…" He held up three more balls and tossed them, the red lights shooting out.

He let Chara pick the first one. From Platinum shot out his second fire type, Chimchar. The little orange furred monkey with the short fire tail grinned up at Scootaloo.

Chimchar Lv1

Chimp Pokemon

Relationship: Excited to meet new people

Ability: Blaze- When low on health, Fire moves are boosted




The second was picked by his female form, but with a little bit of influence from Chara prevented them from getting a third fire type in a row. After promising to play through the game again at some point to get Fenniken, Froakie was the second cutest choice. The light blue frog with cloud like puff around its throat croaked and jumped happily seeing someone else.

Froakie Lv1

Bubble Frog Pokemon

Relationship: Excited to meet new people

Ability: Torrent- When low on health, Water moves are boosted




The final had been male Micro's choice. He picked the emerald selection and rounded out the element groups and chose Treecko. The green, bipedal gecko with the oversized tail chewed on a small twig and looked up at Scootaloo and his trainer.

Treecko Lv1

Wood Gecko Pokémon

Relationship: Currently bored

Ability: Overgrow- When low on health, Grass moves are boosted




"This is amazing!" Scootaloo said, looking at all the real life pocket monsters. "Your ability is awesome."

"So...you want to train them up a bit on the way back to your house?"

Scootaloo looks up at him a little nervously and he puts a comforting arm around her.

"And if any enemy comes close to you I will be there."

That brought a smile to her face. Then she remembered something.

"Why are you paying so much attention to Silver Spoon?"

That would've caught Micro off guard had Chara not teased him about this possibility throughout the track practice.

"I know she is currently friends with Diamond Tiara," Micro said. "But...you know how I told you I receive quests?" Scootaloo nodded. "Well, after meeting her, I got one about Silver. Basically, it asked me to try and get her away from Diamond Tiara because it's an abusive friendship."

"So you are just trying to help her?" Scootaloo asked. Seeing her boyfriend nod, she looked a bit uncomfortable. "Micro...you haven't known them as long as I have. Those two...Apple Bloom's cousin fell for their tricks before and became a horrible bully before seeing what she was doing was wrong. Silver laughed right along with Diamond."

Scootaloo looked up at Micro with tears in her eyes.

"I...I don't want them to try and use you. Or...what if they…" Micro sees her tears and pulls her in close.

"You think I would turn against you? That I might fall for Silver and start acting like Diamond and her?

Scootaloo forced herself to nod. Micro strokes her hair.

"I promise you Scootaloo, I will never turn against you like that. Even if for some reason in the future we don't work out, I won't turn out like that." He tilts her head up a bit and kisses a tear away. "Not that I think we will run into a problem like that."

She smiles at that and giggles.

"Ok. I can't say I like the idea of you trying to get closer to Silver…"

Just wait until she finds out you are attracted to Silver.


"But I understand why. However! If she tries to trick you or use you in any way, shape, or form…"

"I understand," Micro said. "I will be careful."

The two held each other close for a bit before Scootaloo pulled back and looked at the four animals looking at them.

"So...which of these cutie pies are mine to train?"

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}