
The aftermath

I woke up with the sound of birds chirping around me.It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining the brightest glow on my face. I don't know if it was the birds or the gentle and crisp sunlight,I felt a wave of happiness running down my spine and all throughout my body.

Suddenly, something weird started to happen as if things were not boding well with me.Its a beautiful morning and I should be in my bed.My mother is supposed to come and wake me for school.Instead,I'm laying here..in grass..I guess? I need to get up fast but the moment I started moving my body, it fell down again.My body was in excruciating pain and it was near impossible for me to get back up. I looked down and saw blood streaming down my belly .The thing that caught me by surprise was the fact that there was a knife...stabbed in my belly. I was shocked by the horrific sight ,not because I literally had a knife stabbed in my body but because it seemed so familiar to me.This is the exact knife Keira got for her 18th birthday. I should know because it was me who gifted it to her.

Did my best friend, my half-sister,actually tried to kill me?And was she a successor?