
Chapter 25 - The Recent Couple

"Give us the details!" Sweetie Belle said as she, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were walking to school.

"Yeah!" Applebloom said. "What all happened?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. She had anticipated this and had come up with what she was going to tell her friends. Sweetie Belle blushed when she said about the part of her sitting in Micro's lap. When she got to the incident with the Fangs she simply said that a couple tough guys tried hitting on her and Micro stood up to them, even slugging one who tried to get handsy with her. And finally…

"Well a girl should never kiss and tell," she concluded with a smirk. Her two friends went wide eyed at that and their jaws dropped.

"How long?!"

"Was it deep?!"

"How good was it?!"

The questions like this kept pouring in and Scoots delighted in not telling her friends anything and allow their imaginations to run wild. By the time they saw her laughing, they already had taken the story so far they thought it had been a ten minute long makeout session.

"Well, I guess that means he cancelled plans with Fluttershy," Applebloom mentioned.

"Nope. They are still going to the mall tomorrow."

Her friends looked at her shocked.


"You are ok with him going out with…" Sweetie makes motions over her chest to simulate the older girls chest.

"What if she tries seducing him or something?!" Applebloom cried out.

"The way I see it, there are three possibilities," Scootaloo said. "One, this trip with Fluttershy results in them just being friends. Two, he decides Fluttershy is for him and we end what would've been a doomed relationship early on rather than when it gets too serious. Or three, he can't decide and we discuss what to do from there."

Her two friends looked at her confused.

"What do you mean decide what to do from there?" Applebloom asked.

"Well...you know those shows we watch in our clubhouse that we know our parents/sisters wouldn't approve of? And how we discussed what would happen if that were real life?"

"Scootaloo you can't be serious?!"

"Those had been jokes!?"

"Well...I kinda like the idea," she blushed as she imagined Micro sitting in Fluttershy's lap, head buried in her chest as she curled up in his lap. She turns to Applebloom. "Are you telling me if Sugar liked both you and a girl you found attractive you wouldn't want to try things out?"

"Well I don't know...I guess we would have to see if...WAIT?! WHO SAID I LIKED SUGAR!?"

After a chuckle, Sweetie turned to Scoots.

"But the other day you told us how upset you were when you saw the accident with him and Silver Spoon in gym. If you got upset over an accident, how would you feel if he did something like that on purpose?"

"Well she was Tiara's lap dog! Of course I was upset," Scoots said. "But if it's a girl I like…"

She closed her mouth and her friends turned to see they had arrived at school and the boys were walking up to them.

"We'll talk later." The other two nodded and Scootaloo pulled Micro into a hug.

Earlier with Micro

'Please stop laughing,' Micro begged as he rubbed his temples. Chara didn't stop. 'Why didn't you remind me?!'

Because it was too funny!

'What if I made it to school before realizing? The teachers are on a lookout for my female form!'

After the dungeon, he had stayed in female form for a bit and played with Litten, worked on some homework, and designed some projects. By the time he had realized how long it had been, it was almost time for school. Without having any time to change he bolted up the stairs and out of the door in the same clothes as yesterday (hopefully people would just think it was just a duplicate outfit since many people at school seemed to have worn the same thing most of the week).

It wasn't until a guy wolf whistled that she looked down, saw the holes between the buttons that showed off cleavage that he remembered he was in female form. He needed to duck into an ID and shift back.

It would've been even funnier!

'I swear I will…' He never finished the thought as he felt something yank down hard on his pants, pulling them to his knees.

"I warned you to be prepared for attacks," Frida's voice said as he quickly went to pull his pants back up. "Just be happy I waited until no one was…"

She stopped as she saw a flash of sky blue fabric just before the pants covered it.

"Were those panties?" Frida asked. Micro turned to face the busty ninja stammering. She was in a pink tank top that showed off her chest and was tight enough to reveal her bra's outline. She also wore a pair of black shorts that read 'grab and die' across the rear.

After unlocking their power, Micro's female form had decided to try the panties on and found they fit nicely. In the rush to leave, Micro didn't change.

"I...you see…"

"Never mind. You do you. Besides, you have to get to school. Training tonight again."

"Wait I-" a smoke bomb went off and he started coughing, when it cleared Frida was gone and he saw Spike and Sugar walking up to him.

"What the heck was that?!" Spike asked. Micro was crimson,happy his friends didn't see.

"Frida and her training," He muttered.

"You ok man?" Sugar asked.

"Fine! Let's go!" He turned and began walking quickly as Chara's laughter was back full force.

A bit later

When are you going to tell them about me?

She had finally calmed down and had started listening to the boys talking, kinda wishing she could join in.

'Who? Scoots or the guys?'


'Well, the guys will probably be told after we figure out what exactly we are going to do with you. As for Scoots…' he sees his girlfriend and embraces her as she hugs him. 'I will tell her when I figure out how the heck to explain that I have a perverted girl living in my head.'

You are calling me a pervert when you have been trying to figure out the best way to steal the panties of the majority of the school? Not to mention, she didn't seem upset with the prospect of you going out with Fluttershy, who's to say she would be upset to learn about me.

'Well we don't know if she is ok with me dating Fluttershy at the same time. Just that she...wait...are you implying we are a couple?!'

He could feel Chara 'blush' when Scootaloo spoke.

"So are you staying to watch the first practice today?" Micro smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Of course. Though I do have stuff to do tonight so sadly I wouldn't be able to do too much after."

"That's fine. I know there's a lot you have to take care of." She sounded a bit sad at that but perked up when Micro hugged her a bit tighter.

"Awwww!" The two blush and separate seeing Applebloom and Sweetie gushing over them as Spike and Sugar restrain laughter.

Off a little ways, Diamond was watching them with Silver close behind her.

"Looks like Scootaloser and that jerk Micro got together," she said, turning her nose up at the two. "I just know that boy did something to my phone. If daddy just investigated it rather than say I shouldn't have had that video to begin with…"

Silver Spoon didn't say anything. She just looked at the two with sadness.

'I guess I shouldn't have hoped for too much…'

"Oh I have an idea!" Diamond said and turned excitedly to Silver Spoon. "You said acted like a friend to you. Do you think it might've grown to more?"

"Well...I…" Silver stammered, wondering where this was going. "I...suppose…"

"Perfect! You continue to get close to him during gym, and then when he starts paying more attention to you than her, she will break up with him and you will dump him leaving both alone!"

She lets loose an evil cackle as Silver looks shocked.

"Diamond...I don't think I…"

"Save it. I've seen how you look at him. Until it's time to break up, use him however you like. Now, let's get to class. Daddy's already annoyed I got in trouble in gym I don't need to be in trouble with the other teachers."

As Diamond walked off, Silver stood stock still.

'I...I can't do that to him…' she looked up at the recent couple and felt a growing unease. 'But...I would like to be with him...and who says I have to dump him when Diamond says. I could convince her he didn't do anything…even though he did…'

Silver saw the two walking hand in hand and felt her heart twist.

'Maybe I can win him over...if he does truly fall for me...it's not my fault...right?'

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}